Showing posts with label ten in a day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ten in a day. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

thursdays ....

are grub nite over here. For now ... it works. Lately I've been working shorter days on Thursdays. Here's positive thinking. By the time I'm working longer Thursdays, I'll come home and dinner will be served. Positive or delusional? Maybe a wee bit of both.

I did get cranky yesterday. The temp was somewhere in the 100 teens. The air conditioner running nonstop and not cooling the house below 84ish degrees. About the time the oven had to be turned on I was sort of losing it. I could have nearly died for a dip in my little swimming pool but didn't think I had time. Enough of the cranky. The hard work was done in the kitchen ... without any photos. Shoot!

I did get one while I was still at work. How many potatoes do we peel? I have to say that I did some gulping when I saw this picture come via text. Uhm. Cut down that number please ... these things are mammoth!

When you teach your children to cook, do you start with simple stuff or do you start with tripling recipes? May as well do it BIG ... we went for the tripling of Salmon Chowder. Anna probably developed caluses from the vegie peeler and the dicing knife. It probably qualifies for Marine boot camp in the kitchen. Red Lobster cheese biscuits (I found the recipe I really wanted after the ones we made came out of the oven.) added a bit more to the menu. The poor child won't know how to cook for 2 when we sort of planned to feed about 22 last evening. I really have an ulterior motive going on here. I'm counting down the days years that I'm doing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Don't tell these girls of mine!

It isn't just about the food and it really doesn't have anything to do with my New Years Resolution, but it is a great way to shareour lives with others. A great time for food, fun and fellowship.

Clockwise from upper left: Dustyn (the sole child in the group last evening), Carita Keranen & Ben Wuollet, table of Monopoly Deal,
Ken & Betty Forstie, Bethany Simonson & Anna, Logan Simonson

We'll see who is here next Thursday ... it may be the same crew. They all know what is on the menu.

This morning (and it's time to shag girls to school work as soon as I hit publish over here) I've managed to give up on my scrapbooking program, back up photos to the external hard drive and enjoy a few hours of peace and quiet (the older I get the more I appreciate it!) playing on the laptop. Time to hit the pool, spin another couple loads of laundry ... and pack for camp. The girls and I are headed up to Kamp Kipa this afternoon for Mother & Daughter Camp. Yippee!!! The temp there was a breezy 81F yesterday. You have no idea how ready I am for that.

My July photo project is still underway ... it might just end up being July of 2013 if it takes any longer. August was splendidly cool. I did have to cheat and use one picture from my phone because I loved it and wanted to capture it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

ten in a day ... june

Happy end of June!
Where on earth did this month go??!!

Here it is Thursday nearly dinner time. 
I came home from work to a clean house and the last load of girls' laundry spinning.
The youngest cleaned her room!!!
If you only knew what a challenge that can be.

Yesterday we spent what felt like half the day at the doctor.
It really wasn't that long, but patience in the waiting room is not one of my strong points.
Tia and I both saw the Doc.
She got an order for an xray of her arm that turned out fine.
Thank goodness. Don't know where we would have fit in an Orthopedic visit this month.
My swamp slogging head was the result of an inner ear infection.
Not eager to repeat the experience of last fall in MN, being sick as a dog,
I'm chugging antibiotics.

My turn to spin a load or two of laundry and finish packing a bag.
Check to see if the dog food was purchased today.
Make a list of things of things that need doing around here while we're gone.
Figure out what else I need around here ....
and hit the road bright and early.

I'll see if I can do some blogging along the way ....
if not, I'll be back in several weeks!