Showing posts with label Insuran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insuran. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tip Jika Terlibat Kemalangan dan Membuat Tuntutan Takaful / Insurans

Sebelum Kemalangan (ketika mengambil polisi takaful)

1. Kita tidak tahu bila akan berlaku kemalangan, jadi ini adalah panduan ketika mengambil polisi takaful. Kalau kita tahu bila akan berlaku kemalanga, tentu syarikat-syarikat takaful terpaksa gulung tikar. Untuk panduan sebelum mengambil polisi takaful, boleh rujuk ke 9 Perkara Yang Perlu Anda Tahu Sebelum Memperbaharui Roadtax Kenderaan di dalam nota sebelum ini.
2. Pastikan jumlah perlindungan yang kita ambil mencukupi. Sebaik-baiknya, ambillah perlindungan berdasarkan harga pasaran. Sekiranya kita mengambil perlindungan di bawah harga pasaran, kelak akan menimbulkan masalah untuk membuat tuntutan. Contoh, kereta saudara sepatutnya dilindungi dengan harga pasaran RM 100,000 tetapi saudara hanya mengambil perlindungan RM 80,00 sahaja. Maka apabila berlau tuntutan kelak, saudara hanya layak 80% sahaja daripada nilai tuntutan. Sekiranya jumlah kerosakan RM 10, 00, saudara hanya layak RM 8000 sahaja, RM 2000 saudara terpaksa membayar sendiri.
3. Pastikan mengambil polisi perlindungan “comprehensive” atau menyeluruh. Jika mengambil “third party claim” atau perlindungan pihak ketiga, janganlah menyesal sekiranya berlaku kemalangan. Pernah terjadi seorang pelanggan saya yang mengambil polisi sebegini dengan dan berkata “insya-Allah tidak akan kemalangan”. Beberapa minggu sebelum polisinya tamat, keretanya kemalangan teruk! Janganlah ia berlaku ke atas tuan-tuan sekalipun hutang kereta sudah selesai. Beringat sebelum kena.
4. Perlindungan asas hanya untuk body atau badan kereta sahaja serta enjin. Ia tidak termasuk radio dan kaset, cermin hadapan atau windscreeen, additional driver (pemandu tambahan), bencana alam dan sebagainya. Jadi pilihlah yang sewajarnya. Dan semestinya ada premium tambahan untuk perlindungan tambahan. Umpama kita membeli nasi lemak. Nasi lemak biasa harganya RM 1.50, dengan ikan bilis, telur, sambal dan timun. Jika inginkan sotong, udang atau ayam, tentulah kita perlu membayar lebih, bukan?
5. Sebaiknya polisi tambahan cermin, kerana ia paling berisiko untuk retak dan pecah. Saya sendiri pernah mengalaminya; cermin kereta saya dipecahkan dan ia tiada perlindungan tersebut. (baca: Ketika itu, Selepas kejadian tersebut, setiap kali pembaharuan pilisi, saya pastikan akan ada perlindungan untuk cermin, tetapi selepas itu tidak pula ia pecah ;)
6. Satu lagi perlindungan tambahan yang perlu ialah; pemandu kedua atau second driver. Selalunya ia diberikan percuma. Ia bagi memudahkan proses tuntutan sekiranya kemalangan berlaku ketika pemandu kedua yang membawa kenderaan. Selalunya pasangan. Jika tidak, seandainya pemandu lain yang membawa kereta dan kemalangan, prosesnya agak leceh dan kemungkinan akan dikenakan bayaran tambahan.
7. Perlindungan tambahan untuk bencana alam elok untuk mereka yang berada di kawasan-kawasan yang berisiko banjir seperti di Pantai Timur Semenanjung. Tapi sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kawasan-kawasan bandar seperti Kuala Lumpur pun mengalami banjir. Malah tempat tinggi pun banjir; Kota Tinggi, Johor (orang Johor jangan marah ya..)
8. Ambil nombor telefon wakil atau ejen atau talian panas hotline syarikat takaful. Ia bertujuan untuk memastikan nombor-nombor ini mudah dihubungi apabila berlaku kemalangan. Ia bertujuan untuk memudahkan proses seterusnya kerana berdasarkan pengalaman saya, para pelanggan saya akan panik apabila berlaku kemalangan, walaupun sudah diberikan panduan umum semasa mengambil polisi. Jika tuan-tuan mengambil polisi takaful dengan saya, saya bersedia menerima panggilan tersebut. (Sempat lagi promosi tuuu….)

Ini pula adalah tip dan panduan ketika kemalangan berlaku, di tempat kejadian.

1. Pertama sekali, jangan panik.
2. Kedua pun jangan panik.Kerana situasi ini akan menyebabkan kita menggelabah dan membuat tindakan yang tidak sewajarnya.
3. Ketiga; jangan sekali-kali panik. Tip ini terpaksa diulang sebanyak tiga kali kerana sekiranya berlaku panik, 100 tip yang akan datang pun tiada berguna lagi.
4. Jika melibatkan pihak lain, elakkan berbincang (baca: bergaduh) tentang topik-topik seperti: “Salah Siapa”, “Aku Tidak Bersalah”, “Kamulah Puncanya!”, “Bukan Salah Ibu Mengandung” dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya perbincangan (baca: pergaduhan) tentang topik tersebut tidak akan membuahkan hasil kepada kedua-dua belah pihak, malah mengusutkan keadaan. Sebaiknya saling memberi kerjasama bak kata Wonder Pet, “Apa yang penting? Kerjasama!!”.
5. Sekiranya melibatkan kemalangan jiwa atau kecederaan fizikal, hubungi 999 dengan segera untuk mendapatkan ambulan. Sila simpan nombor 999 ini, walaupun saranan ini lucu kedengarannya. Sekiranya panik, nombor semudah 123 pun sukar untuk diingati.
6. Ambil maklumat semua yang terlibat di dalam kemalangan. Maklumat-maklumat seperti nombor kenderaan, nama pemilik, nombor telefon amat membantu untuk memudahkan untuk ke membuat tuntutan. Juga maklumat tentang syarikat takaful / insurans masing-masing. Beri kerjasama kepada rakan-rakan baru tuan-tuan di tempat kemalangan. Ingat kembali pesanan Wonder Pet!
7. Buat lakaran kasar tentang lokasi tempat kejadian dan lokasi kenderaan sebelum dan selepas kemalangan. Jika ada kamera adalah lebih baik. Itulah gunanya kamera di telefon tuan-tuan. Sekali lagi pesanan Wonder Pet digunakan di sini bagi memudahkan proses selanjutnya. Beri kerjasama kepada semua yang terlibat untuk mengambil gambar.
8. Ketika ini, akan tibalah berbondong-bondong lori tunda yang “menawarkan” janji-janji manis kepada tuan-tuan, sebaiknya elakkanlah. Pernah seorang pelanggan saya, akibat terlalu panik, menerima “janji manis” tersebut sekalipun pernah diberitahu jangan berbuat demikian ketika mengambil polisi. Selepas kereta tersebut diperoleh kembali, didapati beberapa bahagian yang ditukar dengan “spare part” palsu. Saya mengesyaki ia ditukar untuk mengaut keuntungan kerana kebetulan kereta tersebut kereta baru. Apabila ditanyakan kepada bengkel, katanya ia diterima dalam keadaan tersebut daripada pihak lain iaitu lori tunda. Dalam keadaan ini agak sukar untuk mencari pihak lori tunda kerana mereka menjalankan secara “freelance” dan bukan bengkel panel.
9. Sebaiknya hubungi syarikat takaful / insurans untuk mendapatkan lori tunda daripada bengkel yang bertauliah. Di peringkat ini, kerjasama daripada ejen / wakil takaful amat diperlukan untuk melicinkan proses.
10. Kemudian, laporkan kejadian tersebut kepada pihak polis dalam tempoh 24 jam. Pastikan balai polis tersebut adalah balai polis yang “menjaga” kawasan di mana berlakunya kemalangan tersebut. Saya sendiri pernah mengalaminya sendiri, kejadian berlaku di lebuh raya. Selepas keluar daripada exit, saya dapatkan balai polis terdekat daripada exit tersebut. Rupa-rupanya balai tersebut tidak boleh menerima laporan kerana tidak “menjaga” kawasan tempat saya kemalangan.
11. Laporkan juga kemalangan tersebut kepada pihak syarikat takaful sekalipun tidak berniat untuk membuat tuntutan. Ia bagi memudahkan proses tuntutan sekiranya ada selepas itu.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Do You Need A Whole Life Insurance Policy?

