Showing posts with label condensed milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label condensed milk. Show all posts


it's THAT chocolate cake!

{ chocolate-cherry cake with mascarpone-blueberry filling and brigadeiro frosting }

It happens that, sometimes, I find myself in the need of baking or cooking something for some special occasion, and yet I have absolutely no clue of what I intend to do exactly, or even the desire to do anything at all. I know... coming from me, it may sound a bit odd. But, even if seldom, it happens.


soothing my soul

{ spiced rum irish cream }

i find it utterly fascinating when things line up in life,
caughting me startled in an unexpected sequence of coincidences.

those times i feel that maybe my mind has the same beat as the universe.
it works on randomness and on chaotic thoughts
and it slightly shivers with excitement when it all lines up,
as when i am able to sum up my messy thoughts through precise words.

i'll admit i am a bit of a perfectionist, but i'm definitely not obsessed with order.
i have seen the way some people like to plan and control everything.
i cherish the happenstances of life and i like to wander through life with wide open eyes,
trying to unleash myself from the dogmatic and from soulless certainties.

i am extremely picky with words, those who have worked with me know it,
i spend quite a long time trying to find the perfect words
- and they must absolutely fit together too -
but i've learned to appreciate the purity of raw thoughts.

maybe this attempt to pick up the slightest connections, the smallest details,
makes me feel like i have the power to invent an alternative world,
or maybe it is just further proof that we live in a paradoxal world,
where randomness is the only possible state of order,
for it all fits like a puzzle in some sort of magical way.

maybe i do pick up fortuitous connections, or maybe i just make these things up in my mind,
but i've always been captivated by the allure of chance and happenstances.


blurred lines.

{ brigadeiros }

Some specific foods have the power to bring us back to our childhood.

Well, this one certainly does it for a lot of people.

It is probably one of the first recipes kids learn to make on their own, as it is quite easy and envolves no harmful appliances - except for the stovetop, a step that I immagine many parents would supervise.
This was the most likely item to be present at any kid's birthday party in the 90s. And all kids loved this thing!

I didn't really ever care for them... I don't know why, but at the sight of a table full with different stuff, this was something I would rarely go for. Maybe because they are overpoweringly sweet, so they would make anything else taste like nothing after - what a smart palate, if that's the case!
Plus we would never have them at home, I don't know why, but I never bothered to wonder
Hence, this is something I had never made at home, even though I had watched many friends preparing them.

For some awkward reason, being here has awaken some eccentric desires and cravings I didn't even knew I could have - as in even for some things that I kind of didn't like before. For you prents here, if you want your kids to like any traditional dish they hate back home, just send them abroad for a couple of months, it will totally solve the problem! (...just not to Portugal or Italy, as they may stay there for the food haha ;) )

One thing they don't have here in a regular supermarket is what we call 'regular' condensed milk back home... they sell this thin, cream-like mixture that I don't even understand what it is. Suddenly, I had an urge to make all condensed milk things I could think off. So I bought some at the portuguese shop.
In the end there was one can left in my pantry.

Last week, I really needed to eat chocolate, but it was ten in the evening and I only had cocoa. So I did what I had to do.
Get rid of that can.


Frohe Weihnachten!

{ beijinhos de côco }

Bom Natal a todos!
Hoje deixo uma receita rápida, ideal para ter já feita em casa e servir a qualquer visita inesperada de Natal! É bem doce sem ser enjoativa, acompanha na perfeição um café ou chá!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Today I share a quick recipe with you, perfect for having ready at home for any unexpected Christmas guests! Sweet but not too much, perfect to go with coffee or tea!

Beijinhos de Côco
(para cerca de 40 bolinhas)
- 100g de côco ralado,
- 1 lata de leite condensado
- 6 gemas
- açúcar (ou côco ralado) para envolver


1) Misturar bem todos os ingredientes,
2) Levar ao lume mexendo sempre, até espessar e despegar do fundo do tacho,
3) Deixar arrefecer num prato untado com manteiga,
4) Enrolar bolinhas (uso a técnica dos bolos de bacalhau!), passá-las pelo açúcar e colocar em forminhas de papel.

Coconut Kisses
(for around 40 kisses)
- 100g grated coconut
- 1 can condensed milk
- 6 egg yolks
- sugar (or more grated coconut) for rolling


1) Mix all the ingredients well,
2) Pour into a saucepan and heat in the stovetop, stirring, until it thickens and unsticks from the bottom of the pan,
3) Let cool in a plate, greased with butter,
4) Roll up small balls, roll them over the sugar and place in small paper cups.