Спасибо!! Да, пришлось потрудиться над ним:)) Альбом самодельный полностью. Его мини-предшественником был альбом про Венецию. По конструкции это немного изменённый книжный переплёт: листы прикреплены к гармошке, чтобы было место для украшений и дальше эта конструкция вклеена в традиционную обложку. Готовые альбомы мне не подходят по двум причинам: в обычных альбомах листы плотно скреплены, и если в нем использовать украшения, то листы в альбоме будут с одной стороны плотнячком, а с другой будут топорщиться (и будет веер если сверху смотреть); специальный с файлами не подходит по причине этих самых файлов - я за то, чтобы всё можно было трогать.
Восемдесят одна фотография на 10 листах впечатляет!! Стою на пороге создания своего свадебного альбома и поэтому мне очень интересно рассматривать уже готовые альбомы. Маша, а мастер-класс по тоему переплету можно попросить? :) Что-то альбом на кольцах у меня не ассоциируется со стабильностью. :) Хочется вот такой, более классический.
Необыкновенно стильная и гармоничная работа! А сам альбом вообще потряс! Можно попросить выложить МК по созданию такого прекрасного альбома? Я сама сначала была уверена, что он покупной-все так аккуратно!!!
Спасибо, девочки! Вы меня ещё на один подбиваете что-ли;-))) Я в процессе не фоткала, поэтому сразу не смогу показать. Про обложку (в содержании МК) определенно точно есть у Rony и у Anhen, про гармошку не знаю где, в принципе, я делала на глаз все, ориентируясь на старый семейный альбом, да ещё краткая энциклопедия домашнего хозяйства помогла (там про книжные переплёты целых две страницы мелким шрифтом (правда нудно и замысловато).
как я пропустила такое чудо?...ох уж этот блоггер...Маша, я давно пристально рассматриваю свадебные альбомы и ....ни один мне не нравится! слишком приторные...Твоя версия - это моё! Спасибо, что вдохновила! Захомячу себе на комп и буду мечтать о времени,когда куплю специЯльную бумажку и проч. )))) А пока еще раз полюбуюсь...
Everybody needs to be medically blanketed through health care coverage, Max Testo XL regardless of your gift state of fitness, and in which you stay. affordable health care is prime to the quality of life. this poses a large undertaking because of the ever growing prices of fitness care anywhere. to be insured or now not, isn't the question. the query is how, and how much you're to be insured. http://purenitrateadvice.com/max-testo-xl/
Do not forget the size which you are searching out. this must be the primary Iron Bull Edge issue that you think of whilst deciding on a right cage in your pet s. all animals need to be energetic so as to preserve health. like people, animals want room to stroll and run. http://rockhardfacts.com/iron-bull-edge/
Hypersensitivity is one of the most not unusual sicknesses present in society nowadays. there are hundreds of thousands of humans tormented by allergies and about 6 percent of the populace suffering from allergy is children and infants. you need to recall that.http://brainammoadvice.com/orion-code/ Orion Code
Even as it is easy to locate zits treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is very important Power Testo Blast found out plenty over the years, as a registered nurse approximately zits acne scars and pimples treatments. herbal remedy techniques are continually a higher choice for acne due to much less publicity to tablets. http://purenitrateadvice.com/power-testo-blast/
without some planning and forethought, having organisation all through the holidays may be a completely stressful Hyper Nitro Core and tough time for all involved. however in case you assume in advance and plan consequently, your guests will experience welcome and comfy in your own home, and youll offer a pressure-loose surroundings so that you can enjoy their enterprise. http://purenitrateadvice.com/hyper-nitro-core/
when you have been lifting weights and studying muscle constructing for any massive quantity of time, you've got probably come across Explosive Muscle a exceptional deal of perplexing, conflicting, and simply undeniable awful recommendation. the upsurge inside the popularity of bodybuilding and fitness at the net has unluckily brought forth. http://t-rexmuscleadvice.com/explosive-muscle/