Do you need a whole life insurance policy? When it comes to life insurance, most people knows very little about the subject, and the many alternatives available only add to the confusion. Typically, we don’t take enough time to sit down and understand each type of life insurance policy and which one is the best for our situation. The sad truth is that many insurance reps will start out by praising the virtues whole life insurance policy. But why?
Why Insurance Agents Love Whole Life Insurance?

Ahhh…I hate to say it, but money talks! The truth is that the whole life insurance policy is one of the highest commissioned products for an insurance representative. Since they can get more commission on a sale of whole life insurance compared to other products (for example, term life insurance), they most likely convinced themselves that whole life is the right product for everyone.

However, this doesn’t mean whole life policy is right for you!
What is a whole life insurance policy anyway?

In short, a whole life insurance policy can be summed up as:

* You pay your monthly premium.
* In return, the insurance company provides you with an amount of death benefit — let’s say $100k.
* If you die while the coverage is active, your estate or your beneficiaries will receive the $100k.
* As long as you pay your premiums on time, your coverage is active and can last your whole life (and this is why it’s called whole life insurance policy).

Now, if you want to go deeper into the product:

* Some policies allow you to stop paying premiums after a period of time, but the coverage still remains. Basically, the money you have paid into your policy now earn enough to cover future premiums without the need for you to add more fund.
* However, you may receive a call from your insurance rep after several years saying that “there is not enough money in the policy to pay the premium” and that you will have to start making payments again. Usually, this happens when the stock market goes south.
* You can use your whole life insurance policy as a tax sheltered investment.
* In addition to the death benefit, there are a ton of options, such as increasing your coverage without medical exams in the futures, borrowing against your policy, etc.

How much insurance do you need?

To answer this question, I would take a look at:

1. How much debt do you owe that need to be paid off at the time of your death (such as a mortgage)?
2. Do you have financial dependents that will need the equivalent of a portion of your salary to maintain their lifestyle once you are gone (e.g., kids or a spouse with a much lower or no income)?
3. Do you want to leave extra money behind?

And the life insurance policy should also cover:

* Basic funeral expenses (about $15,000 to $25,000).
* Money for taxes (if you have important capital gains to declare at your death such as a rental property under your name).
* Other amount that would be required if you pass away.

Do you need a whole life insurance policy?

The key question to answer this question is to ask yourself: Will you still need this money if you pass away 15 to 20 years from now?

Here are a few things to consider:

* For a mortgage, a term insurance is a better fit as you will likely have a paid off mortgage in 25 years.
* For your kids, chances are that they won’t need your money in 10-20 years.
* For your spouse, you want to leave enough behind so that he or she can maintain the lifestyle without you.

Personally, I am not a big fan of whole life insurance; however, having coverage of $50,000 to $100,000 is a good idea (to provide liquidity and pay for funeral expenses). The rest of your insurance needs would be better served by term life insurance.

Overall, the best advice I can give you is to have your insurance needs reviewed by an expert. If the recommendation is one huge whole life insurance policy, challenge him on the reasons why he offers only one product instead of a combination.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Malaysian Motor Insurance Pool is the Last Resort for Third Party Motor Insurance
For those of the vehicle owners (particularly owners of older vehicles and commercial vehicles) who are faced with the difficulty of to obtain third party motor insurance from normal commercial insurance market. You might obtain the third party cover from Malaysian Motor Insurance Pool (MMIP).

MMIP refers to a pooling arrangement between general insurers to jointly underwrite insurance cover for vehicles which are unable to obtain protection from any individual insurer. Insurers are jointly share in the venue of a loss to MMIP.

In line with its role as an insurer of last resort, MMIP is allowed to charge a higher premium through loading to balance its pool of undesirable risks.

MMIP is managed by MMIP Services Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of MNRB Holdings Bhd (MNRB) on behalf of the general insurance industry.

Vehicle owners may purchase MMIP cover directly from either of the two servicing insurers,
1) Multi-Purpose Insurance Berhad or
2) Uni.Asia General Insurance Berhad, at any of their branches.
3) Pos Malaysia with effect from 1 July 2009 for private vehicle and light goods vehicle owners

The documents required for MMIP are as follows:

1. The Original Policy or Renewal Notice of the previous insurance.
2. The original copy of the Vehicle Registration Card (both sides)
3. A copy of the Owner’s NRIC (both sides).
4. A fully completed Proposal Form.
5. Additional Documents:
i) For Trade Plate:
a) The original copy of the trade plate disc.
ii) For Commercial Vehicle:
a) A copy of the permit (if any).
b) A copy of the vehicle inspection report (from Puspakom).
iii) For Company Owned Vehicle:
a) The Company’s rubber-stamps.
iv)For Private Cars or Motorcycles above 10 Years:
a) A copy of the vehicle inspection report from Puspakom or Any Private Adjuster.
v) For Insured above 65 Years Old:
a) The original copy of the insured’s medical report.

Do take note that for the Third Party Policy, it covers:
1. Third party bodily injury and death - Provides protection to the driver at fault against his liability for bodily injury and death caused to a third party, resulting from a road accident )mandatory under the law)
2. Third party property damage - provides protection to the driver at fault against his liability for property damage (vehicle, lamp-post, buildings etc) caused to a third party, resulting from a road accident.

