Showing posts with label Allegheny County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allegheny County Council. Show all posts

June 11, 2015

All County Council District 11 Allegheny County Democratic Committee Members Allowed to Vote For Democratic Nominee

Via ACDC press release:
Allegheny County Democrats Set Date for County Council Special Election
The Allegheny County Democratic Committee has set a date for the special election to select the substitute Democratic nominee and to fill the vacancy in County Council District 11.
The election is scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 2 at the Pittsburgh Fire Fighters IAFF Local No.1 Union Hall from 10 AM to 2 PM.
Eligible voting members include all chairs, vice chairs, secretaries, treasurers, and elected or appointed committee members in County Council District 11.
“After careful consultation with attorneys and members of Allegheny County leadership, I am pleased to announce that we are able to grant voting privileges to all committee members within this district,” said Chairwoman Nancy Patton Mills. “We know this is the most democratic– and most fair - way of conducting this election.”
Committee members will be voting on two separate issues. The first vote will be to select the replacement Democratic nominee on the November 3, 2015 ballot for a four-year term on County Council in District 11. The second vote will be to select the nominee to appear on the November 3, 2015 ballot to fill the remainder of the unexpired term in District 11 ending on January 4, 2016. These elections will take place simultaneously.
Candidates wishing to seek the Democratic nomination and/or to fill the remainder of the term in County Council District 11 should write a letter of intent and send it to the Allegheny County Democratic Committee, 429 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1301, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. All letters of intent must be received by 5 PM on July 3, 2015. All committee changes must also be received by this date.

September 12, 2014

The Braintrust Needs To Learn To Read Better (Or Maybe Fitzgerald's Office Needs To Edit Better)

Take a look at what The Trib's braintrust posted this morning:
Lance: To Rich Fitzgerald. The Allegheny County chief executive appears to think that Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Islamics don't believe in God. That's the take-away from his opposition to a County Council proposal, defeated Tuesday, to post “In God We Trust” in the council's meeting room. Mr. Fitzgerald said that would send a message to non-Christians that they're not welcome. He didn't have many takers among that cohort.
I'll stipulate that the memo could have been a little cleaner grammatically.  For example, take a look at this passage:
One of the area in which we could do better is our diversity. It’s the reason that organizations like Vibrant Pittsburgh were created, the reason that Allegheny County become a “Welcoming County,” and the reason that we continue to participate in efforts and initiatives that express that we are a friendly community that welcomes everyone.
While it's a halfway decent use of anaphora in that second sentence, (notice the repeated use of the phrase "...the reason that..." to structure), the rest of the passage has a few minor errors.  For example, the first sentence probably should have read "One of the areas..." rather than "One of the area..." as the "One of..." directly asserts multiple areas of which "diversity" is one.  Interestingly, had the memo writer simply omitted "of the", the sentence would have worked very nicely indeed:
One area in which we could do better is our diversity.
See?  My guess is that in the memo writer's haste this error was made.

And then in the second phrase of the second sentence, the memo writer probably should have gone with the present perfect ("the reason that Allegheny County has become...") or maybe the simple past tense ("the reason that Allegheny County became...") rather than what's there ("the reason that Allegheny County become...").

Now, while I have the greatest respect for this essay by Stephen Fry and I admit that it's quite possible that I am committing the very pedantic snobbery he detests.  However, I'll rest my case on what Fry frizzles here:
No, the claim to be defending language for the sake of clarity almost never, ever holds water. Nor does the idea that following grammatical rules in language demonstrates clarity of thought and intelligence of mind. Having said this, I admit that if you want to communicate well for the sake of passing an exam or job interview, then it is obvious that wildly original and excessively heterodox language could land you in the soup. [Emphasis added.]
And then:
You can wear what you like linguistically or sartorially when you’re at home or with friends, but most people accept the need to smarten up under some circumstances – it’s only considerate. But that is an issue of fitness, of suitability, it has nothing to do with correctness. There no right language or wrong language any more than are right or wrong clothes. Context, convention and circumstance are all. [Emphasis added.]
So why is this important?  Because of some less than clear writing in this sentence:
Support and passage of 8376-14 tells our residents and visitors that if they are Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Athiest, Muslim, Islamic or any other non-theistic group, they are not welcomed here.
The braintrust gets to absurdly assert teh goofie: that County Executive Rich Fitzgerald doesn't think that "Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Islamics" believe in God.  The problem here is the word "other."  Does it mean that Jews, Hindus and so on are among "non-theistic" groups?  Or does it mean that they are separate from them?  Interestingly, had the memo writer ordered the list differently, the sentence would have worked very nicely, indeed:
Support and passage of 8376-14 tells our residents and visitors that if they are Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Islamic, Atheist or any other non-theistic group, they are not welcomed here.
See? By grouping it that way, it's clear who makes up the non-theistic groups are and who doesn't.

Context, convention and circumstance are all.

