Showing posts with label map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label map. Show all posts

07 July 2024

RuneQuest Humble Bundle

For a mere €16, you can get the PDFs of most of the books of the latest edition of RuneQuest via this incredible offer.

Whether you have sat on a fence, or only purchased the dead tree versions, or even if you want to offer this bundle to a friend, you can’t possibly ignore this unbelievable offer.

In detail, this is what you’ll get:

  1. the RQ core rules
  2. the RQ Screen Pack
  3. the RQ Quickstart
  4. the RQ Bestiary
  5. the RQ Book of Magic
  6. the RQ Starter Set (best TTRPG starter set evah)
  7. RuneQuest Weapons & Equipment
  8. King of Sartar
  9. Cults of RuneQuest — Mythology (invaluable even if you don’t play RQ)
  10. Cults of RuneQuest — the Prosopaedia
  11. Cults of RuneQuest — the Lightbringers (the good friends of Orlanth Rex)
  12. Cults of RuneQuest — the Earth Goddesses
  13. the Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories (scenario pack)
  14. the Smoking Ruins & Other Stories (scenario pack)
  15. the Guide to Glorantha (all about Glorantha, the TV series)
  16. the Argan Argar Atlas (map companion to the Guide)
  17. the Glorantha Sourcebook (all about Glorantha, the film)
  18. the RQ colouring book (I have no idea what this is)

Again, this is amazing value for €16!

07 July 2021

Random Clan Terrain Generator

In 2015 I wrote a blog entry to randomly generate an Imperial Chinese Prefecture for TTRPGs set in Imperial China. I was quite satisfied with my article (itself based on a post on Éric Nieudan's now-defunct web-site), but it has only very recently occurred to me that I could easily adapt it to Sartar to make a Random Clan Terrain Generator!

What you need:
 - A standard 52-card deck with French suits (); remove the jokers and the 2's.
 - Dice.

1. Draw cards to make a 7×7 grid; leave centre of grid empty. The rectangle represents the tula, and the dark grey centre is the main settlement, the clan's capital:

2. Terrain the remaining 48 areas according to card suit; face cards mean there is a steading. See tables below:

  woods or swamp 
 ♥ hills 
 ♠ mountains 

 Jack: hamlet or stead 
 Queen: temple, shrine, other holy place 
 King: manor or mansion 
 Ace: small town or village 

Choose or draw another card for sub-types, e.g.:

 Second Card Drawn   Settlement Sub-Type   Temple Sub-Type   Manor Sub-Type 
 ♦  Sartarite   Orlanthi  Retired Rune Lord/Priest 
 ♣  Sartarite   Ernaldan  Guildhouse
 ♥  Sartarite   other Sartarite   Local Thane 
 ♠  non-Sartarite (e.g., Sun Domers, Lunar colonists)   pre-Sartarite   Wealthy Landowner 

 Third Card Drawn   other Sartarite Sub-Type   pre-Sartarite Sub-Type 
 ♦  Humakt  True/Dream Dragon 
 ♣  Issaries  Major Spirit
 ♥  Lhankor Mhy  Mysterious otherworldly being
 ♠  other  other

3. Encounters and events. Now, whenever the player characters are travelling throughout the clan territory, random encounters may happen! For each card, roll d20 and compare to card value (Jack = 11, Queen = 12,  King = 13, Ace = 14). If the die roll is = card value, look at the encounter on the table below.

Variant: Use a d10 in the light grey area.

 Die   Civilised Encounters
Die roll < card value 
Die roll = card value 
 1   Farmers travelling foraging poaching fleeing 
 2   Fishermen working mending nets famished building a dam 
 3   Merchants caravan lost being robbed loaded with silver  Ambush or trap 
 4   Initiates preaching looking for help begging on a pilgrimage   Impromptu market 
 5   Warriors professional rural militia urban militia press-gang   Freak weather 
 6   Orlanthi from Another Clan mercenaries traders transients pilgrims   Blocked roads 
 7   Orlanthi from Another Tribe warband migrating raiding hiding  Fire 
 8   Non-human Tusk Riders Elves Beast Men Trolls  Flood 
 9   Adventurers bruised & beaten hostile friendly richly equipped   Battle 
 10   Lunars tax collectors ♣missionaries colonists soldiers   Ghosts 
 11   Bandits river raiders on the run hiding carrying plunder   Country fair 
 12   Thieves street thugs running from the law spies burglars   Bandit Lair 
 13   Sun Domers merchants ambassadors prisoners pilgrims   Siege 
 14   Plague 

Feedback and suggestions welcome.