Whereas for the Comprehensive Policy, it covers:
1. Third party bodily injury and death - Provides protection to the driver at fault against his liability for bodily injury and death caused to a third party, resulting from a road accident )mandatory under the law)
2. Third party property damage - provides protection to the driver at fault against his liability for property damage (vehicle, lamp-post, buildings etc) caused to a third party, resulting from a road accident.
3. Own damage - Provides protection to the driver for any damage to his own vehicle
4. Theft - Provides protection to the driver in the event of theft of his own vehicle.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Term VS Whole Life Insurance – What Do The Numbers Show?
Craig/FFB, just wrote a great article discussing the differences between Term and Permanent Life Insurance, and to my amazement he was very fair when it came to permanent life insurance. Most financial bloggers aren’t as partial, and spout (without ever running numbers) the standard “buy term and invest the difference” kool aid. So I asked FFB for the opportunity to actually run the numbers between term and permanent life insurance.

Since we need to start somewhere, lets start with our guy who needs life insurance:

Born 7/1/1977 (Middle age between Craig and Myself)
Good Health – Rated Second highest (above standard but below
$5,000/yr Budget
The illustration I am running is from a AAA Rated Company that is older than a lot States. Considering it is an industry leader, it is not the cheapest around. We are going to look at 20 Year Term + Investment Account Returning 4% net VS. Whole Life Product. [Craig: Remember we are considering that a lot of people say to buy a Term policy and invest the difference between the Term and Whole life product rather than buy the Whole life insurance policy.]

Buying 20 Year Term and Investing the Difference

Since the $5,000/year budget buys $495,495 of whole life insurance coverage (we will discuss those calculations below), we will buy that death benefit amount in 20 year term life insurance, and then invest the difference. To purchase that amount of term life insurance costs $450/yr and thus our difference is $4,500/yr.

Year End of Year Investments Death Benefit
1 $4,680 $495,595
5 $25,348 $495,595
10 $56,189 $495,595
15 $93,710 $495,595
20 $139,361 $495,595
Year Cash Value Death Benefit
1 $0 $495,595
5 $16,881 $50,049
10 $50,696 $511,955
15 $88,551 $530,006
20 $142,979 $573,411
So at year 20 you have a couple grand more, and your options

Cashing out the policy – taking the cash and walking
Create a ‘paid up’ policy – Using the cash to buy some amount of
death benefit that where you won’t have to pay anymore premium
1035 (a tax free exchange) into an annuity
Use the Whole Life Policy as a personal Pension
What about a Higher Return? Different Gender? Different Insurance

A change in any of the variables will change the whole exercise. I just think people should actually run the numbers before quoting talking heads.

I will note that I only used a 4% return, because I consider the cash value in the policy safety money (the particular company I used to create the illustration has been well-established in the industry.) If however I were to use 8% Net the numbers would look very different. By Year 20 the End of Year investments would be worth about $220,000.

So you can see, choosing between a Term Life Insurance is not always the better option than a Whole Life Insurance policy. You need to run the numbers yourself for your particular goals.

This is a guest post by Evan author of the Blog My Journey to Millions. Evan is an attorney, admitted to practice in the State of New York and works as a Director of Financial Planning overseeing the firm’s high net worth gift and estate planning. My Journey to Millions covers topics ranging from Estate Planning, his personal financial situation to libertarian views and hatred for big government.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Savings Plan, anyone?

Quite often, I hear from my friends that they have bought savings plan for retirement and/or children education. When I inquired the reason for them to do so, the reply were either have no idea on investment or the insurance company will take care of them when anything happen. For a financial knowledge sound individual, these myths are disaster.

If you say you have no idea on investment, this means you have no idea what you are doing. In this case, how do you know what other people are doing on your money? Yes, insurance will take care of your beneficiaries provided you are covered under the specified incidence stated in the policy. As a matter of fact, majority of life protection insurance policies are providing the same, why savings plan then?

In fact, savings plan is exactly the same as life policy. The only difference is the name itself. I realize that a number of insurance companies like to give some very fancy names to their savings plans. But they are just the same as normal life policy. This is the fact. The function of savings plan is exactly the same as life policy. You pay premium (with “premium”) for protection. Your premium (with “premium”) inclusive all insurance charges as well as commission to insurance agent and only the marginal left over go into the so-called investment. For the investment portion, what insurance company normally does is to secure insured’s investment as much as possible to meet any claim. The investment style, therefore, will be very conservative which in turn generating low return. It is normal if you can get an annual return of three to five percent.

OK, now, you say your savings plan is protecting you. May I know in what sense then? Does it cover your purchasing power? I don’t think so. As I highlighted in my previous post, considering “Inflation Rate”, your personal inflation will be much higher than the national one. So, do you think a five percent return can cover your purchasing power in the future? As for education, inflation rate of normal college fee is in the range of seven to ten percent. Again, the return of your savings plan is out of the picture. By the way, if you are paying premium (with “premium”), your return will be much lesser due to lesser fund go to investment portion after all insurance charges and commission paid.

Savings for retirement and education are important. There are many ways to do it but using insurance is a very bad idea. What can we do then? If an individual does not have any dependant, no insurance is needed. Just save and invest for what is needed in the future. For a married couple with kids, insurance is important. What they need to do is to cover themselves thoroughly through term policy or investment-linked policy. These policies are cheap and invest whatever you can save from premium. As these policies give exactly the same protection as savings or life plan with extremely low premium, why bother the expensive one? Don’t know how to invest? Learn then. Don’t have time for investment? Squeeze it out then. You have the choice but no excuse.

To conclude, my advice is, think twice before consider buying savings plan as you have much better options.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life Insurance Mistakes To Avoid

Most of us know what life insurance is: you pay a monthly or annual premium and in return the insurance company pays your nominated beneficiary or estate a lump sum when you die. Over the years life insurance has grown, with a multitude of policies to suit nearly every kind of need.

1. Buying Life Insurance From Mortgage Lenders When Arranging A Loan

Another common mistake is buying life insurance from a mortgage lender or bank who is lending the individual money to buy a home. Banks like to cross sell a variety of products to their customers, and when individuals seek financing for the purchase of a home, they suddenly become a captive audience to the bank who is making the loan.

The financial institution will try and add on a variety of insurance products in addition to the mortgage or loan they are making, and the deals on offer may not always be the best deals that can be picked up were the individual to approach an insurance adviser or a specialist.

It is better to buy life insurance from a specialist financial adviser, largely because they have a better understanding of the products on offer, and how they compare to rival products and probably have a bigger offering.

Individuals should also not be afraid to make an adviser work for their money and feel no pressure to commit. Advisers may be commission driven and financial products such as life insurance provide remuneration to advisers through a commission structure.

2. Life Cover through superannuation fund providers

Life insurance through your superannuation fund may seem like an easy option, but just make sure you read the fine print.

A life insurance policy through your super fund may not cover you for the right amount. This means that if something does go wrong, you may be severely underinsured, leaving your loved ones with insufficient funds during an emotionally turbulent time.

