Friday is almost over and bef u know it its gonna be Monday once again... Hairi has been on medical leave for the past 2 weeks .. hes been in his room... watching telly... on his lappy .. the only time i get to see him is when hes hungry... i think if there were a kitchen on his floor.. i might not even get to see his face at all!! grrrr

He had to go to the hospital again a few days ago for some therapy and check up and was given 4wks medical leave on top of his already 2wks leave.. he later went to the camp to report sick and what happened next?? his officer told him that they wont accept his leave and that he was not allowed a 4wks medical leave but instead they got the doc to change it to a 2wks leave and a month of light duty.. kwang kwang kwang... when he told me abt it.. i was like.. smiling.. fm day one i told him that his op is absolutely unnecessarily and that hes only finding excuses to stay home.. all the trouble to only get 4wks leave instead of 6wks.. muuuuhahahha serves him right for not listening to hb and me..

So ok enough abt my stubborn boy... today i decided its time i try out my new brownie pan... saw this brownie recipe at homekreation and thought i shud gv it a try since lots hv tried baking em... not much to rave abt the taste of this brownie.. was not that super rich even tho i used valrhona chocolate and cocoa powder.. I guess after baking something like molten cake.. my expectation was high.... hb felt the brownie shud be sweeter (my fault oppss) .... i will take a bite tomorrow and see if it tastes better after a day and if not.. i can always serve it with ice cream hehehe

225g Butter
240g Cooking Chocolate (I used valrhona)
3 grade A eggs
1 tsp Coffee Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
250g Castor Sugar (I used 200g but will definately stick to 250g next time)
60g Flour*
40g Cocoa Powder*
1/2 tbsp Baking Powder*
1 tsp Salt* (* mixed together)
1 1/2 packs Oreos Cookies - break & mix with 15g Flour (I used 1 pack)

1. Melt chocolate using double boiler.. add in butter and Stir till smooth... let it cool
2. Whisk eggs, coffee powder, vanilla essence and sugar till smooth. Add in chocolate mixture and stir till well combine. Fold in flour mixture and mix it slowly. Finally fold in Oreos..
3. Bake on a preheated oven of 170C for 45 min using 31x29x4cm brownie pan.
4. Once cool.. cut your brownie according to ur preference

Source: HomeKreation blogspot
My favorite..
gerrram tegok tangan yang comel nak ambil brownies tu...
I bet u eat it with ice cream right?? heheh
Macam nak gigit kan.. sibuk kita nak ambil gambar... sibuk lah dia nak makan brownies.. dah tu macam record rosak.. mama mama mama mama cake cake cake hehehhe
Hi rima...kak sue nak tanya where to get those cutter?? Apprec if you could reply thru my email. mohdsue@hotmail.com
thks dear & happy bday and happy new year. May 2011 bring bundles of joy and happines to you and family. cheers.
I hv emailed u KSue.. ty and happy new year to u too!
Thks rima for your info.
Hi Rima, the brownie looks delish! Can't wait to try making it.. Anyway, I'd like to check where did u get the brownie tray with dividers in them? And the brownie cutter? Thanks love..
Brownie tray i got it fm jakarta and the brownie cutter i got it fm Sun Lik here in sg
I see that you have many brownies recipe, could you please let me know which one is the best so far? ;)
Hi! Kak Rima where do u get the brownie cutter and the baking tray. Mind sharing? You could email me at norazizah.rosdi@gmail.com Thank you very much! :)
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