A little editing by the County Executive's office would have left the Trib braintrust little grammatical room to snark.

Special note to County Executive Rich Fitzgerald: It's spelled atheist and not athiest.

September 9, 2014

In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering who is trying to influence Allegheny County Council on the "In God We Trust" matter, here are letters from Liberty Counsel and the Freedom From Religion Foundation that made their way to that body. Personally, I believe that most politicians already have their mind made up one way or another on this issue and use letters like this to cover their asses. In fact, these letters were sent to a constituent--and reader of this blog--who emailed and called his/her counselor today. That counselor took the Liberty Counsel position.

However, while counselors may have their own beliefs on this topic, one thing that sways them more than any lobbying group (well, when there's no $ involved anyway) is voters inundating them with calls and email. So keep it up!

Last chance to voice your opinion before County Council votes today!

Allegheny County Council will vote today at their 5:00 pm meeting on a resolution--Bill 8376-14--proposed by Councilwoman Sue Means (R-Bethel Park), to post a plaque displaying the words “In God We Trust” in the Allegheny County Courthouse Gold Room. 

If like the Post-Gazette editorial board you believe that doing so will "invite discord," or like Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald you believe that doing so is "disrespecting other religions and beliefs by promoting one above the others," or like blogger Sue Kerr you believe that you "cannot trust the people who profess to believe in God," or like the OPJ you want to know "who is the 'we' here," or like this Facebook group (and bill critic Audrey Glickman) you believe that the stated purpose of the plaque in honoring "historic" and "patriotic" sentiments is pure BALONEY, then you have a little less than 12 hours to make your beliefs known to County Council.

You can email Council at

It would also be very helpful to contact your own representative (and the two at-large members) as a constituent:

John DeFazio, County Council At-Large, President

Heather S. Heidelbaugh, County Council At-Large

Thomas Baker, District 1

Jan Rea, District 2

Edward Kress, District 3

Michael J. Finnerty, District 4

Sue Means, District 5

John F. Palmiere, District 6

Nicholas Futules, District 7, Vice-President

Dr. Charles Martoni, District 8

Robert J. Macey, District 9

William Russell Robinson, District 10

Barbara Daly Danko, District 11  (You can thank her for being opposed to this!)

James Ellenbogen, District 12

Amanda Green Hawkins, District 13

Let's flood their in-boxes and voice-mail and let them know that we believe in the Separation of Church and State!

An "In God We Trust" Update

Remember this from a scant 24 hours ago?

Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald is, presumably, not a fan of the legislation.  In the P-G, it says that he:
...would exercise his veto power if County Council passed legislation to post the motto “In God We Trust” in the courthouse, Mr. Fitzgerald told council members Monday.
 There's something in the P-G I hadn't seen elsewhere (not to say it wasn't reported elsewhere, only that I hadn't seen it):
Councilwoman Sue Means, a Bethel Park Republican, has driven the push for the national motto to be displayed in the Gold Room of the courthouse, where council conducts its twice-monthly meetings. Ms. Means, who says she is an evangelical Christian, wants to see “In God We Trust” installed above a replica of the Bill of Rights.

“It’s our national motto,” she said. “It’s patriotism. It’s history.”
And obviously this legislation from this evangelical Christian has nothing what so ever to do with pushing religion into the legislative process. Nope. Not here. Never.  Look elsewhere for that.

Godless commie.

Anyway, the Trib has posted a copy of what Fitzgerald sent to the Council.  It says in part:
Over the last three years, our region has experienced economic growth, population growth and the return of a vibrancy in our communities that is contagious. One of the area in which we could do better is our diversity. It’s the reason that organizations like Vibrant Pittsburgh were created, the reason that Allegheny County become a “Welcoming County,” and the reason that we continue to participate in efforts and initiatives that express that we are a friendly community that welcomes everyone. A diverse population allows for different viewpoints and ways of life to be expressed. As a community, we should value the characteristics that make each person unique, rather than spending time on decisions that would communicate the exact opposite.

Support and passage of 8376-14 tells our residents and visitors that if they are Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Athiest, Muslim, Islamic or any other non-theistic group, they are not welcomed here. We are disrespecting other religions and beliefs by promoting one above others. If this legislation were to pass, we are telling everyone that our motto is that not all are welcome here. [Emphasis added.]
He included this P-G editorial and referenced this Trib piece.

Good for County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.  Let's hope the Council does the right thing and votes this legislation down.

April 3, 2012

Contact your Allegheny County Councilor and ask them to support anti Citizens United Resolution

Via Democracy for Pittsburgh email:

Today: Allegheny County Council members Amanda Green Hawkins and John DeFazio, are sponsoring a Motion "expressing the Sense of Council of Allegheny County supporting the formulation and ratification of a Constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and to restore Constitutional rights and fair elections to the people" (6871-12).

The Council may vote on this motion at its meeting TODAY, April 3!

