Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jadyn Turns 17

Another eventful year in Jadyn's short 17 years.

On her B-day she woke up to a decorated door from Jorrin.
Then we went to dinner with her and game home to open her presents. This year she got new cleats. A new phone (which was not on the list but hers broke the day before)
some jewelry to wear with her prom dress, new silver lace Toms to wear with her prom dress, a new swimsuit, and Terry spent several hours finishing up her soccer recruiting video that he gave her and we watched. You can see it on you tube under Jadyn Losee Soccer. If you haven't seen it and want to check it out. He did a great job! She also got spoiled by her boyfriend Jake he had to work on her b-day so he left her notes throughout her car telling her when to check next and then in her trunk she found roses, some perfume, and a necklace she had showed him a while ago. Then the next day he took her to dinner and watched one of her favorite videos. All in all another great B-day!
On Sunday it was conference and also Terry's dad's b-day so we made a cake for he and Jadyn and went over to celebrate.
They enjoy having their b-days so close!
After the kids went and played in the back yard.

I loved this picture of Terry peaking over the chair so I had to share it.