06 June 2020

Eternal Con 2020– Jeff’s Panel

So the organisers cancelled the 2020 edition of the Eternal Con, but some people (who live in Germany) did travel to the Schloss, staying there as ‘individuals’ since there was no way an official con could be seen as happening.

Amongst these individuals, Jeff Richard from Chaosium who broadcasted his usual ‘ask me anything’ panel on YouTube. Luckily the broadcast was captured; here it is for your enjoyment.

Short summary:

(the recording missed the part about the Cults of Glorantha book)

Q: What happens to HeroQuest?
A: Announcements soon, but people may have noticed QuestWorlds already!

Q: Will there be a Lunar supplement?
A: We are putting together the right team of writers.
But the huge size of the Lunar cults chapter within the Cults of Glorantha book, plus the Lunar material within the Guide of Glorantha, should already enable you to run Lunar campaigns.

Q: Are there any differences (in content) between the English-language edition of Call of Cthulhu or RuneQuest and the translations? Is any of the original stuff written for the translated versions going to be published back into English?
A: We are translating some Polish CoC material into English and we are really excited by the additional French-language material that Philippe Auribeau is putting together for the French edition of RQG.

Q: Next RQG book in print?
A: Starter Set, similar to the CoC starter set. It will have everything needed to run RQG games, with a focus on Jonstown with two adventures.

Q: Pavis & Big Rubble book
A: Robin Laws has finished writing the Big Rubble book, it is currently being used as the in-house Chaosium RQG campaign. It takes place after Pavis has been raided and it really changes the feel of how it’s played— it’s not under Lunar occupation any longer: YOU are the occupiers!

Q: Glorantha East & West
A: We actually have a fantastic Kralorela manuscript, but I think it’s not the best time to publish it, because there is no good way for a party of characters from Dragon Pass or Prax to travel there, which means it is an entirely new setting. I would prefer to wait until we come out with the Nochet book, which opens up the rest of the setting more broadly [because characters can then travel by boat from Nochet].
About the Malkioni and the Invisible God... the Invisible God is not in the Cults of Glorantha book because it is too different and so big... it would be the tail that swallows the dog, so it’ll end up being its own book, that’ll also include Sorcery.

Q: The Nochet book?
A: A team is putting it together, with encounters and adventures based on the beautiful map that we have made available.
The manuscript isn’t final yet, though. But I hope to have the book out in 2021.
Nochet is a very important city, it’s the biggest and most cosmopolitan city in the world.

Q: A revision of HQG?
A: No.

Q: A book about how to better narrate stories for CoC?
A: The Keeper Rulebook already has some great tips on how to be a good keeper. But it’s an idea worth looking at.

Q: The Ring of the Nibelung as a Pendragon setting?
A: Great idea, but how to combine the historical elements and the myths to create a kind of ‘monomyth’ like Greg Stafford did for Pendragon?

Q: What is the Sartar book going to feature?
A: How to make a Sartarite character, how to create a clan, how do tribes function.
Complete and detailed gazetteer.

Q: Status of Barbarian Town?
A: This is a book that Sarah Newton started drafting and putting together. Alas she’s had a lot of personal stuff going on in her life, but it is definitely a book I’d love to get moving again!

Q: What is the God Learners’ Secret?
A: It’s a secret.

10 May 2016

Back From Chimériades V

Back from the first con in ‘con season’!  This year’s Chimériades took place in the same wonderful village in the Luberon as the two previous incarnations.

As usual, here is my feedback for the poor souls who had other priorities in life than travelling to a wonderful château in a seraphic location to enjoy role-playing under the Provençal sun. [Important notice: since I’ve had an appalling H1 2016 at my day job, I am in fuсkwit mode at the moment, so: no GMing at my side at the Chimériades (nor will I GM at the Eternal Con in Bacharach), and I must also disclose that I have stolen from various friends’ con summaries to complete mine.]