3. Buying Life Insurance directly without underwriting

Life insurance products sold directly without underwriting, often sold aggressively via television advertising, may cost double compared to equivalent cover which is fully underwritten.

Another point to note is that non underwritten types of life insurance policies often have exclusions on previous medical history.

Speak to your trusted insurance adviser about your personal life insurance needs and compare different life insurance quotes.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Buy term and invest the difference

This insurance buying “philosophy” has been preached many many times by some of the top personal finance gurus and authors, especially those from foreign country. What I am talking about is the technique of buy term and invest the difference (BTID).

I haven’t written anything about it, yet. Mooi (a blog reader and a regular forum contributor) actually asked this question in the forum. There is a very interesting discussion. You should really take a look at the forum post about what we’ve discussed so far. In this post, I will share my view about the reality and practical part of making use of this well-known strategy.
Story about Jack and Marry

Jack and Marry are husband and wife. They just got married and felt that they should insure themselves with proper life insurance policies.

Jack told the agent,”I want to pay the lowest premium to get the highest coverage.”

Agent replied,”You should buy a term policy.”

Marry disagreed,”I want something that gives return. I don’t want to pay premium and get back nothing at the end!”

Agent said,”Whole life assurance plan provides some decent saving. So Jack, whole life or term?”

This is a usual dilemma. I won’t say who’s right or wrong. They just have different opinion.
What’s Buy Term and Invest The Difference

Let’s say you can afford to buy a whole life participating policy which requires RM5000 annual premium. In order to get better value out of yourmoney, you can instead buy a term insurance with exactly the same sum assured, and use the extra money to invest.

In other words. You can use RM2000 to buy only term insurance, not whole life plan. And the other RM3000 can be invested to get better return.

This strategy is based on the believe that you can invest better on your own instead of relying on the insurance company to give you mediocre cash bonus return.

BTID emphasize on paying the least amount of insurance premium possible, and use the monetary difference to save and invest. If you are paying too much for insurance, there is not much left for investment.

In long term, say 20-30 years later, you might have invested enough and become wealthy. Then insurance is not an issue anymore because you are already rich! You don’t really need insurance when you are rich right? This is the concept behind BTID.

I don’t agree with this statement completely because I know the richer a person gets, the more insurance he buys. This is a fact, not an opinion. I will share more about this other time.
How do you do it in Malaysia?

The financial industry in Malaysia is still many years behind those developed nations.

Unlike in the developed nations such as US and UK, the term insurance in Malaysia is not really cheap. I checked with some online insurance websites, the term insurance selling in the US and UK is much cheaper. The premium is 20-30% cheaper than a term insurance available to Malaysian.

However, there are some other options to choose from, such as group term insurance, probably offered by unit trust companies, or through some association of private companies which is exclusively for employees and members only. And there are also some disadvantage of insuring yourself under a groupterm insurance. Some plans premium can be revised. Some may require good health at renewal. And these kind of plans are not easily accessible.

To buy cheap term insurance online, we would still have to wait. I don’t know how long it’s going to take. Until the day you want to buy insurance spontaneously (without agent sale-pitching you), probably insurance companies will cut the premium because they can reduce the commission paid to insurance agents.

When you are able to get sufficient coverage by paying the least amount of premium, the extra money you saved should be invested wisely.
Term insurance or Investment-linked?

Based on the Great Eastern Gelsis quotation software version 5.05, a male life assured aged 30, buying an insurance plan with sum assured of RM250k (Death and Total Permanent Disability benefit only), would need to pay

1. Term Assurance (30 years)
- annual premium - RM1617.50
- cash value after 30 years - NIL
- total premium paid - RM48,525 in 30 years

1. Investment-linked Policy - Greatlife Portfolio
- annual premium - RM1200
- cash value after 30 years - range from zero to RM20k (very much depends on investment return)
- total premium paid - RM36,000 in 30 years

In my opinion, there are no such “cheap” term insurance in Malaysia. The best term insurance you can buy is to package the investment-linked policy in such a way that it gives you maximum coverage on the lowest premium paid.

Yes, it can be done. Of course there is some risks to take on buying an ILP. But it can be overcome by proper strategy, which I shared previously how to avoid investment-linked policy from being lapse.
Pros and Cons of buying term and investing the difference

1. When you are able to save insurance premium, you shall have more money to invest

2. You will have more control of your investment.


1. It is almost impossible to get total coverage.
Let’s say you earn RM50,000 a year. 20 years down the road, you will be able to earn at least a million ringgit! It makes sense to buy a million ringgit policy now! The premium is RM6470 (30 years old, term 30 years). Can you afford it? If yes, would you buy it?
In practical, some other very useful rider can be added to meet the shortfall, such as the investment-replacement feature and the income-replacement rider. It is not so simple of just buying a term policy. You should ask a trustworthy agent to plan for you.

2. Some people are not disciplined.
Instead of buying term and investing the difference, some people spend the difference!
How about Jack and Marry?

I would say that different plan suits different people with different values.

Jack learns a lot about investment and he can pretty much handle his investment portfolio well. Then for Jack, to buy term and invest the difference totally make the best sense!

But Marry don’t like about investment. She fears losing money. She even trembles when people talk about share trading. She thinks that it is gambling. Furthermore, she can’t see the “money” sitting in the bank because she would most likely spend it. In this case, locking her money in an insurance plan is really beneficial to her.

How about you? Do you think buying term and investing the difference is your cup of tea?



Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life insurance

Life insurance or life assurance is a contract between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individual's or individuals' death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical illness. In return, the policy owner agrees to pay a stipulated amount called a premium at regular intervals or in lump sums. There may be designs in some countries where bills and death expenses plus catering for after funeral expenses should be included in Policy Premium. In the United States, the predominant form simply specifies a lump sum to be paid on the insured's demise.

As with most insurance policies, life insurance is a contract between the insurer and the policy owner whereby a benefit is paid to the designated beneficiaries if an insured event occurs which is covered by the policy.

The value for the policyholder is derived, not from an actual claim event, rather it is the value derived from the 'peace of mind' experienced by the policyholder, due to the negating of adverse financial consequences caused by the death of the Life Assured.

To be a life policy the insured event must be based upon the lives of the people named in the policy.

Insured events that may be covered include:

* Serious illness

Life policies are legal contracts and the terms of the contract describe the limitations of the insured events. Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; for example claims relating to suicide, fraud, war, riot and civil commotion.

Life-based contracts tend to fall into two major categories:

* Protection policies - designed to provide a benefit in the event of specified event, typically a lump sum payment. A common form of this design is term insurance.
* Investment policies - where the main objective is to facilitate the growth of capital by regular or single premiums. Common forms (in the US anyway) are whole life, universal life and variable life policies.



