From Sojourners-
Yesterday, the website for Christianity Today, the flagship
publication for mainstream evangelicalism founded by Billy Graham,
crashed from the influx of traffic when CT published an editorial
arguing that President Trump should be removed from office. The
editorial said that whether that happens via the impeachment process
going on in the House and Senate, or the voters in November 2020 is a
fair question on which reasonable people can disagree, but that the
personal and public immorality of President Trump, as revealed in the
House of Representatives’ impeachment investigation, is so egregious
that he must be removed as a matter of faith.
The editorial was
penned by Mark Galli, who is retiring as CT’s editor-in-chief on Jan. 3.
Galli himself doesn’t think his editorial will move the needle for the
average evangelical Trump supporter. It’s fair to say that,
unfortunately, Fox News is much more influential than Christianity Today to the views of most white evangelical Trump supporters. That said, Christianity Today does reach more than 2.5 million people each month, and the importance of this editorial is that we may look back on it as a watershed moment
for the 2020 election, when the first significant cracks in the wall of
Trump’s political support from white evangelicals really became
visible. Over time those cracks may now grow, and it’s important to also
remember that it would only take a relatively small number of white
evangelicals switching who they plan to vote for or deciding not to vote
at all to shift the balance in key states away from President Trump.
More here-
Opinion – 8 January 2025
23 hours ago