Blue sky, ochre castle *

THURSDAY 5 MAY, evening

Chimériades aren’t particularly known for their being a ‘dry’ convention, but the organisers have overachieved this year… after the inaugural ceremony, several tables of fresh mojitos were expecting us in the courtyard of the castle. Also by the end of the con, we hadn’t run out of beer kegs (contrary to what happened in 2014…)!

Beer and mojito *

Mojito Army †

Another big subsistence-related surprise: this year the food was prepared by a professional caterer! We had fantastic paella cooked in huge frying pans just in front of the château. So most of us started the three-day playathon sipping a fresh mojito in the mouthwatering smell of frying capsicums. I’ve definitely experienced worse at a con.

Keep it flowing †

THURSDAY 5 MAY, late at night

I had obviously signed up for Jeff Richard’s very first worldwide open playtest of the new RuneQuest rules! First significant surprise: you are encouraged to play a party of characters from a similar background, and the [quite long] character generation is not dissimilar from the Sartar clan generator in HeroQuest, except that each character is similarly created via a long questionnaire, and not the clan or the character party itself. As a result, and since there were five of us, this took almost two hours, at which point we decided to play the actual scenario the following day in the early morning. Second surprise; the rules are really, really close to RQ2, even more so than what Jeff had hinted at on G+. To me, it looks like Chaosium’s two guiding principles in this endeavour have mainly been “remove unnecessary rules” and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”; I am happy with 99.9% of the results… I only miss the Defence skill, but since apparently I am the only such person on Earth, it shouldn’t be an issue for most of the fans.

A thick manuscript! *

FRIDAY 6 MAY, morning

OK, so were all from the same ‘Old Tarshite’ village on the slopes of Kero Fin, and Jeff demonstrated that you could play an intense hero quest even with beginning characters. We all had the opportunity for mucho roleplaying and we got to try out all the new skill combinations, augments, etc. All I will say here (since RQ4 definitely warrants its own dedicated blog post) is that the new system works flawlessly, that there aren’t any maths involved (augments are flat ±20%, not percentages of percentages), and that rune magic ROCKS. These first impressions still have to be confirmed, of course, since I’ve only played a mere one-shot, but as much as I enjoyed the short-lived RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha supplement for RQ6, I have had the impression at Chimériades that we had found –at last!– the holy grail of Gloranthan old school role-playing!

My first RQ4 character sheet! *

FRIDAY 6 MAY, 10:30, first panel: Gloranthan Round Table

The first panel of many that were available (and of which I only attended two) was the Gloranthan Seminar with Jeff Richard and Ken Rolston.

Jeff and Ken Talk *

As usual, the first questions were about upcoming products— so:

The Coming Storm is at the printer. The first book is expected in time for Gen Con. The second book is at layout, and is scheduled for the end of the year.

13th Age in Glorantha (13G) is at its final review stage. Currently at 400+ pages. Scheduled for the end of the year. As Jeff goes through the edits of 13G, he adds relevant stuff here and there to the 1627 sourcebook to make sure everything mentioned in 13G gets properly covered in the sourcebook, which BTW is a myth book; the model for the sourcebook is the myths articles in Wyrms Footnotes. The sourcebook will be useful for all Gloranthan-based role-playing games and not only for 13G, since all Gloranthan RPGs now heavily revolve around hero questing – and hence myths.

New RuneQuest core rules. Public playtesting in the next few weeks. Missing sections: hero quests, new sorcery [note that there won’t be any Malkioni in the core rules, only Grey Sages will have a few sorcery spells]. The full manuscript is scheduled for Gen Con. The new rules are designed to be backwards compatible with all the reprinted RQ2 products, which are going to be back in publication and printing.

Six Ages (successor to King of Dragon Pass): finished writing, missing the art. Looking at end of 2016/beginning of 2017. Set in Glorantha, but not in Dragon Pass [yours truly suspects Esrolia].

Gods War is being kickstarted this summer, by Petersen Games and Moon Design.