Begin with once I saw this e-book in library i discovered the call very strange. i did no longer understand what the X Alpha Muscle e book wishes to talk approximately. however when I notion hard then phrase berets and the cover of the e-book which has a picture of very a lot worn out shoes help me keep in mind that the book has to be about a. http://www.healthsupreviews.com/x-alpha-muscle/
Natural products for sperm enhancement that without a doubt stimulate sperm manufacturing are then now selected over what is in Nitro MXS all likelihood the maximum not unusual conventional method of sperm enhancement: abstinence. a lot of guys nevertheless manner out to it in an effort to boom the amount of semen they at time ejaculate once they have sex. http://t-rexmuscleadvice.com/nitro-mxs/
The idea at the back of weight loss is that it's far crucial for lots people nowadays. they need to be healthful but they do no X-Ripped longer need to paintings for it. for lots overweight people on this u . s . though dropping weight is important. these people are shortening their lives and inflicting themselves greater fitness troubles due to the trouble. http://musclegainfast.com/x-ripped/
The excellent lower frame physical activities are those that may be achieved everywhere with very little equipment. being single Paravex Male Enhancement with no children can also allow for wasted time in the gym doing twelve sets consistent with decrease body part but as soon as in the actual international of spouse youngsters and activity the ones two hour gymnasium visits are records. http://musclegainfast.com/paravex-male-enhancement/
On this newways business review you'll locate that neways worldwide integrated in 1992, has been championing progressive Muscle XTX merchandise that help users maximize health and splendor while minimizing publicity to ingredients that would have terrible facet effects.the employer strives to combine the fine components of science with nature to formulate health friendly products. http://www.healthsupreviews.com/muscle-xtx/
You love going out on those diving journeys. to extend your knowledge you've even concluded a number of publications licensed via DermEssence the padi. however which is simply no longer enough to fit your needs. you want to push your limits even more, and gather even extra expertise. in that case the precise education for you is the dive masters education direction. http://purenitrateadvice.com/dermessence/
dogs are touted as being man quality pal and you may be hard-pressed to find a more unswerving and lovable animal to call your puppy My Megasize than a dog. with this love and loyalty there are a few things that you have to do to show your dog how a great deal you care approximately them as well. feeding watering and eliminating for walks. http://musclegainfast.com/my-megasize/
All of us is always seeking out one of a kind approaches to lose weight this can be inside the shape of diets, surgical operation Testo Max and with the use of different dietary supplements. every of them have their own way of being effective and all of them have numerous outcomes. the idea of this newsletter is to look. http://musclegainfast.com/testo-max/
The world these days can be a totally unsafe region. one look at the news headlines or tv news will strike fear into the maximum IRON BULL EDGE courageous man or woman. ladies specifically experience the outcomes of this fear and worry that they may be unprepared if attacked.the ones worries may be put to rest by way of buying a stun gun. http://purenitrateadvice.com/iron-bull-edge/
великолепно . вроде бы просто , но так красиво !
ReplyDeleteСупер! Очень классный альбом!
ReplyDeleteКак мне нравятся эти цвета!!! Альбом великолепный!!! Мари, а сам альбом ты делала или он готовый был?
ReplyDeleteОчень красиво!!!!))
ReplyDeleteОтличный альбом и такой вместительный :-)))
ReplyDeleteТак элегентно, и все странички выдержаны строго в одном стиле!
ReplyDeleteОч красиво!
ReplyDeleteТак много фотографий!!! Такая работа огромная проделана!!!
ReplyDeleteОчень понравился!!!
Маша, обалденно! Очень ценю выдеражнность в стиле во всем альбоме! у тебя получилось!!!
ReplyDeleteКрасивый альбом! Огромная работа-результат очень нравится. Тоже интересует-альбом сама собирала или это альбом с бумажными листами?...
ReplyDeleteого! как стильно!
