Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jantzyn's 6!

Sometimes I think it is harder to have a Birthday the end of May then around a holiday. I remember the day she was born the girls had a dance recital and I don't think that there has been a birthday since that there hasn't been something on her day. This year she had her kindergarten field trip to the firestation. I was off of work so I was so lucky to be able to go with her (I am so mad I forgot to take my camera on the field trip), she loved it and especially getting to squirt water from the firemen's hose. After school I took her to McDonald's (her request) so she could have her favorite... chicken nuggets (yummy), and play on the play place for a while, then we ran everyone around to their activities. I had put her presents on the fireplace around 3:00 and she sat by them until 5:30 when Terry got home. We ate dinner and when she could hardly contain herself anymore we hurried and opened presents and then headed to Jaicelyn's softball game. After we got home at 8:30 we sang Happy Birthday and had cake and icecream. She was very excited to wear her new PJ's (i've had a hard time getting her to take them off since), and she finally went to bed around 9:45. It was a long day but I think she had a good birthday. PS Sat. we will finally take her to "Kung Fu Panda" (Panda Express) for her birthday dinner that she has been waiting for since Jadyn's birthday.

The birthday girl opening her necklace from Jadyn.

Her very favorite new PJ's.

She was so surprised to get Littlest pet shop toys.

Jantzyn loves to "Gard". So we got her every tool she could possibly need.

Trying out her new shovel.
Happy birthday my baby. We love you so!!!


The recital was on Sat May 15th this year, and Jorrin, Jaicelyn, and Jantzyn performed. They all did great and Terry and I were so proud of them.

Jorrin jamming to her hip hop. She looked like she was having a lot of fun dancing.

Her cheer routine.
Jantzyn dancing to Firefly's it was the cutest number they came on in the dark with red and blue lights flashing that looked like firefly's. They also showed a song they learned about the ballet positions and danced to the tinker bell song.
Jaicelyn performed 2 numbers one was a hip hop and this routine was a lyrical to "Prayer for the Children" it was a very touching number and the girls performed it so well.

Jantzyn has loved having her cousin Gentry in her dance class this year.

Jorrin and her best friend Jamie that came with us to watch her (even though she had burned herself earlier and was in pain). Thanks Jamie for coming!!!

My three dancers!

The proud papa.
Only real men carry purses for their wives, bags full of dance costumes, and a bag that says I heart Dance! What a great Dancer Dad!!!

Our first Tree!!

Thanks to our generous government (thanks for not taking ALL our money) we were able to start our backyard. Also my mom let me pick a tree for mother's day. Our family is sooo very excited to finally be able to have a place to play. YEA!!!

Terry working hard to plant our very first tree!!!!

Jadyn My Athlete!

This year Jadyn has worked very hard making the high school soccer team, playing on a competition team during her off season, running track, and getting to state track her freshman year (she has also kept her grades to A's and B's).....now she has also lettered in both soccer and track. All the athletes that lettered were awared certificates and fed dinner. Congratulaton's on your awesome freshmen year Jadyn, we are so proud of you!!!

My Mothers Day

This year for mother's day Jor, Jaice, and Jantz made me signs, breakfast in bed, made a homemade flower bouqet, and some cards. Jadyn made me a card and gave me $30.00 of her own hard earned money. Terry gave me chocolates, gum (because everyone stills mine out of my purse as soon as they find out I have some) and money towards a new dress (that I still haven't found). They made me steak for dinner and I was just able to relax the day away. My kind of Mother's Day. Thanks girls and guy for making my day special.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day to the Moms in our Lives!

Just wanted to say how thankful I am to have a wonderful mother, mother-in-law and her mother (Grandma Kendall) in my, and my families lives. WE LOVE YOU, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers I know and love!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Jadyn's Regional Track Meet

Jadyn relaxing before her heats.

After finishing her 100 meter run.

Jadyn did awesome in her 1st year of track. At region she placed 4th in 100 and 200 meter, 2nd in 400 meter and 1st in the 4 x 400. She will be going to state at BYU next week. Also the Snow Canyon Girls won Region! Congratulations Jadyn!

Jaicelyn's 3rd grade program and her being honored for passing off her times tables.

She was proud of herself for passing them off before the program but she was mostly happy she did it because of the 5 dinner gift certifcates she was awarded. GOOD JOB JAICE!

Jorrin's Honor Choir Program.

Daddy/Daughter Date

Filling out their "Armed Forces" paperwork (it was words they had to unscramble about the Armed Forces).

Entering the training camp area.

The "Army Staff" ready to serve all the new enlisties.

"Flight Training". They had to throw a paper airplane into a tire in the middle of the room.

Terry and Jadyn finishing off the obstacle course. They decided to do it backwards so Jadyn was trying to hit the target shooting backwards. They actually did pretty good.

Doing the "Haka" from forever strong (which is our YW camp theme this year).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We started the busyness of the last of the year this last week here is what we have been up to so far:

Jorrin's last dance competition in Cedar.
They did the best I have seen them do and they were awarded 1st place on all three of their dances.

Getting ready for their Jazz Routine.
Getting funky with their Hip Hop.

Their lyrical routine. I love how Jorrin is holding her posture in this picture. She is becoming a beautiful dancer.

Jorrin cheering at the Blitz game with her cheer class.

She was all smiles the whole night. She looked so cute on the track cheering and their cheer dance routine was very good.

Jaicelyn's school track meet.
Getting ready to run the 50 meter.

She ran the 50 meter and the 100 meter and the 4 X 100 relay, and she also did the long jump. She got 1st in both of her heats (I think she finished 4th and 5th in the finals), her relay team finished 3rd, and she finished 1st in the long jump. Which means we get to go to district at Pine View this weekend. Yea Jaice.

Jaice & some of her friends trying to keep warm inbetween the races. It was a "Very blustery day", as Pooh Bear would say.

Jantzyn was so excited that after I picked her up from Kindergarten some of her friends and classmates were going to the track meet too.
The girls spring piano recital.

The girls, their cousin's Callie and Sadie, and their 2nd cousin and teacher Sherri Condie. She is a wonderful teacher and very patient with my hard-to-get-to- practice, piano playing girls.