Monday, December 17, 2007

Still Sharpe

Continuing with my Sharpe figures, I gave some serious thought to the idea. Sharpe himself is going to be the leader of a command squad, with Harper right there beside him. Then of course there's Hagman, Harris, Perkins, Cooper, Tongue, and Skillicorn there acting as snipers. Of those, one is done and three more await painting: I only need to make Perkins and Skillicorn now. Thus, it leads the question of who else to fill in the other two spaces in the squad proper. After some doodling and rough sketches, I came up with the answer: Captain Frederickson and everyone's favorite guerilla, Teresa Moreno; Sharpe's first wife. "Sweet William" will prove easy enough I think, but Teresa poses a bigger problem. I just bought a figure on eBay that I hope will work, but we'll see.

I've also had a thought to make a traitor Imperial Guard force; e.g. "Sharpe's Enemy." And who better to lead that pack of dirty scoundrels than Obediah Hakeswill? That one's a project for the future, though, hehe.


dijit80 said...

this project sounds more and more interesting! Looking fowards to Hakeswill - the most evil man in the army.

The Ranger said...

Thanks! It's something I've really been wanting to do for a while, so we'll see how it goes from here, hehe.