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Takaful Made Sempoi

1) Jom masuk takaful: kenapa perlu sertai pelan takaful?
2) Yang mana satu? : Mulakan dengan keperluan anda
3) Apa yang saya boleh dapat dengan RM saya?
4) Senarai Syarikat Pengendali Takaful di Malaysia
5) Perbezaan Istilah dan konsep Insuran dan Takaful

1) Jom masuk takaful: kenapa perlu sertai pelan takaful?

Perlindungan , perlindungan dan perlindungan: Ini adalah sebab yang paling utama. Malang tidak berbau. Semestinya kita berusaha untuk mengurangkan risko sekiranya sesuatu yang tidak diingini berlaku. Sedikit pelaburan bulanan, mungkin
dapat meringankan beban kepada diri, isteri dan keluarga. Siapa tahu bila kita akan sakit atau ditimpa kemalangan. Hanya Allah yang tahu.

Berdasarkan konsep “saling menjamin”, para peserta (termasuk anda) sama-sama menyumbang di dalam tabungan takaful yang akan digunakan apabila ada peserta yang memerlukan. Manfaat yang diberi berdasarkan pelan yang disertai dan jumlah sumbangan – seperti yang dipersetujui di dalam kontrak masing-masing.

Pelaburan: Sebahagian daripada caruman anda juga akan digunakan untuk pelaburan jangka panjang i.e. paling baik lebih dari 7 tahun. Apabila sijil takaful anda matang,anda akan menerima tabungan pelaburan (dapat balik sebahagian duit sumbangan bulanan anda, terkumpul!) DAN juga pulangan pelaburan (compounded return) selama tempoh sijil. Banyak jugak tu!

Perkongsian lebihan dana (surplus): Sekiranya ada lebihan dari dana Takaful, para peserta akan berkongsi lebihan ini, setelah ditolak bahagian syarikat takaful (kadar pembahagian selalunya 50:50).

2) Yang mana satu? : Mulakan dengan keperluan anda
Di Malaysia ada berpuluh-puluh pelan Takaful yang dikendalikan oleh lapan syarikat. Bagaimana kita nak pilih?

Pertama sekali, pastikan anda tahu keperluan hidup anda (dan keluarga).

Yang bujang, mungkin perlu perlindungan sekiranya sakit dan tidak boleh bekerja.
Yang tiada “company benefit” perlukan pelan rawatan di hospital-hospital swasta (kecuali anda mahu menunggu di hospital kerajaan).
Yang berkeluarga, perlukan perlindungan “lumpsum” sekiranya anda mati @ kemalangan @ kecacatan.
Mungkin juga, anda hanya perlukan pelan takaful untuk simpanan dan rawatan ketika bersara nanti.

Pastinya, setiap orang pasti memerlukan pelan PERLINDUNGAN yang tersendiri di setiap fasa kehidupan – muda, tua, bujang, beranak-pinak dan berharta.

Jadi, anda boleh pilih dan rancang perlindungan yang anda (dan keluarga) PERLUKAN:-
- perlindungan diri (kematian & kemalangan)
- kesihatan dan rawatan (penyakit kritikal & keilatan kekal)
- simpanan hari tua
- simpanan pendidikan anak-anak
- kereta
- rumah dan lain-lain

Dapatkan nasihat agen yang baik dan belajar dari rakan-rakan @ keluarga yang dah ada. Baca blog-blog yang neutral (i.e. bukan dari mana-mana agen syarikat) dan bawa berbincang.

Mulakan seawal mungkin i.e. sekarang!!! Biar sedikit kerana nanti anda boleh tambah @ upgrade pelan takaful.

“Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit”, kata orang tua-tua :) .

3. Apa yang saya boleh dapat dengan RM saya?

Hanya RM10.60 untuk setiap RM10,000 jumlah perlindungan yang diperlukan di bawah pelan HSBC Amanah Homeowner Takaful.

RM20 setahun, manfaat RM14,000 di bawah Takaful Berkumpulan, Takaful Barakah (Perlu menjadi ahli Bank Persatuan)

RM100 sebulan, manfaat sehingga RM60,000 dan perlindungan rawatan (Kad Perubatan Takaful MediAssist) selama 22 tahun – Takafulink Cerdik PruBSN

RM200 sebulan, manfaat kematian sehingga RM154,000 atau simpanan terkumpul sebanyak RM54,000 – Takaful Mesra Etiqa (20 tahun)

RM300 sebulan, manfaat kematian sehingga RM350,000 – Takaful Mesra Etiqa (20 tahun)

RM494 setahun ( RM41 sebulan), anda boleh mendapat pelan perlindungan Personal Accident sehingga RM1,000,000 dari

4. Senarai Syarikat Pengendali Takaful di Malaysia

1. CIMB Aviva Takaful Berhad –
2. Etiqa Takaful Berhad –
3. Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful Berhad –
4. HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd –
5. MAA Takaful Berhad –
6. Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad -
7. Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad –
8. Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. –
9. Tunemoney –

5. Perbezaan Istilah dan konsep antara Insuran dan Takaful
Nota: Saya gunakan English kerana kebanyakan kontrak Takaful akan guna-pakai English sebagai bahasa utama.

Life Insurance Family Takaful (Takaful keluarga)
Policy Certificate (Sijil)
Premium Contribution (Sumbangan)
Life Assured / Insured Person Covered
Assured Participant (Peserta)
Policyholder Certificate Owner
Sum Assured Sum Covered (Manfaat)
Insurance Charge/Fee Tabarru’ (Derma)
Payor Contributor
Coinsurance Cotakaful
Life Proposed Person Proposed
Premium-Redirection Contribution-Redirection
Policy Document Certificate Document
First Premium Receipt First Contribution Receipt
Premium Notice Contribution Notice
Life Assurance Premium Certificate Family Takaful Contribution Certificate

» Akhir kata untuk kali ini:-

Bersedia sekarang ketika anda SIHAT, SENANG DAN STABIL.
PILIHAN di tangan anda: “Susah-susah dahulu sertai takaful, bersenang-senang kemudian”.

Semoga berjumpa lagi dengan “Takaful Made Sempoi© 2″.
Ikhlas dari,



Monday, August 24, 2009

Life Insurance Coverage for Influenza A(H1N1) – Press Release

Life Insurance Coverage for Influenza A(H1N1) – Press Release

Kuala Lumpur, 21 August 2009: The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) has confirmed that death due to the Influenza A(H1N1) will be payable. In addition, all the 16 life insurance companies under LIAM will also be paying claims arising from hospitalization due to Influenza A(H1N1). Even though a majority of the medical policies carry exclusion on communicable diseases requiring quarantine by law, life insurers are responding to an immediate need of the nation in light of the increasing number of people who have been infected.

Life insurance companies will nonetheless continue to monitor the Influenza A(H1N1) situation. In the event of any review of this decision on life insurance coverage, the policyholders will be duly informed.


Investment-Linked Insurance Policy
First of all, you most likely already have an investment-linked insurance policy (ILP).

Maybe your agent might not have told you about it, but if you are like many others who has a medical health plan, it is most likely to have been tied with one.

