Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 7, 2010


Jadyn's Regional Track Meet

Jadyn relaxing before her heats.

After finishing her 100 meter run.

Jadyn did awesome in her 1st year of track. At region she placed 4th in 100 and 200 meter, 2nd in 400 meter and 1st in the 4 x 400. She will be going to state at BYU next week. Also the Snow Canyon Girls won Region! Congratulations Jadyn!

Jaicelyn's 3rd grade program and her being honored for passing off her times tables.

She was proud of herself for passing them off before the program but she was mostly happy she did it because of the 5 dinner gift certifcates she was awarded. GOOD JOB JAICE!

Jorrin's Honor Choir Program.

Daddy/Daughter Date

Filling out their "Armed Forces" paperwork (it was words they had to unscramble about the Armed Forces).

Entering the training camp area.

The "Army Staff" ready to serve all the new enlisties.

"Flight Training". They had to throw a paper airplane into a tire in the middle of the room.

Terry and Jadyn finishing off the obstacle course. They decided to do it backwards so Jadyn was trying to hit the target shooting backwards. They actually did pretty good.

Doing the "Haka" from forever strong (which is our YW camp theme this year).