Members of several groups (including Coffee Party Pittsburgh) will be making comments at the Allegheny Council meeting on Tue, April 3, 5:00pm, County Court House, 436 Grant St, 4th floor, Gold Room. Please come to the meeting to show support for this Motion, and/or email (or call) your council person ASAP.

ACTION: We are asking you to send an e-mail to or call your County Council member NOW and ask him/her to support the motion. Find your County Council member in this list (if you click on their photo, you can get to their bio and e-mail):

If you don't know which district you are in, here is the list of County Districts:

Please share widely with your friends in Allegheny County.

March 15, 2011

Two Rallies Today!

Two rallies today in Downtown Pittsburgh:


Without our buses, we're going nowhere!


WHEN: Tuesday, March 15th 2011, 4:00 PM
WHERE: 5th and Grant, Downtown Pgh



Defend the Dream Action

Tuesday, March 15TH, 5:30 PM
WHERE: United Steelworkers Building, 60 Blvd of the Allies, (Corner of Blvd & Stanwix)

Corporate power is openly waging war on workers, the middle class and American democracy.

This is our moment to come together and show that we will not tolerate this naked power grab by big money interests.

Bring a sign, bring your passion, bring a friend.

RSVP here

December 23, 2010

Bad Boys, Bad Boys (Local Edition)

Just in time to get a lump of coal from Santa:
  • CasablancaPA has the goods on PA Rep. and Majority Leader Mike Turzai's double dipping when it comes to per diems here.

  • Father Duquesne (formerly The Parkway Left) has a post up on Allegheny County Councilman Matt Drozd titled "Portrait of an ignorant bigot."

  • Infinonymous blogs on LeRoy S. Zimmerman (longtime friend and close political ally of PA Gov.-elect Tom Corbett) who oversees the Hershey Trust and who is under investigation by Corbett's office for using $12 million in "funds intended to educate impoverished children" to purchase a money-losing golf course and then spending another $5 million to bling the course out. (Full story in the P-G here.)

  • The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has a story on Michael Jasper. Jasper is a PNC vice president and finance manager who was a Pittsburgh Parking Authority board member. "Was" as in he was the only board member who voted to study a pension bailout plan opposed by Lil Mayor Luke and "was" as in he's no longer a board member because his employer asked him to resign from that body. You figure out who the bad boy is in this case (Hint: it ain't Jasper.)
  • July 20, 2010

    Marcellus Shale Allegheny County Council Hearing Tomorrow

    Allegheny County Council will hold a public hearing tomorrow "to allow the opportunity for public comment regarding Marcellus Shale-related natural gas drilling within Allegheny County" (more here).

    WHEN: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
    WHERE: In the Gold Room, 4th Floor of the Allegheny County Courthouse, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

    Please note that in order to speak at the hearing, you must register with the clerk 24 hours prior to the meeting:
    Individuals wishing to speak must register with the County Council Clerk online at, via e-mail (, in person at Room 119 Courthouse, or by phone (412-350-6490), no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled beginning of the hearing. Each registered speaker will be allotted a maximum of three (3) minutes.

    Written testimony will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. on July 23, 2010.
    Also note that while Pittsburgh City Council is thankfully skeptical of urban drilling, County Council seems to be decidedly more gung ho (I base that assessment on a recent appearance by County Council President Rich Fitzgerald and City Councilor Doug Shields on a local TV show).

    July 6, 2010

    Tales from City & County Council

    Funny how every time I do a "Tales from...Council" post, I always imagine the headline should be in a font something like this.

    Anyway, there's some good to report today.

    First, no matter how Pittsburgh City Council got there, it's good that they decided to delay voting on Lil Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's Citizen Police Review Board nominations until they actually clarify the nomination process.

    It's also a good thing that the Post-Gazette recognizes that City Council should have access to independent information (otherwise known as facts) regarding privatizing city-owned garages and meters:
    None of which means City Council shouldn't go forward with its recently ordered study of leasing arranements. Council members need accurate, comprehensive information so that any parking lease they award won't turn out to be full of unpleasant surprises.
    As for Allegheny County Council, here's an action item courtesy of The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society:

    On July 21 at 5 p.m. Allegheny County Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING for “comment regarding Marcellus Shale-related natural gas drilling within Allegheny County.“

    We need as many people as possible to attend & comment.

    To comment you must register by July 20th.

    You can register online or download a registration form:


    June 28, 2009

    Allegheny Council Human Relations Ordinance

    Curious email/text message floating around (don't know if you've received it yet). Here's the text I got:
    Onorato. 4123506500. Remove language from Human Relations ordinance that allows orgs that get County funding to discriminate. 100 calls on Mo
    A bit too cryptic for me, but then again I am middle-aged, balding and paunchy - I know I'm no Helmholtz Watson, but I fear I am actually Bernard Marx - (and a brave new donut to you if you get the literary reference). It took me a few minutes to figure out the text message was from Sue Kerr over at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. At her blog, there's a fuller version of the text:
    Call 412-350-6500. Ask Onorato to remove language from the proposed Human Relations Ordinance that allows organizations receiving County funding to discriminate.
    What's this "Human Relations Ordinance" then? If you're looking to read some legislative prose, here it is. The Stonewall Democrats have been kind enough to post the entire text.

