I went to church today, online. I've been doing that lately, www.gatewaypeople.com. On the weekends I can watch live, so I can "be a part" of the worship too. This has been a great time for me to read, watch podcasts, and be fed more and more truth.
I never usually watch TV at home. We used to have DVR and would record the shows we wanted to see, but we were never flipping through the channels. Now that I am here, I've been watching more TV than I really care for, and honestly I hate it. There is SO much junk on TV, and flipping through the stations I see so many things that make me so sad. Sad for our youth who are being fed such lies, and our kids who really don't even have any morally correct cartoons. I'll jump off that soapbox now...
Last night I was moved to another room just for the night while they cleaned the floors in my hallway. It was kind of weird being in another room without my stuff.
I took my glucose test today for gestational diabetes, and it was high. So I am taking the 3 hour test in the morning.
I dropped m phone last week and it has a big crack in it. I dropped it another time last week and had to call my nurse to come in and get it because it went all the way behind the bed. Then, I dropped it again today (it's hard to do almost everything lying down) and the battery fell out. I got down to look for it and can not find it anywhere! It has to be here somewhere, but I can't spend much time out of bed searching for it. Of course my nurse today is slightly large, so I didn't want to ask her to get on the ground and look for the battery either. So I'm waiting for Phillip to come up and help me. :)
I am turning my old blog into a book using blurb.com. It is taking me forever because I have so many pages, but I also have a lot of time.
Today I really wanted to get out of here. Today I thought a lot about food choices. Today I dreamed about our new house. Today I am finally wearing my "leg compressors" to help blood circulation in your legs since laying on bedrest increases your chances of blood clots. I haven't been too good about doing that.
Champ is still doing great! He weighs almost 2lbs and other than daily kickboxing sessions and hicups, he's getting less active now that he has buried himself down so low in my hips. No contractions from me, just the daily braxton hicks once in a while. Oh the life of being in the hospital, there's not much left to say.
Phillip is here for a few days and I'm so excited to see him! I always look forward to night time when he comes up after putting the kids to bed. I still have two events to post about: Pujols wedding, and Passion 2010...coming soon.
Happy Saturday!