Text messages and phone calls have flooded our household this week with questions. Deep questions. Questions that I don't have exact answers for. Questions that only God can answer.
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
"Why did God allow this?"
As my husband and I looked at each other trying to help answer questions together, all we could think to say was scripture. And that's when it hit me-- it doesn't matter what we say, all that matters is scripture. God's word is the only thing that can come close to answering the roaring questions that are swirling around.
The Lord is in control and will remain on His throne no matter how much our world seems to crumble. Although our minds can't wrap understanding around what the Lord allows to happen, I will remain confident that through it all, we will see His goodness. (psalms 27:13)
The Football Captains carried their fallen player's jersey out on the field for the coin toss in remembrance of their friend. In addition, one also wore his number throughout the game. |
My husband and I have only been a part of this community for a short time, yet I feel like we have known the people here for so much longer. When they hurt, we hurt. We truly are one big family.
Through trials and hardship, God's grace is sufficient and so much more evident. For how would we know joy if not for pain.
I ask that you please keep our kids and team wrapped in pray this next week as funerals begin and loved ones are laid to rest. May the Lord's lovingkindness be present and His goodness seen. I pray that through the darkest hours, His light shines brighter than ever to this group of young people.