Cartoon-blogging, essay 15 of 21 blog entries on
250 great animated short films
The Sandman (1993), directed by Paul Berry. |
The fifteenth essay, “Animating Horror,” is published in
full at
Press Play at IndieWire. A
special Halloween essay, it focuses on three films from our list:
The Tell-Tale Heart (Ted Parmelee, 1953),
Harpya (1979, Raoul Servais), and
The Sandman (1993, Paul Berry).
It’s the witching hour…
The Sandman (1993), directed by Paul Berry. |
The Tell-Tale Heart (1953), directed by Ted Parmelee. |
Harpya (1979), directed by Raoul Servais. |
The moon is out...
The Tell-Tale Heart (1953), directed by Ted Parmelee. |
The Sandman (1993), directed by Paul Berry. |
A lonely house at night...
This series of 21 essays is inspired by a list of 250 great animated short films, composed in August 2012 by Scott Bussey, Jorge Didaco, Waldemar Hepstein, Bill Kamberger, Robert Reynolds, Sulo Vatanen, and Lee Price, with additional assistance from participants on the IMDb Classic Film message board.
© 2012 Lee Price