Monday, November 18, 2013

Well Hello Peer Pressure!

I had a reality check from Kate last week.  One day after school she says "mommy, my friends asked me why I carry a little backpack."  Eesh.  Yes, its true, bad mommy had Kate carrying the same little backpack to school that I bought her before she started preschool 2 years ago.  Her friends all carry backpacks big enough to carry a medium sized dog to school!  In my own defense, I had bought Kate a matching Pottery Barn preschool backpack and matching lunchbox a while back.  But it seemed big to me so its been sitting in her closet for over a year.  And, naturally, now its packed away in a box somewhere!  So Kate and I discussed what kind of backpack she would like - a conversation I really didn't even need to have to know the answer!  Thankfully the kids consignment store around the corner from school had one full size backpack with princesses on just waiting for me to find it the very next day!  What luck!  I wonder how long $4.50 will make my children happy... 

Kate was SO SO proud to wear her backpack to school!  She couldn't wait for her friends to see it!  And I kinda like it too b/c her lunchbox, her (new, cool, princess) thermos, and her snack all go inside the backpack so momma is hands free!  Woot woot!  (well except the non-walker I still carry around)

While Kate apparently had a growth spurt and outgrew all her coats her sister is still refusing to walk!  We see other babies her age who are full on running but not our little peanut.  A friend of ours just gave us their old walker.  Anna Clare quickly learned how to roll all around in it and maybe, just maybe, it will help her learn to walk!

And although she won't walk she's happy to climb all over her sister's toys.  Including the scooter! 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Big Day!

Today sweet Anna Clare had her 15 month check up.  I can't believe my sweet little nugget is 15 months old already!  Here are her stats:

17 lbs 13 oz (8th percentile)
30 inches (30th percentile)
18.3 in noggin (71st percentile)

So in a nutshell Anna Clare is a peanut, much like her sister, only perhaps she won't be quite as short.  And they both have what Brett likes to refer to as the "Glenn head" (BIG).

Poor baby had to get 4 shots today, including her 2nd flu shot.  I was actually a bit caught off guard by that because in North Carolina there was no 15 month checkup.  Only 12 month, then 18 month.  What really stinks is that she sees the tray of shots now and freaks out.  And lucky mommy gets to hold her down and hold her hands.  I'll have to be sure daddy joins me next time!

The fact that we have a move in less than a month saved Anna Clare from being referred to ECI (early childhood intervention) for an evaluation.  She isn't talking, other than her single
word "dog", and isn't walking yet either.  I'd say she's been on the verge of walking for over a month.  She'll even occasionally take a step or two but when she falls she doesn't bother to stand back up.  As the doctor is questioning Anna's leg strength the little smarty pants stood up and smiled this big grin at the doctor.  As if she was saying "I CAN walk, I just choose not to!"  Regardless, we'll need to get a pediatrician quickly when we get to Greenville and possibly have Anna Clare evaluated by a therapist.  Though my guess is she'll be talking more and walking by then!

Later this afternoon we had a play date at the house with some of the mom's from a group we're a part of.  I have really come to like these ladies and this group.  There are many girls in it about Kate's age that she plays well with.  So we had a princess party with crafts and cookies with pink icing! 

The big kids had a great time playing upstairs and throughout the house while the moms and the younger siblings played in the living room.  The highlight of the play date occurred when Kate decided to let Max out of the master bedroom.  From the living room we heard screaming, LOTS of screaming!  I immediately knew what had happened.  I jumped up to see a swarm of princesses running away from the back of the house.  All were screaming, some were crying.  And trotting behind them was one very happy dog.  It was the Faulkner version of the Running of the Bulls!!  Poor Max thought he was going to get some attention - he didn't mean to terrorize the kids!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Relocation - just say NO!

My momma taught me that if I don't have anything nice to say to say nothing!  So I've been silent on the blog front for over a month.  Ha!  Brett and I have made so many mistakes with this relo I can't even bring myself to rehash them.  If anything works in our favor we will be settled (or surrounded by boxes if that counts as settled) in our new house in Greenville by mid December.  But the way things have been going thus far I won't be holding my breath!

Halloween was last week and Kate, of course, loved it!  Though truthfully her daddy may have loved it more!  Anna Clare, on the other hand, decided to vomit all over her costume and her buggy halfway through the evening.  Poor girl had her first stomach virus - she and I had a fun evening of dry heaves.  Joy! 


I love the photos of the girls in this rocker.  This is a family piece that my parents had when Jon and I were kids.  I have several pictures of us in it when we were little!  I especially love the look on Anna's face.  "Why in the h@ll am I dressed up like a pea?!?"  Kate, of course, was a princess.

Several days before Halloween the girls and I met some friends at our church's pumpkin patch.  We picked out some little pumpkins, went on a hay ride and Kate jumped in several bounce houses.  Here are a few pictures from the day.  I'm not really sure why I have a series of shots with Kate looking just to the left of the camera.  (i'm sure she thought she was hilarious tho!)

Here are a few cute shots from a recent visit to the "red park" down the street.  Anna Clare has so much fun at the park now.  She climbs up the stairs and directly to the top of the highest slide.  I have to quickly grab her by the shirt to keep her from going down head first!  She has become the typical 2nd child - no fear and ready to go!  She also enjoys a good game of peek-a-boo with her sister!  Now if she'd just learn to walk...

2 more park pictures I wanted to share.  Love the one on the right of Anna trying so hard to climb up the slide.  Any I'd be willing to bet she'll be riding Kate's bike soon! 

Lastly, even though I hate having to load up the kids in the car every time the house shows, clearly someone thinks its FABULOUS!