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Showing posts with label mornings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mornings. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear So and So...On The Fly

Dear 7:15 AM,

So we meet again old enemy.... you know my feelings about you. I hate how you taunt me with the ringing of my alarm and the way my eyes won't quite open properly at that time. Can't you just let me sleep just a bit longer?

Groggy, Kat

Dear School,

Could we start the day at a more reasonable hour. Let's say 10 AM? That way I don't have to get out of bed until 9am. That sounds a lot more sensible. Kids get more sleep. Parents get more sleep. It sounds like a win win situation to me.

Just Sayin', Kat

Dear Children of Mine,

"Time to get up" isn't a suggestion.

I Really Mean It, Mom

Dear Rain,

Hold off until after tomorrow say 4ish. I need to mow the lawn... yet again.

I'm Begging You A Little Here, Kat

Dear Grass,

Could you quit growing now? I know all this rain has fueled your growth to ridiculous levels, but have some mercy! I am only one person.

Pleading With You, Kat

Dear Readers,

I hope you have a lovely weekend full of fun. Don't forget to link up if you have letters of your own.

Love, Kat

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear So and So...Good Morning Pfft!!!

It's Friday! Time for Dear So and So... Are you ready to get out your weekly frustrations as much as I am?? In the words of the immortal Diddy "Let's Go!!!!!!"

Dear 7am,

I hate you. I hate you with the fire of 1000 suns.

Still Sleepy, Kat

Dear Alarm Clock,

You and I have a tenuous relationship to say the least. You wake me up in the morning. I cuss you out. You forget to wake me in the morning. I cuss you out. You keep bugging me every five minutes. I cuss you out. Just remember, no matter what I say I am actually grateful that you wake me up and I really hate 7 am more than you.

Sorry for the Foul Language, Kat

Dear Weather in My Part of the UK,

Why is everyone else getting snow and I am getting rain? I am starting to think there is some sort of unusual weather phenomenon that is occurring and my part of England is destined to say unsnowed upon. It isn't fair. I want a snow day. See previous letters for the reason why. (I'm looking at you 7am).

Love, Kat

Dear KiKi,

If I catch you riding your scooter in the house one more time I am going to give it to the charity shop. Actually, I'm not, idol threat. I will put it on top of the wardrobe and not let you even look at it though! HaHa take that mouthy four year old!

Love, Mom

Dear LaLa,

If I had known that threatening to not take you roller skating on Friday would get you to actually go to sleep on time and stay in your own bed all night I would have used it a lot sooner. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out! Well played, La, well played.

Love, Mom

Dear Readers,

I hope you all had a really Happy New Year. If you however have some gripes about how this year is starting off so far, be sure to write your own Dear So and So letters. If you have already wrote your letters be sure to link up!

Love, Kat