ReplyDeleteСпасибо!! Да, пришлось потрудиться над ним:))
ReplyDeleteАльбом самодельный полностью. Его мини-предшественником был альбом про Венецию. По конструкции это немного изменённый книжный переплёт: листы прикреплены к гармошке, чтобы было место для украшений и дальше эта конструкция вклеена в традиционную обложку.
Готовые альбомы мне не подходят по двум причинам: в обычных альбомах листы плотно скреплены, и если в нем использовать украшения, то листы в альбоме будут с одной стороны плотнячком, а с другой будут топорщиться (и будет веер если сверху смотреть); специальный с файлами не подходит по причине этих самых файлов - я за то, чтобы всё можно было трогать.
шикарный альбом!!
ReplyDeleteЧудесный альбом, такая классика я бы сказала...
ReplyDeleteОчень красивый и торжественный альбом получился! Отличная работа, Маша!
ReplyDeleteВосемдесят одна фотография на 10 листах впечатляет!!
ReplyDeleteСтою на пороге создания своего свадебного альбома и поэтому мне очень интересно рассматривать уже готовые альбомы.
Маша, а мастер-класс по тоему переплету можно попросить? :) Что-то альбом на кольцах у меня не ассоциируется со стабильностью. :) Хочется вот такой, более классический.
потрясающий альбом!!!
ReplyDeleteОчень-очень нравится!
ReplyDeleteНеобыкновенно стильная и гармоничная работа! А сам альбом вообще потряс! Можно попросить выложить МК по созданию такого прекрасного альбома? Я сама сначала была уверена, что он покупной-все так аккуратно!!!
ReplyDeleteСпасибо, девочки! Вы меня ещё на один подбиваете что-ли;-))) Я в процессе не фоткала, поэтому сразу не смогу показать.
ReplyDeleteПро обложку (в содержании МК) определенно точно есть у Rony и у Anhen, про гармошку не знаю где, в принципе, я делала на глаз все, ориентируясь на старый семейный альбом, да ещё краткая энциклопедия домашнего хозяйства помогла (там про книжные переплёты целых две страницы мелким шрифтом (правда нудно и замысловато).
Очень нежно и гармонично. Браво, Маша! :)
ReplyDeleteАу, кра-а-асиво! Благородно! Молодец!
ReplyDeleteМаша,ну он опять твой,такой классный,и гармоничный,и красивый и самые главные тут фото.супер.
ReplyDeleteМария, очень нравится Ваше творчество.
ReplyDeleteЗаходите ко мне за наградой
Очень изысканно получилось!
ReplyDeleteЧудесный альбом! Очень красивый!
ReplyDeleteкак я пропустила такое чудо?...ох уж этот блоггер...Маша, я давно пристально рассматриваю свадебные альбомы и ....ни один мне не нравится! слишком приторные...Твоя версия - это моё! Спасибо, что вдохновила! Захомячу себе на комп и буду мечтать о времени,когда куплю специЯльную бумажку и проч. )))) А пока еще раз полюбуюсь...
ReplyDeleteОчень понравился альбом!