Wyrms Footnotes issue 16 will gather RQ material that won’t have made it in the published book.

Once the rules books are out, supplements will have to be rolled out… An “Esrolia Pack” is in the works (the published Nochet map was the first step).

The new Dragon Pass boardgame by Chris Klug is currently being playtested. It is designed to be played in 90 minutes. The aim is to kickstart it at the end of 2016.

Reiner Knizia card game: each player is a Praxian khan raiding the other clans. Fun, fast-paced filler game (20- to 30-minute play time).

Trollball proof-of-concept boardgame using miniatures from Petersen Games. A few pictures were posted on G+. No schedule at the moment.

HeroQuest: Glorantha in French, directly published by Moon Design— no intermediaries!

Jeff and Ken also mentioned that Glorantha should not be seen as a “scholarly” world any longer: GMs now have the Guide at their disposal, and beginning players should have enough understanding of their starting locale thanks to the character generation process in RQ4.

FRIDAY 6 MAY, afternoon

Rightly expecting not to be in great shape for Chimériades, I hadn’t booked anything for the Friday afternoon slot. I have thus been able to leisurely walk through the castle and its gardens to see the various RPG tables, and more.

Basking in the sun... *

...and playing RPGs *

Stéphane Gallay was playtesting Gingerbread (working title), his new RPG in which the players are students in a super-hero academy. Readers of a well-known French graphic novel will feel at home. I didn’t play, just watched, but the system seemed quite reminiscent of Hero Wars.

Stéphane and his playtesters *
I’ve also enjoyed listening to my friends playing Grégory Privat’s Bimbo RPG. I love how the game “forces” the players to be creative both in how they describe their character’s actions and in how they have to talk in-character.

Bimbos in the sun †

I have drooled at length in front of a copy of Cthulhu Wars painstakingly painted by Grégory Privat that you could win thanks to the lottery (alas, I didn’t).

Lottery prize *

There were nice Gloranthan decorations everywhere in the castle, this year being the 50th anniversary of Glorantha (but more on this later), including some unpublished illustrations!

Some friends of mine were playtesting the 21st century version of an old favourite of ours…

Er, I think the Red Emperor is dead! †

Also the usual publishers’ and resellers’ booths, etc. Other friends playing, and various games being demo'ed.

FRIDAY 6 MAY, night

Another piece of epic Gloranthan gaming! Early in the year, Éric Vanel had adapted the BattleLore rules to Glorantha for an in-campaign battle that we played during the course of his HQ campaign. Since we all loved how the game had played out, he decided to use those same rules to render the battle of Dangerford (from the Coming Storm) as a standalone wargame.

I acted as the co-referee. We had 5 players on the Lunar side, 4 representing the Sartarite rebels. The game played really well, the only problem was that the players who had received the rear-guard counters didn’t get to play much. Also, the Sartarite units exaggeratedly benefited from a scaling error on the map that made the Creek much wider than it really is, hence decreasing the efficiency of the Lunar units that use ranged weapons and/or magic. Hopefully a version 2 (for THE KRAKEN?) will fix these small shortcomings because except for these the game was fantastic.

Map and counters *

Gaming Aid *

And... Action! †

SATURDAY 7 MAY, 10:30, second panel: Ken Rolston: What I’ve Left Undone

This had been advertised more as a workshop than a panel, so I had assumed we would be creating stuff with Ken Rolston. We ended up mostly listening to Ken talk about CRPGs –which I hate– but him being the Rune Czar it was still very interesting.

Ken globally talked about failed games, how he pitched them to bigwigs, what they could have been… The one that caught my attention most was ‘Exile’, a mix of Civilization and Oblivion, and ‘Markland’, pitched as Sartarites settle the New World, or Elves and Dwarves settle a post-Hobbit Desolation of Smaug. I also remember this particular sentence: “Managing artistic people is like herding cats”.

Oh, and Ken did mention a single failed tabletop RPG: Seals of Satan (published in White Wolf Magazine issue No.42) with, er, cute seal-like demons firing death rays from their eyes!

