The next project will be the refurbishment of the Seven Years War armies to include the big four, Austria, Prussia, France, Hannover and Allies, in all 600 elements. The last time the armies were used was for the Battle of Reichenberg, Bohemia 1757, that was ten years ago. What moved me to take this step appeared at TMP 16 December, the topic “Rule Longevity”.
The post was a nostalgic review of rule sets produced in the early 70s, some are still in use today. The WRG - War Game Rules 1685 – 1845, published in 1977, was a favourite of the Dutch clubs. Reading my copy, I was amazed at the reaction tests to be carried out throughout a player’s bound, how did we survive. There are however a number of gems within the 44 pages of rules and wondered if the rule set could be streamlined to produce a faster game like DBA3.
Don’t panic, this is purely a mental exercise and would not replace the upgraded Humberside Extension, nonetheless, War Game Rules 1685 – 1845 are ideal for la petite guerre or small war as the historical scale is different. Kronoskaf is an excellent source for the Seven Years War and their campaign section lists a number of unusual conflicts outside Europe; the British vs. the Spanish in the Philippines and the British vs. the French in Senegal to name two.
In either case, the refurbishment will keep me busy for a few months and streamlining the rule set, who knows.
Rule Longevity, link:
1 opmerking:
I think those old WRG rules have some excellent bits, I’ve pinched a few for my own rule mash-ups. I know there’s a lot of reaction tests but they are all simple and if you throw the dice first the result is often obvious - I get wound up by players who go through the factors to work out what they need to throw to pass before rolling the dice and then throw a 1 or a 6 and all that time was wasted. I also particularly like the shooting and melee systems.
BTW shouldn’t Russia be in the ‘Big Four’?
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