Q1 : What the location is suitable to install a radar speed sign?

  • A : School zone, hospital area, public community area, airside area, government places, high pedestrian area, or etc.

Q2 : How is a radar speed sign working?

  • A : Radar speed sign will detect a current driving speed of the vehicle within a radar range. Then, it will show the speed figure on the screen. If the current speed exceeding a set limitation data, the LED figure will blink to inform the driver to reduce the speed.

Q3 : If the driver is still driving over the speed limit, how would we do for the enforcement?

  • A : It is optional for a compatible enforcement camera. When the vehicle was being driven pass the sign with an exceeding speed limitation, the camera will capture a vehicle photo and record in the system. At the time the operator connected with the sign, the system will show the history of the traffic detected on the road this radar speed sign installed.