    Hey, did you know that today is the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots? Frank Rich has an interesting take.

    Anyway, here's the language Sue referenced:
    For the purposes of this Article, the definition of "employer" shall not include any religious organization, regardless of number of employees or County funding, provided that such religious organization provides documentary evidence of its religious nature to the Human Relations Commission of the County of Allegheny, and avers in writing to the Commission that gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity constitute grounds for employment decisions under the fundamental tenets of the religion in question. Documentary evidence of an entity's religious nature may consist of articles of incorporation, a charter or other foundational document for the entity, documentary evidence of tax-exempt status as a religious institution under §501 of the Internal Revenue Code or any other applicable Pennsylvania or federal law, or any other documentary evidence deemed sufficient by the Commission.
    So my reading is that any employer that meets the above criteria (a religious organization - even those getting County funding - that takes matters of gender, orientation, etc, into its employment decisions) are are exempt, for instance, from the following provision:
    It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to discriminate against any individual with respect to his or her compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of the individual's race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry or place of birth, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, familial status,age or use of a guide or support animal because of blindness, deafness or physical disability of any individual or independent contractor or because of the disability of an individual with whom the person is known to have an association.
    The ACLU offers up an analysis at Sue's blog. Here's some:
    As written, Section 215-31(H)(1) exempts from the ordinance those religious organizations that "aver" in writing to the Commission that gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity constitute grounds for employment decisions under the fundamental tenets of the religion in question.” Accordingly, the ordinance would allow a religious organization that considers gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity to be grounds for employment decisions based on its tenets to discriminate in its hiring on any basis, including race and disability. Conversely, a religious organization that does not consider gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity to be grounds for employment decisions would not be permitted to discriminate in its hiring on any of the protected categories identified in the ordinance, including race, color, religion,national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, familial status, and age. This language provides a benefit to some religions — those whose beliefs require that they consider gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity in making employment decisions — that is not provided to religions whose beliefs do not require that they base employment decisions on such criteria by exempting the former from the ordinance’s nondiscrimination provisions while requiring the latter to abide by them.
    It's a tricky bit of legalese, but I think I bolded out the important part.

    On the one hand, I am all for the separation of church and state (big fan. Big BIG fan if it) so if a private religious organization wants to discriminate, it has every right to - the state has no authority to force a church to do something against its collective will. But once that organization is on the receiving end of public funding, the law should accompany that funding, right? If, in this case, the County holds that an employer can not discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity and so forth, then that should hold for all the organizations receiving funding from the county. If not then we're all contributing to the discrimination (by way of our taxes) of some of our fellow citizens (who, by the way, are also contributing).

    It seems very simple to me. What part of this am I missing?

    January 30, 2009

    Follow up on Allegheny County Council Nondiscrimination Ordinance

    People have emailed me asking if there is any news or follow up action on the County Council Nondiscrimination Ordinance (Bill No. 4201-08) so I asked Sue of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents for an update and here it is:
    From the sponsors:

    Please tell people that the legislation is now being revisited in the Government committee in light of all the feedback that Council has gotten. Sue Frietche of the Women’s Law Project has been invited to provide expert testimony at the Committee meeting tonight (Weds).

    Those who have not yet contacted County Executive Onorato, the two at-large council members and the council member from their individual council district should do so.

    From Sue:

    We need a lot of support on this. It is being framed as a freedom of religion issue rather than an equal treatment issue. The religious right is hijacking the Jesus card.

    (More from Sue here.)
    And, if you haven't already, please read the op-ed in the Post-Gazette by Angelle N. Guyette:
    How do others see you?
    I'm ashamed of my hate-filled fellow Christians


    I'm straight but I support the legislation and wore a "Fairness to All" sticker, so some of the opponents made certain assumptions about me.

    I've attended hearings on many topics where people angrily voiced their opinions, but the hatred evident at this gathering stunned me -- not only because of its ferocity, but also because of who was expressing it.

    "They'll know we are Christians by our love" the song goes.

    At this County Council meeting, you could know most of them by the hatred on their faces. The leaders of the religious opponents were the worst, displaying physical revulsion at having to stand near people they figured were gay. They looked like they'd have stoned Mary Magdalene, and her friends, too.

    One minister's face contorted as he spoke, "Homosexuality is offensive because it is a sin. People choose to commit this sin. My congregants should not have to hire gays and condone a sinful lifestyle they find offensive."

    One of his followers spat out, "I should not have to rent to those people. I don't want them sinning in my properties."


    Of course, Christ taught we all are sinners -- a nondiscrimination policy if ever there was one.