When it comes to ILP, there are many different views on it. Some says it’s the future of the insurance industry (well, to the extend that some companies ONLY have ILP products) while some say they would rather not risk their insurance coverage with investments. Do you still remember why you got yourself an ILP?

Do you understand the risks you are taking all these while as an ILP policyholder?

Also why must your medical card plan be tied to an ILP? I can’t be sure, but I can speculate on a few possible reasons:

1) a medical health plan is a very important defensive financial tool to help you guard against expensive medical expenses. Since the inflation for medical and hospitalization stands at about 6-7% on an average, it’s not surprising that the profit margin for medical health plan is the lowest for the Insurance Companies (IC). So, what better way to rebalance it with a tie-up with insurance policy.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reduce your life insurance premium
Your life insurance agents will not tell you this. He probably hopes you will never find out.

How to cut your life insurance premium for more than 60% from RM1800 per annum to less than RM663 per annum without compromising your real protection needs? Here's how.

I called my friend, who works as an life insurance agent for quotations. I gave my profiles and details.

Profile : male, non-smoker, healthy, age? young :-)
Insurance coverage: RM50,000
Period: 30 years

He recommended

Investment-linked life insurance
Premium: RM1,800 per annum
Benefits: RM50,000 coverage, level coverage, crisis cover with critical illness, investment value at RM245,745 upon 30 years maturity

After much drilling and pestering, reluctantly he gave me further quotes

Term life insurance
Premium: RM662.50 per annum
Benefits: RM50,000, level coverage, crisis cover with critical illness, 30 years term life without cash value or investment value

I told him that he can do much better than that. Finally he quoted

Term life insurance
Premium: RM283.50 per annum
Benefits: RM50,000, reducing coverage, without crisis cover on critical illness (oops!), 30 years term life without cash value or investment value

This is the explanation:

1. First thing first, why I don't need investment-linked products?

I don't have to stuck my investment with one insurance company. I do my own investment outside an insurance products. I can choose my own unit trusts , stocks and properties. I can decide when to invest and when to stop.

Just think. Between the first two policies above, with annual premium RM1,800 and RM662.50, there is a big difference of RM1,137.50. Why can't I invest this amount elsewhere? Why should I stuck my long term investment with one insurance company?

To pay extra RM1,137.50 annually for the next 30 years would earn me a lump sum of RM245,745. A quick calculation shows that the annual rate of return is 11.43% for 30 years. Is it good? Yes, a consistent 11.43% ROI for 30 years is fabulous. But this is pure guess and estimation!! The agents and the insurance company cannot guarantee such return! Just like any other investment, there is no guarantee here. You may end up with RM1,000 instead of RM245,745 after 30 years.

"This is our fund managers' historical performance", my agent friend argued. Sure, what if your fund manager leaves? Is he going to stay in the same company for next 30 years? If I ever invest in a managed fund, I will move my money to follow a good fund manager. Investment-linked life insurance policy does not allow me to move out from this investment commitments without incurring expenses.

2. Why I don't need Whole Life insurance policy?
Because there is NO such thing as whole life coverage!! I will have to pay extra premium every year as compared to term life insurance. This extra premium is my savings in the life insurance. After 30 years, the extra premium I would have paid and its return (usually at a rate equal to fixed deposit rate) would be accumulated to a large sum. Anything happen to me then I will get paid, sure, not from the insurance element of the policy but from the savings element of the policy. (Hey, that's my own savings and not "benefits" from the insurance company.)

"But after several years you don't have to pay the premium for whole-life policy", my friend reminded me. Off course I don't have to pay then because whole life insurance policy makes me pay the extra premium up front!!

So what makes it look like a whole life protection is that such "financial protection" actually comes from my own savings. It is from the extra premium that I paid. So call "whole life" is truly misleading.

3. Why I don't need level coverage?
From level coverage to reducing coverage I could cut down further RM379 premium (RM662.50 less RM283.50). For level coverage, my life insurance coverage stays at RM50,000 for the next 30 years. For reducing coverage, my life insurance coverage will reduce every year from RM50,000 right up to NIL at the end of the 30 years.

There are specific reasons why people usually need reducing but not level coverage.

* The purpose of life insurance is to protect the loss of future labour income. When we get older our remaining working days reduce and therefore "future labour income" to be protected reduce, too.
* We would have built sufficient financial assets that could replace our labour income, therefore less coverage required.
* Our dependents would have grown up and become financially independent from us
* Buying level coverage policy, generally, addresses your life insurance WANT, i.e. you WANT to leave RM500,000 to your family in case anything happen to you regardless your actual earning. Buying reducing coverage term life addresses actual insurance NEED.
* More reasons on reducing coverage here.

4. Why I stick to level coverage? Frankly, I didn't want to. But I need the crisis coverage.
The only reason why I could not reduce further to opt for the reducing coverage policy above is because the policy does not have crisis cover. Crisis cover for critical illness is too important to sacrifice for cheaper premium. Well, this is how insurance companies force us to buy what we don't need (the level coverage) by bundled it with something we must have (critical illness coverage). (sound pretty bitter here. :-) )

Edited: There is one general insurance company in Malaysia, American Home Assurance, that insures critical illness only, without attachment of life insurance. In such a case, I can choose the last option with premium RM283.50 and buy RM177 critical illness RM50,000 coverage from AHA. In total RM460.50 premium per annum, a reduction of 74% from the first option's RM1,800 or a reduction of 30% from second option's RM662.50.

5. Isn't it good if we can get back some cash value after all our payments?
We must know that WE DON'T GET BACK WHAT WE PAY FOR PROTECTION. Insurance is an expense, regardless whether it is term life, whole-life or investment-linked, life insurance company WILL NOT pay back the premium that goes to financial protection. We only get back the extra premium paid that goes to savings or investments.

If you understand the essence of risks management, focus on protection needs (not wants), and have your own plan in growing your financial assets (e.g. properties, shares, deposits, etc.), life insurance premium can be dirt cheap.

If you have been buying investment-linked, in your next life insurance policy, you can either cut the premium down by more than 80% or quadruple your coverage with the same premium. :-) You can now using the extra premium that you save to pay for higher coverage.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Soalan untuk TAKAFUL
Sudah lama saya terfikir hendak berkongsi pendapat mengenai “Penyata Sumbangan” yang dihantar oleh syarikat-syarikat takaful di Malaysia. Rumusan ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai peserta Takaful Nasional (sekarang Etiqa Takaful) dan juga Takaful Malaysia.

Tujuan utama saya nak semak penyata pelan-pelan takaful saya ialah kerana ingin tahu berapa:-

1) jumlah saya dah sumbangkan untuk tahun tersebut

2) jumlah keseluruhan sumbangan saya dari mula sertai pelan tersebut

3) kadar keuntungan (%) tabung peserta (mudaraba) pada tahun lepas

4) jumlah simpanan yang saya ada di dalam tabung peserta

Selain dari itu, saya juga mahu pihak pengendali-pengendali takaful ( yang ambik caj perkhidmatan dari sumbangan kita) , ringkaskan dan senaraikan jumlah perlindungan yang kita ada. Tambahan pula jumlah ini berubah setiap tahun. Yelah, manusia ni mudah lupa.