The Rune Czar Talketh *

SATURDAY 7 MAY, afternoon

The usual perk at these cons is that you get to play with the very authors of the games, and so I managed to secure a place at Camille Guirou’s The Cardinal's Blades table to enjoy her adventure le Serpentaire (the word means both ‘Secretary Bird’ and ‘Ophiuchus’ in French, and both meanings played an important role in the scenario…). It was really one of the most enjoyable adventures I’ve ever played, with a breathtaking in medias res opening, great locations (Provence in the 17th century), and possibly the best NPC I’ve ever been confronted to. Loved it!


While I was enjoying Camille’s game, some other lucky friends were playing Scions of Ralzakark with Ken Rolston. This was a scenario Ken had already GM’d at THE KRAKEN… Can you believe I missed it twice?!

SATURDAY 7 MAY, late afternoon and night

Alas, alas, even the best cons get to an end, and we had a moving closing ceremony, during which Philippe confirmed there would be another con in 2018.

After the traditional barbecue dinner (yes there were vegetarian patties) the organisers had a big surprise for us Gloranthan fans: a score tartes du Luberon with Gloranthan runes on them! This is part of what makes the Chimériades so special.

Beauteous!! †

Thank you, thank you, thank you again to Camille Guirou, to Philippe Auribeau, to Rémy Croxatto and to all the other organisers, and see you in 2018!

Un jour, toujours

The ugly pictures (unmarked or marked *) are by tours truly.
The beautiful pictures (marked †) are by Stéphane Gallay, under a creative commons licence.

06 January 2015

Old School Hexcrawl (Cont'd)

About two years ago, I posted an island sandbox/hexcrawling suggestion that I had stolen from Konsumterra's ever mind-blowing blog. Well, Konsumterra has updated the island map, which I am repurposing here as the detailed map of the unnamed island off the Umathelan coast north of Fengwal in the Dashomo Sea. That's in the upper part of map No.65 for those of you who have the Argan Argar Atlas. Konsumterra has named the island Exile Island but I like to call it Forbidden Island.

My suggestions for using this sandbox in a Second Age Umathelan game are as follows:

☠ Barony Humans/Humanoid Kingdoms/Highland kingdom ⁃ These are squabbling polities founded by God Learners that have been exiled from the mainland and who are self-styled 'kings' and 'barons' (hence the names of the polities).

☠ Beastmen Land ⁃ These hills are the refuge of a group of victims of some mad God Learners' experiments who are half-human half-animal. They try to stay aloof from the other islanders, and are known to deal quite harshly with trespassers.

☠ Bright/Dark Faerie Woods ⁃ The adjectives 'bright' and 'dark' do not refer to the inhabitants of the woods themselves, since both woods are inhabited by Aldryami, but to their relationship with the neighbouring humans: the 'bright' Aldryami are friendly, the 'dark' ones are not.

☠ Bright/Dark Troll Land ⁃ The adjectives 'bright' and 'dark' do not refer to the troll themselves, since both lands are inhabited by Uzko (dark trolls), but to their relationship with the Storm worshippers from the north-eastern peninsula: the 'bright' Uzko are friendly, the 'dark' ones are not. It is unclear whether the Uzko here are originally from Jrustela or from the Tarmo Mountains.

☠ Cave folk Tribal Lands ⁃ This area is inhabited by a clan of Jaskali Stone Age hunters (see the Guide to Glorantha p517-519) who belong to the Pteranodon tribe. Nobody knows how they got stranded on Forbidden Island, but they probably flew in on their pteranodons who later died or left .

☠ Dwarf Land ⁃ The Mostali here are from Curustus in Jrustela but obey the dwarves of Slon. Whenever a stone ship arrives on Forbidden Island to trade with the Malkioni settlers, the dwarves from Dwarf Land come and greet their brethren and help with anything the Slon Mostali may need.

☠ Elemental Cult Lands ⁃ This area has been settled by a clan of Himile-worshipping Uzko. As a result, this valley is always much colder than the rest of the island.

☠ Elf Land ⁃ Some Green Elves have been living in these forests for centuries. They are the second-oldest dwellers of the island after the Grey Giants, and resent being encroached by other races. However, there aren't many elves and so they cannot strike back. Yet.

