Drama Bitch
Blog and personal site of a melodramatic teenage girl. Tutorials, downloads, resources and more. In spanish.
(Last Modified: Wed 06/Apr/2005)
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Drama Bitch
Blog & P�gina personal de una adolescente melodram�tica.
(Last Modified: Sun 10/Apr/2005)
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Con la camara en el bolsillo
Fotos y leyendas urbanas de Montevideo Uruguay .Lugares desconocidos hasta por sus propios habitantes
(Last Modified: Wed 04/Jul/2007)
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Champ & Chump
Pop-culture, humour, movies, films, we take rivals, look at the evidence and proclaim one The Champ and the other The Chump.
(Last Modified: Tue 05/Jul/2005)
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Kapitol Hill
A unique view of politics and society from a neo-urban perspective
(Last Modified: Fri 22/Jul/2005)
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Letting me be
Set down your worries. Defrag your brain. Trade tiny philosophies. Reorder random access memories. Relax under a white oak tree. Forget what's bothering you. Remember something you already know. Take
(Last Modified: Thu 11/Aug/2005)
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Agarrate Montevideo
Una vista fotogr�fica y un toque de humor de nuestra gente, lugares y todo aquello que nuestra c�mara capte de esta Sociedad y principalmente de nuestra querida Ciudad de Montevideo, nadie esta libre
(Last Modified: Fri 24/Aug/2007)
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Chess News, Chess Links, Chess Book Reviews & Chess Adventures
(Last Modified: Sat 26/Nov/2005)
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Adderall - Buy Adderall - Buy Aderall Online
Is a drug that is typically prescribed for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known by the acronym ADHD.
(Last Modified: Mon 19/Dec/2005)
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Informaci�n sobre el Tratado de 1870 firmado por Uruguay y Espa�a otorgando derechos a los ciudadanos de un pa�s en el otro y que al d�a de hoy Espa�a se niega a validar.
(Last Modified: Sat 20/May/2006)
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From Uruguay
From Uruguay, my public space to share the experience of living in Uruguay, to enlighten the reader in truths and myths of this corner of the world. The idea came to me while being abroad, and finding
(Last Modified: Sat 27/May/2006)
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The Equity Kicker - Venture Capital Blog
Nic Brisbourne's view from London on all things venture capital. I discuss emerging investment themes and how entrepreneurs and VCs might make money.
(Last Modified: Tue 03/Oct/2006)
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Christianity Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Come share your Christian faith. We will like to see your sermons, testimony or any miracles that God has blessed you with.
(Last Modified: Fri 20/Oct/2006)
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This is the journal of The Southron, an American Expatriate from Florida who has spent the last decade living in the West Indies, former Yugoslavia and Costa Rica. He moved to Montevideo, Uruguay at t
(Last Modified: Thu 02/Nov/2006)
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Magic Sets for Kids
Kids interested in magic tricks? This blog has tips and tricks that will make teaching your kids amazing magic tricks a snap!
(Last Modified: Wed 08/Nov/2006)
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La Marxiana
Un grito contra la indiferencia.
(Last Modified: Sat 11/Nov/2006)
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