    It hurt my heart to see such intense hatred, to see a mob of ugliness, all in the name of Jesus Christ. To think, I chose to be baptized at age 12, to be a part of this?
    You can read the rest here.

    As Both Sue and Angelle point out, people want to use their religious beliefs to discriminate against others. And, as I will point out, a person can still be as bigoted as they like when choosing their friends, lovers, etc., but these people are demanding the right to practice their discrimination in the public sphere: who gets jobs, apartments, etc.

    We do not let people discriminate in this way for race or gender -- even though people have in the past for religious reasons -- and we should not now for sexual orientation.

    That's it in a nutshell.

    January 15, 2009

    Reminder on County Council Public Hearing on Nondiscrimination

    County Council Public Hearing on Nondiscrimination (Bill No. 4201-08)

    Date: TODAY! Thursday January 15, 2009
    Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
    Location: 4th Floor, County Court House, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh
    Notes: This hearing regards the County's ordinance that would prohibit discrimination in Employment, Housing and Public Accommodations. Certain categories, including sexual orientation, are in jeopardy of not being included.

    Also if you haven't already, please contact your councilor and the two at large members. Contact information can be found at:

    You can remind them that people actually do get fired simply for being gay and it's completely LEGAL.

    And, let them know that a recent study found that politicians who support LGBT rights are in turn supported by the voting public. While the study was about gay marriage -- which is actually more controversial than nondiscrimination ordinances -- pols who supported rights got reelected. And, they were rewarded by voters from both parties.

    January 8, 2009

    Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance has lost another co-sponsor -- Attend the Big Queer Rally!

    You can't call yourself a progressive -- or even a real Democrat -- if you don't support civil rights!

    (Click picture for larger version. Email me here
    if you wanta real-size .pdf of this poster.)

    From Lance at Steel City Stonewall Democrats:
    UPDATE: The Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance has lost another co-sponsor. So now it currently has 8 co-sponsors. All 8 cosponsors will have to vote for the Ordinance for successful passage.

    Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance

    Did you know that in Allegheny County it is legal to fire someone from their job simply because that person may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? Did you know it's legal to refuse to rent an apartment to a person even if you just think they're lgbt? It unfortunately is true, and happens even today all too often. We need your support to end this discrimination, and help pass a county-wide non-discrimination ordinance that would protect all LGBT people.

    This past summer, County Councilwoman Amanda Green introduced legislation prohibiting discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in employment, housing and public accomodations. Failure to pass this legislation in the second largest county in Pennsylvania will have statewide ramifications.

    Take action now by asking your Councilperson to support Ordinance 4201-08, a county-wide non-discrimination ordinance!

    We also need to show the County Council that their constituents support fairness for all people. A hearing for public comment on this ordinance will take place on January 15th at 5:00 p.m. at the Allegheny County Courthouse, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh on the fourth floor Gold Room.


    If you would like to email your local Allegheny County Council person, please go to and send a letter by following the directions on the page.

    From Sue at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents:

    Rally for GLBT inclusion in County Ordinance
    Equal Rights for Everyone

    Pittsburgh, PA - A rally supporting inclusion of GLBT residents' rights to Countywide nondiscrimination in housing, employment and other contexts in Bill No. 4201-08, now before Allegheny County Council. Organizers note that the Join The Impact rally in November 2008 drew 500 people - they hope to capitalize on the active support generated to focus on local and national issues, such as repealing DOMA, (Defense of Marriage Act).

    Rally Details:
    Date: Saturday, January 10
    Time: from 2 - 4 p.m.
    Location: Schenley Plaza in Oakland
    , between the Carnegie Library and the Hillman Library. Free hot coffee and warming tents will be provided


    Rally co-organizer Sue Kerr states, "We lost another co-sponsor, Councilman Bob Macey, (a former steelworker), from my hometown of West Mifflin. I could actually show Councilman Macey the dents in the lockers at West Mifflin High School where the gay kids were shoved on a regular basis. I could take him to my parent's living room and have a man with 40 years in the mills, many Republican votes and a regular attendance at Mass explain why his daughter's partner is part of the family."

    Event Emcee: Gab Bonesso Event Speakers: Sponsor of the County's ordinance, Councilwoman Amanda Green, State Representative Chelsa Wagner, (co-sponsor of HB 1400 which takes anti-discrimination protection to the state level), City Council President Doug Shields, City Councilmen Bruce Kraus and Bill Peduto and City Controller Michael Lamb. Additional Speakers: Reverend Janet Edwards, Dana Elmendorf, political pundit John McIntire, Kris Rust, Reverend Deryck Tines, Sandra Telep, trans activist Miranda Vey and representatives from organizations including Steel City Stonewall Democrats.


    Attendees will also be encouraged to speak at/attend County Council's public hearing on Thursday...To speak at the hearing, contact John Mascio at or 412-350-6495.

