here i go again

It’s been a while. Forgive me for stating the obvious, but it has. I meant to take a short hiatus that became much longer than anticipated. Like years longer. Rather than a lengthy explanation, let it suffice to say, that I’ve been here the whole time. Not here here, but here. I have felt the urge to blog again in the old way. Perhaps it is an approach that is no longer embraced in the age of tik tok, limited attention spans, and instant gratification, but this practice began as just me for me and that’s all it ever has to be. I miss it, and that, for now, is enough.

can we skip to the good part

My name is France and I have decision paralysis. I become easily overwhelmed by too many choices. Do I have commitment issues? Yes, yes I do. It takes me FORever to settle on a format or an approach for documenting my stories every year and the moment I do I imagine it could be better? I envy those of you that put your money on a horse and ride that baby to the finish line. Why can’t I pick a horse? Did I mention I was indecisive?

Allow me to issue a warning. This will not be terribly riveting but here you have it, a timeline if you will:

my project life album circa 2014

Tues evening: I pull out some of my favorite past projects and spend a good hour weeping and laughing. As if I wasn’t being melodramatic enough I began playing Whitney Houston’s “Didn’t We Almost Have it All.” We did. We really did. Those pre-Covid memories were intense. By Wednesday morning I was so certain that a 6x8 pocket page album was the front runner that I even told my friends. By Wednesday night I was already getting squirrelly. Thursday I was in the throes of indecision. It wasn’t pretty. By Friday I started to gain some clarity remembering the wise words of my grandfather…”it’s the purpose not the project.” He right. Sometimes those old perfectionist tendencies creep back in and I have to work to reject them. Perfectionism is rooted in Inferiority. This belief that you won’t meet expectations. That you aren’t enough just as you are. I’ve talked myself out of a lot of things over the years out of fear that it wouldn’t be perfect, that I would fail, but I’ve since done the work, I’ve got strategies and one of them is reminding myself that whatever I do will be fine. I will be fine. Failure can be opportunity, indecision can be flexibility. I can always adjust and do more or less or nothing at all. Allow the process to just unfold. Trust myself.

Look at me showing growth.

this is a mini I made in 2017 that I never finished, but I love what I did finish and want to do it again this year

So, what did I ultimately decide? I’m just gonna make a chunky minibook heavily inspired by the Details workshop I took years ago by Tina Azmus of Life Love Paper. Sadly this class is no longer available, but it was in 2015. The version created by AndreaCollects is a favorite. This, along with my daily journaling, my art journals and the various themed projects I do throughout the year will be enough and if I need to shift things…well then I’ll shift away. Right now I’m working on a Hindsight 2021 album based on the Life Captured class I took with Kari Stiles last year. I don’t think this class is still available, but the kit is and I loved it. More on that later. Until then, keep well my friends.

endings and beginnings

Welcome 2022. In the words of Adele, go easy on me, or all of us really. Truth be told I feel fortunate to be sitting here in front of the fire sipping my coffee and typing away. I am filled with gratitude that I have come through another year relatively unscathed and with my health and humor in tact. I told my husband that if 2021 taught me anything, it’s that I have remained insatiably curious. I will carry that energy into 2022 because it has served me well.

Since we are now 3 days deep into a new year, I have not been blind to the onslaught of apps and aids promising to help me get my life in order. It use to be my favorite part, the acquisition of a new planner, habit trackers, goal setters and meal plans all in an effort to help me become the most organized and productive version of myself. That would make me happy.

That would make me happy?

Well, we all know what happened in 2020, right? The spectacular cancellation of all things as a pandemic descended upon us. Regardless of your thoughts on the particulars none of us can deny that our plans went to shit. 2021 was really just 2020: the extended cut. After a small bout of depression and my ever present anxiety hosting the party, I threw my planner out. I decided that I didn’t need to see progress that wasn’t happening. I didn’t need to be reminded to breathe when I caught myself checking and rechecking my breathing several times a day in low key panic. Tracking, counting, trying to close activity rings…it was all just making me feel worse. This never ending pursuit of improvement is just effing exhausting.

And you know what happened when I stopped?

Nothing. I actually kept progressing without all the pressure. The realization set in that I didn’t have to earn rest. I could just relax when I felt like it. I learned that health looks and feels different for everyone. I learned that food can be something I don’t think about all day. I learned that “no pain no gain” is bullshit and dancing is way more fun. I learned that I didn’t have to clean or do laundry or wash dishes before scrapbooking. I had been living my life by these arbitrary rules that were meant to make me feel like a better human without ever considering if it did or why I proritized those things. As any child of an immigrant can tell you, your worth is determined by your contribution. How hard you work and how much you work. That stuff seeps into all areas of your life. Our entire society is built on the strange and shaky premise that “hard work” equates worthiness and entitlement. That we are only as good as what we produce. That we must work hard in order to play hard.

Well, that’s the shit that had me out here buying planners for decades and thinking the elusive “right one” would change my life. UGH!! So, does this new “no planner” lifestyle of mine mean I eschew plans and goals and productivity? haha, kind of. No, seriously, it doesn’t mean that. It just means that they aren’t my main reason for living. It means I’m trying to do things differently. I still have goals and a large desk calendar. I have a daily journal and a weekly To Do list. I still use my phone to remember birthdays, meetings and appointments. I still plan out my creative projects…I just don’t let any of that stuff make me feel like crap about myself. Checked boxes don’t make me feel accomplished, but a good night sleep sure does and I’m sleeping pretty pretty pretty good these days.

On that note, my return to blogging feels uneventful. I’m still trying to figure out what Memorykeeping will look like this year. It’s all TBD at the moment. I hope to have more on that to share next Monday. Until then, keep well my friends.

the weekender

And here we are, Sunday evening, sipping pinot gris and returning to this long abandoned space. I found myself reading my old blog today. It was funny, absurd, long winded, sporadically deep and filled with the kind of honest storytelling I love. What happened to that? That’s a rhetorical question. I know exactly what happened to it. Social Media happened. Now don’t worry. I’m not going to launch into a cliche diatribe on the evils of Instagram and the culture of comparison. I never actually suffered from that particular affliction. I think growing up a chubby girl in Los Angeles made me impervious to that sort of thing. No, what I’m talking about is more insidious. Social Media has a way of making the strange seem familiar and the disconnected appear connected.

It is a ruse.

But enough about that…clearly I am heading into diatribe territory. I think what I like most about blogging, if not necessarily blogs themselves, is the space to stretch. Although Instagram allows for fairly long winded posts…I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I am acutely aware that nobody goes to Instagram just for me. They are there to look, maybe like and keep it scrolling. I get it…I feel that way too. My blog is different. If you are here, then you are here for all of this. You know what you’re gonna get…or you’re at least interested in finding out.

I’m interested in finding out too.