☠ Empire humans ⁃ The Malkioni exiles here are still loyal to the Middle Sea Empire, hence their name.

☠ Giant Land ⁃ Home to a scattered clan of Grey Giants, who are possibly the only indigenous inhabitants of Forbidden Island.

☠ Gnome Land ⁃ This peninsula owes its name to the fact that, despite the proximity of the sea, it has a very strong connection with elemental Earth. There is a large temple dedicated to Ernalda.

☠ Goblins ⁃ This lowland is inhabited by a clan of goblins (red elves) from Porlaso who remained blocked on a reed island that broke off the coast of Porlaso and drifted on the seas until they were stranded here; they are puny and not very dangerous because they do not have a Queen to lead them.

☠ Reptilian Lads ⁃ Lascerdans (who just want to be left alone) live here. They have a very bad relationship with the Malasp.

☠ Swamp Land ⁃ This area has been cleared of any nonhuman dwellers by the God Learners.

☠ Viking Land ⁃ Some Storm worshippers from central Umathela have settled here and decided to remain— the sea is full of fish and sea life and, as long as they pay tribute to Terthinus, the Malasp leave them alone (see GtG p461).

11 October 2013

Cultural Maps from the Upcoming Guide to Glorantha

The Guide to Glorantha should be available by the end of the year. The text is fully written and has been proofread. Jeff et al are now busy with the artistic part: the illustrations and, of course, this being a fantasy product, the maps.

The two maps below have been 'leaked' on the Glorantha G+ community and on the new Glorantha web-site a few days ago. Funnily enough, they both cover my favourite part of Glorantha: Umathela. Enjoy!

27 August 2013

Map of Second-Age Slontos before the Sinking

The title says it all:

click to enlarge
(from the Glorantha community on G+)

13 August 2013

Guide to Glorantha KS Update (cont'd)

The upcoming Guide to Glorantha will include a massively detailed map of Glorantha, including Pamaltela!

Backers of the project have received 'sneak peek' PDFs of the atlas. Here's a small excerpt of central Umathela, just you give you an idea of the sheer detail of the maps:

click to enlarge

29 May 2013

You Are Here

This is less detailed than the map I've posted a while ago, but it gives a clear idea of where Umathela lies with regards to the neighbouring lands. And yes, it is a Third Age map.

You are here

23 April 2013

Map of Second Age Jrustela

This is from the latest KS update. The Guide is going to be HUGE!

click to enlarge

05 February 2013

Old School Hexcrawl

Exile Island by Konsumterra can be used almost 'as is' for a nice bit of old school hexcrawling off the Umathelan coast!

Let us have a look at all the nice details about Exile Island (aslo called Forbidden Island). Apparently, it used to be part of an empire; it is about 150km × 250km; it is a tropical island; it is covered with rainforest... So basically everything about this island: the history of the place, its size, its climate, its vegetation, makes is a perfect addition to any Second Age Umathelan campaign game!

Let's look at the reasons why the PCs should end up hexcrawling on it:

☠ The PCs could be stranded on the island because their ship sunk: survival game!
☠ The PCs could be on a mission for the ruler of one of the coastal cities: exploration game!
☠ The PCs could be looking for God Learner ruins in order to loot them: plunder game!

15 January 2013

My Sandbox

So if you're saying "Old School" you're saying "Sandbox". If you're saying "Sandbox" you're saying "Hex-map". Here's mine. Second Age Umathela, right smack in the centre of Enkloso, with the river Riogache slowly flowing through it in a southeast-to-northwest direction.

click to enlarge

Most of the area is ruled, or rather claimed, by Duke Roderick of Varanswal. The central area around the Mere (a large, cool lake) is ruled by his archrival, Count William of Arstranwal. The actual extent of both rulers' authority is along the major paved roads (black on the map), and along the minor dirt roads (light brown on the map). The rest is controlled by uncivilised Umathings— or worse!

I have already ran four adventures; three in the Harlan/Rampart area, one in Greenmound.

Note: 1 hex is 10km.

24 October 2012

Map of Pamaltela

From the forthcoming Guide to Glorantha: the official map of Third Age Pamaltela. OK, it is a Third Age map and features all those horrible Elf forests, but still...