Why pray the Rosary every day for a year?

Each time the Blessed Virgin has appeared-- whether it be to Saint Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes; to Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco at Fatima; or to Mariette Beco at Banneux-- she has asserted the importance, saving grace, and power of praying the Holy Rosary on a daily basis. Based upon her words, the Rosary is penance and conversion for sinners, a pathway to peace, an end to war, and a powerful act of faith in Jesus Christ. Pope Paul VI presented the Rosary as a powerful means to reach Christ "not merely with Mary but indeed, insofar as this is possible to us, in the same way as Mary, who is certainly the one who thought about Him more than anyone else has ever done."

To show us how this is done, perhaps no one has been more eloquent than the great Cardinal Newman, who wrote: "The great power of the Rosary consists in the fact that it translates the Creed into Prayer. Of course, the Creed is already in a certain sense a prayer and a great act of homage towards God, but the Rosary brings us to meditate again on the great truth of His life and death, and brings this truth close to our hearts. Even Christians, although they know God, usually fear rather than love Him. The strength of the Rosary lies in the particular manner in which it considers these mysteries, since all our thinking about Christ is intertwined with the thought of His Mother, in the relations between Mother and Son; the Holy Family is presented to us, the home in which God lived His infinite love."

As Mary said at Fatima, "Jesus wants to use you to make Me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it; these souls will be dear to God, like flowers put by Me to adorn his throne."

March 7, 2013: Saints Felicity and Perpetua

Posted by Jacob

Today, March 7, we celebrate the feast day of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, two young women who were martyred for Christ in 203 A.D. Perpetua and Felicity were as different as could be, one a noble woman of wealth and privilege, the other a pregnant slave. But they were united in their courage and love of the Lord, and a faith which they would not renounce, even under torture and death. The martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicity survives in writing, largely due to the personal diaries of Saint Perpetua. This account, The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, is one of the earliest writings of the Church, the earliest historical writing by a Christian woman, and a telling firsthand account of the suffering and torture endured by the martyrs during a time of great persecution.

Saint Perpetua was only 22 when she was martyred. The daughter of nobility, she was well-educated and by all accounts, high-spirited and firm in her opinions. She had given birth to a son, but subsequently had lost her husband. A widow and new mother, she lived with her father in Carthage. Perpetua converted to Christianity, much against her father’s will. He tried in vain to convince her otherwise, given justified concerns regarding the persecution of Christians at that time under the reign of Emperor Septimus.

Upon repeated questioning from her father, and threats of beating, he continued to defy his wishes. Her words, recorded in writing in her diary during subsequent imprisonment, are simple and profound. She pointed to a clay water urn, and said to her father, “See that pot lying there? Can you call it by any other name than what it is?” Her father answered quickly, “of course not,” and she responded, “Neither can I call myself any other name than what I am- a Christian.” Along with two of her brothers, Perpetua converted and was baptized into the faith. Following their argument, her father beat her, but then left her company, as described in the passion. Her time without him, while a reprieve from his anger, led to her arrest and imprisonment: “Then my father angry with this word came upon me to tear out my eyes; but he only vexed me, and he departed vanquished, he and the arguments of the devil. Then because I was without my father for a few days I gave thanks unto the Lord; and I was comforted because of his absence. In this same space of a few days we were baptized, and the Spirit declared to me, I must pray for nothing else after that water save only endurance of the flesh. After a few days we were taken into prison, and I was much afraid because I had never known such darkness. O bitter day! There was a great heat because of the press, there was cruel handling of the soldiers. Lastly I was tormented there by care for the child.”