    The rally is sponsored by:
    the after8pgh blog,
    The Delta Foundation,
    Marriage Equality USA -SW PA,
    Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents,
    Pittsburgh PFLAG,
    Pittsburgh Prideweek,
    Steel City Stonewall Democrats,


    December 31, 2008

    ACTION ALERT: Contact Allegheny County Council

    Back in November we urged our readers to contact Allegheny County Council members to voice their support for an ordinance that would prohibit discrimination in Employment, Housing and Public Accommodations based on characteristics including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. At that point, twelve (out of 15) Council members had signed on as cosponsors of the ordinance.

    Now, three members of County Council have withdrawn their support of the legislation. Those members are:
  • Matt Drozd, District 1,, 412-350-6525

  • Michael Finnerty, District 4,, 412-350-6540

  • James Ellenbogen, District 12,, 412-350-6580

    (Click here for the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents post that lists the neighborhoods that comprise County Council Districts 1, 4 and 12.)
  • According to Sue at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents, the flip-flop by the above councilors can be attributed to Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (OMG check out their website and the references to "The Homosexual Agenda"). Ms. Gramley -- and we're pretty sure she hates to be called "Ms." -- isn't even an Allegheny County resident. We're also guessing by the alerts on the AFA website as to which stores are not "Christmas-friendly" that she's a pray-away-the-gay type.

    So what can you do?

    1) Contact all members of Allegheny County Council to let them know that you support the ordinance (You can bet your rights that the other side already has).

    2) Attend the Big Queer Rally Set for Saturday, January 10th in Oakland (more info here).

    3) Attend County Council's upcoming public hearing to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in the Allegheny County Human Relations Act. That hearing date is set for January 15, 2009.

    November 24, 2008

    ACTION ALERT: Contact Allegheny County Council TODAY!

    From Steel City Stonewall Democrats:
    Allegheny County Council is considering an ordinance that would prohibit discrimination in Employment, Housing and Public Accommodations based on characteristics including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

    The Council has, so far, been very interested in moving this non-discrimination ordinance forward. Twelve (out of 15) Council members have signed on as co-sponsors! One of Council’s next steps is to approve funding for the ordinance. Specifically, the County will have to hire folks to educate the public, to investigate complaints, and to prosecute violations of the ordinance. The Council’s Government Committee will be discussing the ordinance this Tuesday.

    Below is a list of the co-sponsors for the legislation. Please contact your County Councilperson to thank him or her for supporting this ordinance. Encourage your Councilperson to continue moving the legislation forward.

    You can look up your district at the following link:

    Matt Drozd, Dist. 1

    Jim Burn, Dist. 3

    Michael Finnerty, Dist. 4

    Joan Cleary, Dist. 6

    Nick Futules, Dist. 7

    Chuck Martoni, Dist. 8

    Bob Macey, Dist. 9

    William Russell Robinson, Dist. 10

    Rich Fitzgerald, Dist. 11

    Jim Ellenbogen, Dist. 12

    Amanda Green (lead sponsor), Dist. 13

    John DeFazio, Council At-Large

    In case you wish to encourage the non-sponsors to become co-sponsors, here is their contact information:

    Chuck McCollough, Council At-Large

    Jan Rea, District 2

    Vince Gastgeb, District 5

    In case you would like to attend: the Government Committee of the Allegheny County Council will be meeting this Tuesday, November 25, at 5:00pm to discuss this legislation. The location is 436 Grant St., County Courthouse Rm. 119, Conference Rm. 1. At this type of Committee meeting there is not the opportunity for public comment, but the public is welcome to attend, and you would be supporting the legislation with your presence.
    More at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents here.

    September 8, 2008


    If you do ONE thing about voting machines this year:
    Sign up by 5:00pm TODAY to speak to County Council Tues

    Do you know that we have no idea what software is actually on our voting machines in Allegheny County? Shouldn't we take a peek?

    In the two years since our voting machines have arrived from a factory in the Philippines, the voting software has never been audited for authenticity. We are asking for public software audits that compare our voting software with the software certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. "Unauthorized patches" have been used illegally in other states by the voting machine vendors. Allegheny County promised to verify our voting software. Now, we are calling for the Board of Election to hold a special meeting to make software verification happen. We are asking for public observation of a random sample audit of the voting software on 40 voting machines. The media are willing to cover this if we can make a show of public support.

    What you can do:

    1) Sign up by 5:00 PM TODAY at this website:

    2) Show up on Tuesday (Sept. 9th) at the County Council Meeting (4th Floor, County Courthouse - Gold Room) to say the magic words:
    "Please, Verify Our Voting Software!"
    (Actual speaking time is likely to be between 5:30 and 6:30, after various proclamations.)

    3) Let Richard King of VotePA know that you'll be speaking. Email:

    Let's make it happen!

