The 365 Day Challenge

My goal is to create something every day using something from my craft cupboard. I am a self-confessed fabric addict and just love to fossick through thrift shops and find treasures.

So here goes. Live, love, recycle and get crafting.

Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 356 - A campsite fence

Mr D is what I call a wanderer. He just spends his days running around exploring every corner of the world he can possibly find. I spend a lot of time looking at the view in the following pictures and running after it. It's a cute view, but it sure can be exhausting. And when there are cars around it can be a little stressful at the campsite. Here's my campsite solution, using some op shopped sheets and tomato stakes and held together with tacks.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 17 - Origami Vintage tablecloth coffee plunger carrier - a life saving device for the coffee addict

Coffee, the good stuff, is very important in our house. I am very lucky that my husband makes me an espresso coffee on our machine every morning and brings it to me in bed. It's a perfect start to an inevitably busy day. We love travelling and having weekends away, and we really love hiking and camping, as do our 4 children.

We used to take our coffee plunger in the backpack wherever we went, hiking up a mountain, travelling through Western Australia, Thailand, Northern Territory, where we went so did the plunger. My husband always wrapped it in some clothing to protect it.

However, three plungers were broken upon returning home. We managed to travel around Thailand with a coffee plunger, only to have the jumper it was wrapped in pulled out of the backpack on our return and smashed. This happened three times, until we decided to forgo this pleasure, and stop packing the plunger. What a sad day that was. It was about 2 years ago.

We are heading off today for a few days camping, so I've decided the time has come for an invention. A purpose built coffee plunger carrying device that I needed to make in half an hour before we jumped in the car and journey off. A dedicated carrier that will not be used for anything else, will protect the plunger from breakage, and is easily identifiable.

Craft cupboard items

- Vintage tablecloth
- Wadding, bubble wrap

So here it is...It's a bit rough and ready, but it works. I chose this gorgeous vintage round tablecloth as a base because I thought it summed up the way I want to feel when I have my coffee.

Materials - vintage tablecloth, wadding, bubble wrap, coffee plunger

Lay out the table cloth and put the padding in the middle

Wrap the two side edges in

 Wrap the top edge over.

 Topstitch around the whole top, you'll be sewing through a few layers in some parts due to the way it's folded, then sew up the sides. Slip your plunger in.

Roll it up from one side and then secure the roll with a tie, I have used a canvas kids belt with d-rings.

All done, happy camping, road tripping, backpacking. Yay! And Happy Easter.

 I've got my portable craft cupboard packed and will try blogging and crafting on the road. See how it goes!