Perpetua was imprisoned in a small cell with five others, including the slave girl, Felicity who was pregnant and nearing her delivery date. Along with them, another slave named Revocatus and two free men, Saturninus and Secundulus were imprisoned. Their catechise, Saturnus, joined them days later by choice, keeping their faith strong until death. The conditions were extremely hot and uncomfortably crowded, with Saint Felicity experiencing the conditions for the worst, given her pregnancy. While imprisoned, they hoped for deliverance, praying for freedom and safety. But upon uring from her brother, Perpetua prayed for a vision, some knowledge that their lives would be spared, or they would undergo a passion similar to that of Christ, dying for their faith. In her tiny cell, Perpetua received such a vision, which she recounted in vivid detail:

“I beheld a ladder of bronze, marvelously great, reaching up to heaven; and it was narrow, so that not more than one might go up at one time. And in the sides of the ladder were planted all manner of things of iron. There were swords there, spears, hooks, and knives; so that if any that went up took not good heed or looked not upward, he would be torn and his flesh cling to the iron. And there was right at the ladder's foot a serpent lying, marvelously great, which lay in wait for those that would go up, and frightened them that they might not go up. Now Saturus went up first (who afterwards had of his own free will given up himself for our -sakes, because it was he who had edified us; and when we were taken he had not been there). And he came to the ladder's head; and he turned and said: Perpetua, I await you; but see that serpent bite you not. And I said: it shall not hurt me, in the name of Jesus Christ. And from beneath the ladder, as though it feared me, it softly put forth its head; and as though I trod on the first step I trod on its head. And I went up, and I saw a very great space of garden, and in the midst a man sitting, white-headed, in shepherd's clothing, tall milking his sheep; and standing around in white were many thousands. And he raised his head and beheld me and said to me: Welcome, child. And he cried to me, and from the curd he had from the milk he gave me as it were a morsel; and I took it with joined hands and ate it up; and all that stood around said, Amen. And at the sound of that word I awoke, yet eating I know not what of sweet.

And at once I told my brother, and we knew it should be a passion; and we began to have no hope any longer in this world.”

Throughout her lenghty imprisonment, Perpetua would receive further vision—visions that informed her of the state of her fellow prisoners, including her brother who had been separated from the group, and visions of the glory of the Lord. Each of these visions she recounted to the group, forming a particular bond of Christian love with the slave, Felicity, despite their economic and class differences. To these brave young women, the love of the Lord knew no prejudice! Her last vision, described in her last diary entry on the night before her martyrdom is one of hope and eternal life:
“The day before we fought, I saw in a vision that Pomponius the deacon had come hither to the door of the prison, and knocked hard upon it. And I went out to him and opened to him; he was clothed in a white robe ungirdled, having shoes curiously wrought. And he said to me: Perpetua, we await you; come. And he took my hand, and we began to go through rugged and winding places. At last with much breathing hard we came to the amphitheatre, and he led me into the midst of the arena. And he said to me: Be not afraid; I am here with you and labor together with you. And he went away. And I saw much people watching closely. And because I knew that I was condemned to the beasts I marveled that beasts were not sent out against me. And there came out against me a certain ill-favored Egyptian with his helpers, to fight with me. Also there came to me comely young men, my helpers and aiders. And I was stripped naked, and I became a man. And my helpers began to rub me with oil as their custom is for a contest; and over against me saw that Egyptian wallowing in the dust. And there came forth a man of very great stature, so that he overpassed the very top of the amphitheatre, wearing a robe ungirdled, and beneath it between the two stripes over the breast a robe of purple; having also shoes curiously wrought in gold and silver; bearing a rod like a master of gladiators, and a green branch whereon were golden apples. And he besought silence and said: The Egyptian, if shall conquer this woman, shall slay her with the sword; and if she shall conquer him, she shall receive this branch. And he went away. And we came nigh to each other, and began to buffet one another. He tried to trip up my feet, but I with my heels smote upon his face. And I rose up into the air and began so to smite him as though I trod not the earth. But when I saw that there was yet delay, I joined my hands, setting finger against finger of them. And I caught his head, and he fell upon his face; and I trod upon his head. And the people began to shout, and my helpers began to sing. And I went up to the master of gladiators and received the branch. And he kissed me and said to me: Daughter, peace be with you. And I began to go with glory to the gate called the Gate of Life.

And I awoke; and I understood that I should fight, not with beasts but against the devil; but I knew that mine was the victory.

Thus far I have written this, till the day before the games; but the deed of the games themselves let him write who will.”