Tetapi, dari pengalaman saya, penyata-penyata yang saya terima hanya mengandungi maklumat-maklumat untuk tujuan no 1 sahaja.

Saudara & saudari pasti bersetuju, kalau dah sertai pelan takaful 10 tahun, kita boleh ingat lagi ke berapa benefit yang kita hendak. Mungkin sekarang kita nak tambah lagi sebab anak dah lebih.

Masa sign dahulu, sudah tentu agen2 hanya anggarkan kadar keuntungan tahunan 5% , tinggi sikit dari Tabung Haji & EPF, tapi kurang dari ASB (yelah, pelan takaful ni kan untuk perlindungan, katanya).

Yang paling penting ialah jumlah simpanan keseluruhan yang ada. Ini kerana saya menyertai pelan ini sebagai salah satu simpanan untuk masa tua @ pencen nanti. Begitu juga, bagi yang masuk kerana pendidikan anak-anak. Kita MESTI nak tahu berapa jumlah yang ada hari ini atau pada tarikh penyata itu dikeluarkan.

Barulah kita boleh analisa, cukup ke tidak simpanan yang kita ada. Jika tidak, kita seperti terkial-kial. Hanya selepas pelan kita matang, macam kes saya dalam tahun 2029, barulah saya tahu berapa yang saya ada simpan. Patut ke begitu?

” Nota: Saya nak juga dengar pengalaman-pengalaman pembaca yang lain terutama yang menyertai pelan-pelan Takaful Ikhlas, Prudential, PruBSN dan lain lain lagi. Kalau ada yang masuk insuran pun, boleh juga kita bandingkan :) “

Oleh itu, nasihat saya, apabila anda melawat pejabat Takaful atau berjumpa agen-agen anda, tanyalah jumlah-jumlah seperti yang dibincangkan di atas. Kalau tak tahu, suruh diaorang tanya ibupejabat dan laporkan kepada anda.

Selamat mencuba!


Property Loan Insurance - MRTA vs MLTA
Di sini saya ingin berkongsi sesuatu tentang MRTA/MDTA dan MLTA kepada anda pemilik rumah / pembeli rumah yang mungkin ada di antara kita yang tidak tahu, atau pernah atau biasa dengar, tapi tahukah anda maksud sebenar? Ok saya mulakan secara asas apa itu Property Loan Insurance (Perlindungan Pinjaman Perumahan).

Mortgage Life Insurance

Mortgage Life Insurance adalah satu jenis perlindungan dimana ianya akan melindungi dengan membayar atau melangsaikan hutang peminjam apabila berlaku kematian atau TPD (Total Permanent Disability) sebelum pinjaman dibayar sepenuhnya.

Pada asasnya terdapat 2 jenis mortgage life insurance di pasaran iaitu MRTA/MDTA (Mortgage Reducing/Decreasing Term Assurance) dan Mortgage Level Term Assurance (MLTA)

Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) atau Mortgage Decreasing Term Assurance (MDTA)

MRTA/MDTA adalah jenis perlindungan direka untuk melindung peminjam daripada kematian atau TPD (Total Permanent Disability).

MRTA/MDTA adalah jenis polisi perlindungan yang ringkas dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan dan polisinya diterima pakai apabila peminjam ingin membuat pinjaman perumahan.

Cara bayarannya adalah di bayar secara ‘upfront’ sekaligus. Peminjam boleh memilih jumlah dan berapa lama dia ingin membayar perlindungan tersebut dan bergantung kepada jumlah pinjaman, umur dan jantina.

Mortgage Level Term Assurance (MLTA)

MLTA berlainan sedikit dari MRTA/MDTA dan menawarkan peminjam yang inginkan perlindungan nyawa, simpanan dan pulangan.

Ianya boleh dibayar secara tahunan, setengah tahun, bulanan dan pemegang polisi boleh memilih untuk mempunyai jenis-jenis perlindungan selain dari kematian dan TPD.

Jumlah yang perlu di bayar bergantung kepada jenis perlindungan yang ingin di miliki.

Perbandingan antara MRTA/MDTA dan MLTA


1. Polisi boleh dipindah antara bank apabila peminjam ingin membeli rumah baru atau refinance pinjaman kepada bank lain.
2. Anda hanya perlu membeli sekali sahaja, dengan jumlah yang sama, anda tidak perlu untuk memeriksa tahap kesihatan anda.
3. Bayaran akan dikira dan dicampur sebagai simpanan atau simpanan dengan keuntungan. Nilai wang boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan atau membayar habis pinjaman perumahan anda. Sekaligus boleh mengurangkan tempoh bayaran pinjaman,


1. Polisi akan kekal kepada satu bank sahaja, jika anda ingin refinance atau membeli rumah baru, polisi baru akan dikenakan mengikut harga rumah tersebut.
2. Selalunya setiap kali anda ingin refinance, anda perlu buktikan bahawa anda adalah sihat untuk polisi MDTA.
3. Tidak mempunyai nilai sebagai simpanan.

Part 2
MRTA vs MLTA - Bahagian II

Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi tentang perlindungan (insurans) pinjaman perumahan. Seperti yang telah saya tulis pada artikel lepas (Property Loan Insurance - MRTA vs MLTA), secara asasnya terdapat dua jenis perlindungan pinjaman yang diterima pakai untuk melindungi peminjam, iaitu MRTA dan MLTA.

Saya percaya masih terdapat ramai antara kita yang masih keliru atau tidak faham tentang MRTA dan MLTA. Hari ini saya akan menerangkan lebih terperinci melalui graf supaya kita dapat gambaran bagaimana kedua-dua jenis perlindungan pinjaman ini bekerja/berfungsi.

Sebelum saya bercerita panjang lebar, ingin saya mengingatkan anda bahawa, tujuan utama insurans/takaful diwujudkan adalah untuk perlindungan, dalam kes di bawah, ianya bertujuan untuk melindungi peminjam dari hutangnya kepada pihak bank.

Kita mulakan dengan MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance)

MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance)

Apa akan berlaku sekiranya berlaku kematian / musibah ke atas peminjam?

Daripada graf di atas, garisan putus-putus berwarna kuning menunjukkan berlaku kematian pada tahun ‘X’, secara automatik baki pinjaman perumahan akan dijelaskan oleh syarikat insurans/takaful kepada pihak bank. Setelah itu, waris tidak perlu menanggung hutang atau beban pinjaman perumahan yang ditinggalkan si mati kerana ianya telah dilangsaikan oleh syarikat insurans/takaful tadi.