ReplyDeleteEverybody needs to be medically blanketed through health care coverage, Max Testo XL regardless of your gift state of fitness, and in which you stay. affordable health care is prime to the quality of life. this poses a large undertaking because of the ever growing prices of fitness care anywhere. to be insured or now not, isn't the question. the query is how, and how much you're to be insured. http://purenitrateadvice.com/max-testo-xl/
ReplyDeleteDo not forget the size which you are searching out. this must be the primary Iron Bull Edge issue that you think of whilst deciding on a right cage in your pet s. all animals need to be energetic so as to preserve health. like people, animals want room to stroll and run. http://rockhardfacts.com/iron-bull-edge/
ReplyDeleteHypersensitivity is one of the most not unusual sicknesses present in society nowadays. there are hundreds of thousands of humans tormented by allergies and about 6 percent of the populace suffering from allergy is children and infants. you need to recall that.http://brainammoadvice.com/orion-code/
ReplyDeleteOrion Code
Even as it is easy to locate zits treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is very important Power Testo Blast found out plenty over the years, as a registered nurse approximately zits acne scars and pimples treatments. herbal remedy techniques are continually a higher choice for acne due to much less publicity to tablets. http://purenitrateadvice.com/power-testo-blast/
ReplyDeletewithout some planning and forethought, having organisation all through the holidays may be a completely stressful Hyper Nitro Core and tough time for all involved. however in case you assume in advance and plan consequently, your guests will experience welcome and comfy in your own home, and youll offer a pressure-loose surroundings so that you can enjoy their enterprise. http://purenitrateadvice.com/hyper-nitro-core/
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhen you have been lifting weights and studying muscle constructing for any massive quantity of time, you've got probably come across Explosive Muscle a exceptional deal of perplexing, conflicting, and simply undeniable awful recommendation. the upsurge inside the popularity of bodybuilding and fitness at the net has unluckily brought forth. http://t-rexmuscleadvice.com/explosive-muscle/
ReplyDeleteBegin with once I saw this e-book in library i discovered the call very strange. i did no longer understand what the X Alpha Muscle e book wishes to talk approximately. however when I notion hard then phrase berets and the cover of the e-book which has a picture of very a lot worn out shoes help me keep in mind that the book has to be about a. http://www.healthsupreviews.com/x-alpha-muscle/
ReplyDeleteNatural products for sperm enhancement that without a doubt stimulate sperm manufacturing are then now selected over what is in Nitro MXS all likelihood the maximum not unusual conventional method of sperm enhancement: abstinence. a lot of guys nevertheless manner out to it in an effort to boom the amount of semen they at time ejaculate once they have sex. http://t-rexmuscleadvice.com/nitro-mxs/
ReplyDeleteThe idea at the back of weight loss is that it's far crucial for lots people nowadays. they need to be healthful but they do no X-Ripped longer need to paintings for it. for lots overweight people on this u . s . though dropping weight is important. these people are shortening their lives and inflicting themselves greater fitness troubles due to the trouble. http://musclegainfast.com/x-ripped/
ReplyDeleteThe excellent lower frame physical activities are those that may be achieved everywhere with very little equipment. being single Paravex Male Enhancement with no children can also allow for wasted time in the gym doing twelve sets consistent with decrease body part but as soon as in the actual international of spouse youngsters and activity the ones two hour gymnasium visits are records. http://musclegainfast.com/paravex-male-enhancement/
ReplyDeleteOn this newways business review you'll locate that neways worldwide integrated in 1992, has been championing progressive Muscle XTX merchandise that help users maximize health and splendor while minimizing publicity to ingredients that would have terrible facet effects.the employer strives to combine the fine components of science with nature to formulate health friendly products. http://www.healthsupreviews.com/muscle-xtx/
ReplyDeleteYou love going out on those diving journeys. to extend your knowledge you've even concluded a number of publications licensed via DermEssence the padi. however which is simply no longer enough to fit your needs. you want to push your limits even more, and gather even extra expertise. in that case the precise education for you is the dive masters education direction. http://purenitrateadvice.com/dermessence/
ReplyDeletedogs are touted as being man quality pal and you may be hard-pressed to find a more unswerving and lovable animal to call your puppy My Megasize than a dog. with this love and loyalty there are a few things that you have to do to show your dog how a great deal you care approximately them as well. feeding watering and eliminating for walks. http://musclegainfast.com/my-megasize/
ReplyDeleteAll of us is always seeking out one of a kind approaches to lose weight this can be inside the shape of diets, surgical operation Testo Max and with the use of different dietary supplements. every of them have their own way of being effective and all of them have numerous outcomes. the idea of this newsletter is to look. http://musclegainfast.com/testo-max/
ReplyDeleteThe world these days can be a totally unsafe region. one look at the news headlines or tv news will strike fear into the maximum IRON BULL EDGE courageous man or woman. ladies specifically experience the outcomes of this fear and worry that they may be unprepared if attacked.the ones worries may be put to rest by way of buying a stun gun. http://purenitrateadvice.com/iron-bull-edge/