The martyrdom of these five, as recounted in the passion, is both greusome and glorifying to the Lord. The trial of the six soon-to-be martyrs took place before the Procurator Hilarianus. Upon questioning, each of them stood resolutely in the faith of Christ, confessing their faith to all who would listen. Perpetua’s father, carrying her infant boy from who she had been separated in prison, followed her, attempting to convince her to renounce God for her baby. The Procurator, taking pity upon her, encouraged her to do the same, but she was not to be swayed. Perpetua, with Felicity who had given birth only the day before, by her side, refused to make offerings to the pagan gods, and was therefore sentenced to death in the arena—deaths referred to as “games” by most of the spectators. During these events, Christians and common criminals were stripped naked and thrown into the arena filled with hungry and wild animals. Their deaths were often horrific, violent, and extremely painful.

Despite their sentencing, the six praised the Lord, giving thanks for His love and mercy.

“Now dawned the day of their victory, and they went forth from the prison into the amphitheatre as it were into heaven, cheerful and bright of countenance; if they trembled at all, it was for joy, not for fear. Perpetua followed behind, glorious of presence, as a true spouse of Christ and darling of God; at whose piercing look all cast down their eyes. Felicity likewise, rejoicing that she had borne a child in safety, that she might fight with the beasts, came now from blood to blood, from the midwife to the gladiator, to wash after her travail in a second baptism. And when they had been brought to the gate and were being compelled to put on, the men the dress of the priests of Saturn, the women the dress of the priestesses of Ceres, the noble Perpetua remained of like firmness to the end, and would not. For she said: For this cause came we willingly unto this, that our liberty might not be obscured. For this cause have we devoted our lives, that we might do no such thing as this; this we agreed with you. Injustice acknowledged justice; the tribune suffered that they should be brought forth as they were, without more ado. Perpetua began to sing, as already treading on the Egyptian's head. Revocatus and Saturninus and Saturus threatened the people as they gazed. Then when they came into Hilarian's sight, they began to say to Hilarian, stretching forth their hands and nodding their heads: You judge us, they said, and God you. At this the people being enraged besought that they should be vexed with scourges before the line of gladiators (those namely who fought with beasts). Then truly they gave thanks because they had received somewhat of the sufferings of the Lord.”

The martyrs were stripped naked, but the crowd was so disturbed by the site of the young girl and the woman who had just given birth, that they were again clothed in loose robes. At the demand of the crowd they were first scourged, which they endured with patient and joyful suffering. The men were first attached by a boar, a bear, and a leopard, whereas Saints Perpetua and Felicity endured the terror of a wild bull. Bruised and broken, the martyrs were lined up, and as Perpetua helped Felicity up, giving her a “kiss of peace,” each of the martrys had their throats slit. Perpetua’s last words prior to her death were, “Stand fast in the faith and love one another.”

While the crowd had called for the execution, and mocked and jeered the martyrs during their trials, many were moved by the bravery of the young women especially, and many converted that same day.

Little is known about the lives of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, although much is known about their deaths. We see, in their martyrdom, that the love of the Lord knows no bounds. It does not discern between rich and poor, noble and slave, man or woman. The Lord cares not about race or other categorizations that we create on earth. Rather, we each are called to His great love, and we each have an opportunity to answer. Perpetua and Felicity formed an unlikely friendship, becoming true sisters in Christ. We look to their bravery as martyrs, their faith in the Lord, and their acceptance of others despite their differences. We are challenged to confront our own prejudices and judgments—whether they be based upon religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, gender, appearance, disability, sexual orientation, or any other manner in which we makes others “different” from ourselves—and to extend the love of the Lord to all people we encounter. We are challenged to “Stand fast in the faith and love one another.”

February 10: Saint Scholastica

Posted by Jacob

Today, February 10, marks the feast day of Saint Scholastica (born 480, deceased 582)—virgin of the church, and twin brother to Saint Benedict. Little is known about the life of Saint Scholastica, although what is known is testament to her deep faith and commitment to the Lord, as well as her deep love of her brother. Much of the information recorded about Saint Scholastica was done so by Saint Gregory the Great in his Dialogues (Book II: Life and Miracles of Saint Benedict).

