Monday, January 11, 2010

my little walker!

Right before Phillip and I left for Kansas City (details about that in my next post), we knew Canon was about to take his first steps. We were hoping we would get to see it before we left, and thank goodness we did! He basically taught himself. He would take a toy and throw it on the ground, and then walk to it. His first steps turned into 3, then the next day was 10! After I got back from our week of travels, he was walking everywhere! I'm so glad I got to be at my parents house for one day to see him walking around everywhere, before I came to the hospital. It is hard to walk around my little room here. We are so proud of him and can't believe he is really growing up so fast! I knew this would happen as I got closer to delivering Champ. Canon can't be my baby forever! The day before he took his first steps, he also said his first real word..."mama"! Melt my heart, that boy is so sweet!

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