    March 25, 2008


    UPDATED! (3/26/08)

    March 25, 2008

    Join Hillary for a "Solutions for the American Economy" Town Hall in Greensburg!
    WHAT: Hillary Clinton "Solutions for the American Economy" Town Hall
    WHEN: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 11:30 AM - 2:30
    WHERE: University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, Chambers Hall Gym,150 Finoli Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601

    "Hillary has spent the past 35 years fighting for American families and she has real solutions to tackle the tough issues we’re facing. Join Hillary in Greensburg to learn more about her lifetime record of results." Host: Pennsylvania For Hillary. More info @

    Allegheny County Council Meeting on Community Benefits Agreement
    Allegheny County Council Meeting on Community Benefits Agreement
    WHEN: Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 5:00 PM
    WHERE: Allegheny County Court House, 436 Grant Street, Downtown Pgh in Gold Room, 4th Floor

    Community members, Pittsburgh UNITED and representatives from local organizations including the PA League of Young Voters, ACORN and Sierra Club, will ask County Council on Tuesday, March 25th to pass legislation supporting Community Benefits Agreements. The public will be provided with the opportunity to highlight the importance of community input on economic development projects and present arguments on two proposed pieces of legislation.

    Vigil for 4000th U.S. Soldier Death
    WHAT: Candlelight Vigil for the Human Cost of the Iraq War
    WHEN: Tuesday, March 25th - Time 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    WHERE: East Liberty Presbyterian Church, 116 S. Highland Ave., East Liberty

    Pittsburgh Commemorates the 4,000th US Military Death in Iraq. Joins Nationwide Events Mourning the Human Cost of War and calling for: No More Deaths. More details at

    Drinking Liberally Pittsburgh
    Drinking Liberally Pittsburgh
    WHEN: Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 7:00 PM
    WHERE: Buffalo Blues, 216 S Highland Ave (Shadyside)

    Drinking Liberally is a great organization that exists across the nation. A happy hour that is open for anyone that wants to get together and talk politics. Mostly from the liberal point of view. More info @

    March 26, 2008

    “The F-Word: Feminism in the age of MySpace, Paris Hilton, Hillary and Facebook.”
    WHAT: “The F-Word: Feminism in the age of MySpace, Paris Hilton, Hillary and Facebook.”
    WHEN: Wednesday, March 26, 11 a.m. to noon
    WHERE: Community College of Allegheny County-Allegheny Campus, Foerster Student
    Services Center Auditorium, 808 Ridge Avenue, North Shore

    In honor of Women's History Month, Community College of Allegheny County-Allegheny Campus will welcome Heather Arnet, executive director of the Women and Girls Foundation (WGF).The free event is sponsored by the CCAC Women’s Center. Arnet will speak about “The F-Word: Feminism in the age of MySpace, Paris Hilton, Hillary and Facebook.” From encouraging women to run for elected office to helping teenage girls “Girlcott” Abercrombie & Fitch, Arnet and WGF are at the forefront of a movement to engage a new generation of women and men to work for social equality and justice. WGF’s mission is to achieve equity for women and girls in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

    Meet & Greet Fundraiser for Beth Hafer Steel-City Stonewall Democrats
    WHAT: Meet & Greet Fundraiser for Beth Hafer hosted by
    WHEN: Wednesday, March 26, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
    WHERE: There Lounge, 931 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

    The Steel-City Stonewall Democrats host a meet & greet fundraiser for Beth Hafer, candidate in the 18th Congressional District. Suggested Contribution: Guest: $25 Student/Low-Income: $10. Cash bar, light refreshments will be served. Steel-City wants you to meet Beth and discuss her candidacy to unseat a loyal Bush Republican. More info at

    March 28, 2008

    Community Event with Barack Obama - Pittsburgh
    WHAT: Community Event with Barack Obama
    WHEN: Friday, March 28, 2008, Doors Open: 9:00 AM, Program Begins: 11:00 AM
    WHERE: Soldiers and Sailors Military Museum and Memorial, 4141 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

    The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are required. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Members of the public are invited to pick up their free tickets at: Obama for America Pittsburgh Headquarters, 208 North Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Tickets will be available: 12 pm to 9pm on Wednesday March 26th, 9am to 9pm on Thursday March 27th ***For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal belongings. No signs or banners permitted.***

    Town Hall Meeting with Barack Obama - Greensburg
    Town Hall Meeting with Barack Obama
    WHEN: Friday, March 28, 2008, Doors Open: 3:30 PM, Program Begins: 5:30 PM
    WHERE: Hempfield Area High School Gymnasium, 4345 Route 136, Greensburg, PA 15601

    The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are required. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Members of the public are invited to pick up their free tickets at: Obama for America Greensburg Office, 132 S. Penn. Avenue, Greensburg, PA 15670. Tickets will be available: 1pm to 9pm on Wednesday March 26th, 9am to 9pm on Thursday March 27th ***For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal belongings. No signs or banners permitted.***

    Live Concert Event for Obama
    WHAT: Generation Obama and Western Pennsylvania Young Professionals for Obama will host a live concert fundraising event
    WHEN: Friday, March 28, 2008, 7:00 PM
    WHERE: Privilege Ultralounge in the Strip District,1650 Smallman St., Pittsburgh PA

    Performing live will be Pittsburgh's own, Formula412, winners of the 2008 Pittsburgh Hip Hop Award for best live band. Attendees will include: City Council members Bill Peduto and Patrick Dowd, State Representatives Chelsa Wagner and Jake Wheatley and State Senator Jim Ferlo.