Both Scholastica and Benedict grew up in a wealthy and noble family in Nursia, Italy. Extremely close since birth, records suggest that Scholastica grew in Godliness before her brother, bringing him to his deep faith. By the time they reached adolescence, both shared a strong devotion to the Lord. When Benedict left the home to study, and eventually found the first Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino, Scholastica (as was common at the time) likely remained living with her parents in the family home until she was deemed beyond “marrying age.” At that time, Scholastica founded a convent near her brother (approximately five miles away) in Plombariola. As Benedict is believed to have been the spiritual director of both his sister, and the convent, Saint Scholastica is widely regarded as the first Benedictine nun.

Scholastica is remembered for her deep faith in the Lord, as well as her love of spiritual discourse and discussion. While the orders of both siblings’ orders prevented them from remaining outside their respective communities overnight, Benedict and Scholastica met once each year at a farmhouse, as she also could not enter the Benedictine monastery. During this yearly meetings, the brother and sister would dine together and spend hours in spiritual discussion, enjoying the “mutual comfort of heavenly talk.”

The last such meeting between Scholastica and Benedict is the best recorded moment of her life. As recounted by Saint Gregory, Scholastica realized that the days of her life were running out, and at the end of the evening, following supper, begged her brother to remain with her. He refused, unwilling to violate the rules he had established for his order. Scholastica became visibly upset, but calmly folded her hands in prayer. She prayed for the intercession of the Lord, which would allow her dear brother to remain with her some hours longer. As she prayed, a sudden and violent rain and hail storm arose, the fury of which prevented Benedict from leaving the farmhouse.

Benedict is recorded as scornfully scolding his sister, saying, "May Almighty God forgive you, sister, for what you have done."

She replied, "I asked a favor of you and you refused it. I asked it of God, and He has granted it!" They spent the remaining hours of the evening, their last visit together, in conversation regarding the grace and love of the Lord.

Benedict returned to his monastery, and three days later was greeted with a vision in which he saw his Scholastica’s soul, in the form of a dove, leave her body and ascend to heaven. Realizing what had happened, he sent his brothers to retrieve her body, and buried it in his own tomb. Upon his death a few years later, Sebastian was buried with her. Saint Gregory wrote, "so death did not separate the bodies of these two, whose minds had ever been united in the Lord."

We ask those we love for favors or help all the time. Our friends and our families are generally there for us, and oftentimes assist in our times of need. Occasionally, however, this is not the case, and we, instead, receive judgment, scorn, or derision. At these moments, do we think to ask the Lord for assistance, or the Blessed Mother for intercession? How different would our lives be if, like Saint Scholastica, we had such deep faith in God? Would the momentarily disappointments and annoyances of our daily relationships on earth become less significant? Might we instead place our trust and find our hope in the promise of a God who loves us unconditionally? Might this faith in the Lord allow us to forgive those who wrong or disappoint us, building stronger relationships that are centered in God?

Loving and caring God of the Universe, we praise and thank You for the gift of life.
Through the prayer of Saint Scholastica, woman of all time, may we cherish our relationships.
Help us to be attentive to our own needs and the needs of others.
Show us new ways of showing respect for each person.
Bless us with your Spirit of wise choices through your son, Jesus, the Christ.

Day 41 of 365
Prayer Intentions: God-centered loving relationships with friends and family
Requested Intentions: For a son’s employment and growth in faith (M); Those planning for surgery (L); Those who are unemployed or in danger of losing jobs (A); Those fighting depression (L); For a growing love of the Eucharist and peace within a family (A).

January 26: Saints Timothy and Titus, Friends to Saint Paul

Posted by Jacob

Today, January 26, we celebrate the feast day of Saints Timothy and Titus, early disciples of the Church, missionaries in spreading the word of God, and faithful and trusted friends of Saint Paul. While their lives were quite different from each other, they are celebrated together, in remembrance for their courage, zeal, and dedication to Christ in the most difficult of times.

Saint Timothy (birth unknown, deceased 97 AD) was born in Lystra, Lycaenia, the son of a Greek father and Jewish mother. As a child, he spent considerable time studying the Holy Scriptures, devoting himself to the Holy Spirit. Upon Saint Paul’s first visit to Lycaenia, Timothy was just a child, but his mother and grandmother, whose faith Paul commends, converted to Christianity. Upon Paul’s second return, approximately seven years later, Timothy, now a young man, followed him, becoming a discipline, confidant, and friend.

Saint Timothy traveled throughout the Mediterranean and Asia (Phrygia, Galatia and Mysia, Troas, Philippi, Veria, Thessolonica, and Corinth) with Saint Paul, oftentimes the discipline sent ahead to prepare a city, or left behind to guide a new church. Timothy, known for a gentle disposition was the discipline whom Paul relied upon to smooth out hard feelings and restore faith in angered Jewish communities, such as Berea (which Paul was expelled from). Timothy was imprisoned with Paul in Caesarea and then Rome, but later freed while Paul remained. Saint Paul wrote two letters to Timothy, regarding him as his “own son in faith,” one from Macedonia and the second from his Roman prison.

Timothy, regarded as tender and affectionate, lived a life of sacrifice and austerity. We know that he drank only water, likely as penance, and was frequently sick with stomach complaints and ailments. While he may have been timid in life, Timothy was a Christian force of virtue, gentle, humble, and committed to the teachings of Christ. His demeanor won him the hearts of the most difficult communities, leading to successful conversion. He was made bishop of Ephesus, where he was stoned to death, martyred for opposing the pagan festival of Katagogian in honor of Diana.

Like Saint Timothy, Saint Titus (birth unknown, death 94 AD) was a close friend of Saint Paul, and accompanied him on many of his missionary works throughout the Mediterranean and Asia (Ephesus, Corinth, Macedonia, Crete, Dalmatia). Unlike, Saint Timothy, Titus was known as a firm and somewhat fear-inspiring disciple of Paul, sent not to smooth over difficulties, but deliver difficult news and inspire faith and repentance.

Saint Titus is viewed as a great administrator of the early Church, responsible for correcting abuses, encouraging alms-giving, and modeling discretion and correction of scandal. Saint Titus was dispatched by Paul to Corinth (where he was received with “fear and trembling”), to increase the charity of the community, while cementing their faith. This he did with zeal, firmly re-establishing the Church in Corinth prior to Paul’s return. Firm though he was, Titus was also patient, and the first among any group to point out the goodness in others, even when it was hidden.

Little is known about the death of Saint Titus. Installed as bishop on the island of Crete, he died of apparent natural causes, rare in that time for Christian missionaries! His remains are buried at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Venice.

We look to the lives of two very different men today, Saints Timothy and Titus, and their dedication and zeal for the word of God. Each used the gifts that were provided to them by the Lord to spread the truth of the Gospel—one with humility, affection, and a gentle spirit, the other with firmness, sympathy, charity, and respect. Both were united in their love of Christ, and their friendship with Saint Paul. It is the friendship, which Paul writes about in his Epistles to both Timothy and Titus, that sustains and brings comfort during the difficult times of travel, separation, persecution, and imprisonment. Who are our own brothers and sisters and “sons in faith?” Who do we rely on to offer us not only support, but accountability in Christ? We pause today to pray for those in our lives who help keep us on the right path, looking to Saints Paul, Timothy, and Titus as a model of Christian love and friendship.

Day 26 of 365
Prayer Intentions: Strengthening of Christian friendship and accountability; Those suffering in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake
Requested Intentions: Reconciliation and Healing in personal relationships (N); Safety for friend deployed to Afghanistan (S); Those considering or having attempted suicide (Pr. L); Those who serve the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (N); Safety of friend/ relief worker in Haiti (L); Health and safety of new daughter (J); Renewal of loving Christ-centered relationship (A).