Akan tetapi, jika tiada musibah / kematian berlaku ke atas peminjam?,

Daripada graf di atas, dapat kita lihat bahawa perlindungan pinjaman ini adalah jenis menurun, ianya selari mengikut baki pinjaman pada pihak bank. Pada akhir tempoh bayaran pinjaman, sudah tentu rumah tersebut menjadi hak milik 100%, akan tetapi bayaran (premium) perlindungan jenis ini tidak mempunyai nilai, ia akan menjadi susut mengikut baki pinjaman. Ini bermakna, mereka yang menggunakan perlindungan jenis ini tidak dapat apa-apa nilai dari bayaran perlindungan pinjamannya sewaktu dia membuat pinjaman pada awal pembelian rumahnya itu.

Bagi pendapat saya ianya adalah sesuatu yang merugikan walaupun ianya satu jumlah yang kecil (bagi sesetengah pihak), lagi bertambah buruk jika bayaran MRTA tersebut di masukkan ke dalam pinjaman perumahan, ini akan melibatkan kadar keuntungan bank dan tempoh bayaran yang lama. Sebagai contoh:

[MRTA (RM) x % (keuntungan bank) x Jumlah Tahun] + MRTA (RM) = RMXX,XXX.XX

[RM5000 x 8% x 30] + RM5000 = RM17,000

daripada kiraan di atas, mereka yang mahu MRTA di masukkan ke dalam pinjaman sebenarnya membayar RM17,000 dan pada akhir tempoh bayaran pinjamannya, MRTA RM17000 itu tidak akan dikembalikan kerana ianya tidak mempunyai nilai pada waktu itu.

Berlainan pula perihal kepada perlindungan pinjaman jenis MLTA, mari kita lihat apa perbezaannya.

MLTA (Mortgage Level Term Assurance)

Apa akan berlaku sekiranya berlaku kematian / musibah ke atas peminjam?

Daripada gambarajah di atas, garisan putus-putus berwarna kuning menunjukkan berlaku kematian / muhibah pada tahun ‘X’, secara automatik baki pinjaman perumahan akan dijelaskan oleh syarikat insurans/takaful kepada pihak bank. Setelah itu, waris tidak perlu menanggung hutang atau beban pinjaman perumahan yang ditinggalkan si mati kerana ianya telah dilangsaikan oleh syarikat insurans/takaful tadi. Dalam waktu yang sama, baki perlindungan (pampasan) juga akan di serahkan kepada waris.

Ini bermakna, sebagai waris tidak perlu menanggung beban hutang pinjaman dan akan mendapat baki pampasan dari syarikat insurans/takaful. Berapakah nilai yang akan diperolehi oleh waris? Saya buat contoh kiraan seperti di bawah:

Pinjaman dari pihak bank = RM250,000
Jumlah perlindungan = RM250,000
Baki pinjaman bank ketika peminjam meninggal dunia = RM200,000

Jadi, waris akan mendapat:

(Jumlah Perlindungan – baki pinjaman) = pampasan
RM250,000 – RM200,000 = RM50,000 (akan diserahkan kepada waris dalam masa 30 hari)

Di dalam situasi begini, secara tidak langsung si mati telah meninggalkan 2 perkara kepada orang tersayang (waris) iaitu, rumah dan wang ringgit untuk digunakan dalam meneruskan kehidupan.

Bagaimana pula jika tiada musibah / kematian yang berlaku? lihat gambarajah di bawah:

Perlindungan pinjaman jenis ini bersifat rata dan berterusan, sekiranya pinjaman dapat dijelaskan sehingga tahun terakhir, sudah tentu rumah tersebut 100% menjadi hak milik peminjam tersebut, apa akan jadi kepada MLTA?

Dari graf di atas, dapat di lihat bahawa, perlindungan masih lagi aktif, ianya boleh digunakan untuk tujuan membeli rumah baru tanpa perlu membeli perlindungan baru dari syarikat insurans/takaful atau bank. MLTA juga boleh dijadikan sebagai asset atau simpanan skim pencen anda sendiri. Lihat gambarajah di bawah untuk lebih memahami maksud saya:

Daripada gambarajah di atas, garisan putus-putus berwarna ungu menunjukkan nilai simpanan yang terdapat di dalam perlindungan jenis ini. Anda yang menggunakan perlindungan jenis ini dapat menggunakan nilai ini sebagai aset untuk digunakan pada masa hadapan.

Salah satu sifat perlindungan jenis MLTA adalah ianya mempunyai nilai bagi setiap ringgit yang dikeluarkan oleh anda yang menggunakan perlindungan jenis ini, dan setiap nilai ringgit itu akan terus membesar dari masa ke semasa. Kita boleh katakan ini sebagai simpanan. Pada hari ini, berapa ramai antara kita mempunyai simpanan? Jika ada tahniah saya ucapkan, jika tidak, ini adalah salah satu cara / alat untuk anda menyimpan di samping mendapat perlindungan. Ada pepatah mengatakan, 'rich people save then spend, poor people spend then save'. Fikir-fikirkan...

Akhir sekali, kelebihan yang terdapat di dalam perlindungan pinjaman jenis MLTA adalah ianya boleh digunakan untuk memendekkan tempoh bayaran pinjaman perumahan. Lihat gambarajah di bawah;

Daripada gambarajah, garisan putus-putus berwarna ungu itu menunjukkan setiap bayaran (premium) mempunyai nilai simpanan dan ianya membesar dari masa ke semasa sehingga satu tahap, nilai simpanan itu akan sama dengan baki pinjaman perumahan anda di bank.

Jadi? Anda boleh gunakan wang tersebut untuk melangsaikan pinjaman perumahan dengan lebih cepat dari tempoh yang sepatutnya. Secara tak langsung ini akan dapat mengurangkan kadar keuntungan (interest payable) kepada pihak bank, dan seterusnya dapat menguntungkan anda sebagai peminjam.


Secara kesimpulannya, dapat kita nilai bahawa perlindungan jenis MLTA lebih menguntungkan berbanding MRTA. Mungkin kadar bayaran (premium) yang perlu di bayar untuk setiap satu jenis perlindungan adalah berbeza, namun jika kita lihat jangka masa panjang, dengan perlindungan jenis MLTA secara tidak langsung dapat memberi anda perlindungan di samping menggalakkan anda menyimpan untuk hari tua. Ia juga fleksibel. Disamping itu polisi MLTA juga boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan cukai pendapatan yang dikenakan. Sila rujuk dengan mana-mana perunding kewangan yang anda kenali untuk mendapat khidmat nasihat tentang perkara ini atau boleh terus menghubungi saya. Sebarang komen juga amat dialu-alukan.

Terima kasih.


About This Blog

Was established since 20th Rejab 1430.
Just to educate myself.
`Sharing is Caring-The more you give,the more you get``

`Berhati-hatilah kamu dalam berhutang, sesungguhnya hutang itu mendatangkan kerisauan di malam hari dan menyebabkan kehinaan di siang hari.`-Riwayat al-Baihaqi

`We are often afraid to do things until we are sure we will do them well.Therefore we don`t do anything...`



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