    March 29, 2008

    Meet Rob McCord
    WHAT: Meet Rob McCord (hosted by Bill Peduto)
    WHEN: Saturday, March 29, 1:00PM to 3:00PM
    WHERE: Ava Lounge, 126 S. Highland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

    "Supporting Barack? Supporting Hillary? On April 22, there's one progressive Democrat running for statewide office that we can all support! Please join us for an informal meet-and-greet with Rob McCord. Rob is an independent businessman and a lifelong Democratic activist and is chair of the Eastern Technology Council. He will bring his progressive values to the position of State Treasurer where he will be a protector of public interests, create jobs, and protect pensions." RSVP here

    Political Game Night
    WHAT: Political Game Night by the 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club
    WHEN: Saturday, March 29, 7:00PM, Games start at 8:00PM
    WHERE: Schenley Skating Rink on Overlook Drive in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA

    "Test your political savvy with original adaptations of your favorite game shows: Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune! Who Wants to Be a Millionaire! Be a spectator or a contestant! Every ticket comes with three chances to play. Also enjoy delicious appetizers, drinks, and desserts. As our Master of Ceremonies for the evening: Chris Moore, talk show host for WQED-TV,KDKA radio and PCNC-TV And as game-show host our special guest: Allen Kukovich, Director for Governor Rendell's Southwestern Pennsylvania Office. $15 in advance ($20 at the door). Advance tickets will be held at the door. Are you too young to be President? Tickets just $10 for those under 35 and for students and limited income." For more information:

    April 3, 2008

    "UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections"
    WHAT: Pittsburgh big-screen premiere of UNCOUNTED (A Film by David Earnhardt)
    WHEN: Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 6:30 pm
    WHERE: Pittsburgh Filmakers - Melwood Screening Room, 477 Melwood Ave
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213

    An explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 – and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the proof. Presented by Vote Allegheny. Suggested donation $10; seniors and students $7. Reception, hors d'oeuvres, and multi-partisan schmoozing at 6:30pm. Discussion by filmmaker David Earnhardt, Marybeth Kuznik, President of VotePA, and others prior to and after the screening of the film. Watch the trailer @

    April 18, 2008

    SEAD 2008 GOTV Rally
    South End Active Democrats 2008 GOTV Rally
    WHEN: Friday, April 18, 2008, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
    WHERE: Resurrection Church Hall, 1100 Creedmore Avenue in Brookline, 15226

    For $7 you get free food, beer/wine/pop, a DJ and a chance to meet the Democratic candidates. People from all over the county attend, not just South Enders.

    April 25, 2008

    Equal Pay Rally
    Equal Pay Rally
    WHEN: Friday, April 25, 2008, Noon
    WHERE: Market Square, Pittsburgh PA

    Save the date! Brought to you by the Women & Girls' Foundation of SW PA. More details later.

    November 2, 2007

    The Case for David Tessitor

    Here's the deal on voting for Allegheny County Council At-Large members:

    There are two At-Large seats but each political party can only nominate one candidate and voters only get one vote. It was intended to make sure each party gets one of the seats.

    So who are the candidates?

    1) Democrat John DeFazio: He's currently on Council and given the large majority of Democrats, he'll win a seat even if only half the Dems vote for him. It's in the bag.

    2) Republican Charles McCullough: He's the Upper St. Clair attorney at the center of a criminal investigation over management of an elderly widow's trust fund (he gave her $$$ to various Republican pols without her knowledge). He was let go from Downtown firm Eckert Seamans and dropped out of the race for a Republican at-large seat on Council. But it was too late to take his name off the ballot and he won and decided he wouldn't drop out saying, "Obviously, it was by the hand of God and also by the voters of the county (that I won)." After the primary, the Republican Party asked him to step aside, but he refused. At the July 3rd County Council meeting, he sought to introduce legislation as though he were already elected. (Can you say delusional? I knew you could!

    3) David Tessitor (Reform Party): His platform includes Better Transit, Community Revitalization and Rapid Rail to the Airport.
    If all the Dems come out for DeFazio, they automatically end up electing McCullough. What's needed is for a chunk of you Dems out there, and Independents and even some Republicans (who are embarrassed by McCullough) to vote for Tessitor.

    By helping David Tessitor win, you can make sure Chuck McCullough does not serve on County Council!
    (And, you get a good progressive in the deal.)

    Learn more about David at: