We do our best to reply to all those who submit original writing to us within 24 hours.
Opinion Articles go to either:
Les Blough (les@axisoflogic.com) or
Paul Richard Harris (paul@axisoflogic.com)
News Articles go to Les Blough
Please read the following information on types of submissions, formatting and our copyright before submitting your article to Axis of Logic:
Axis of Logic only publishes two kinds of submissions:
- An original article that is being submitted as an "exclusive" to Axis of Logic.
- An article that has already been published by another media outlet and is being submitted to Axis of Logic for republication as a reprint.
When you submit your article to Axis of Logic, designate one of these 3 conditions in your e-mail message:
- I am submitting my article as an "exclusive" to Axis of Logic
- I am submitting my article for re-publication on Axis of Logic. It has been published elsewhere. (Include the link to the original source.)
- I have submitted my article to other media outlets but it has not yet been published anywhere.
Axis of Logic Exclusives receive greater consideration for our Featured Articles section where they have a more prominent and longer life on our front page.
When you submit your article as an exclusive, you are designating Axis of Logic as the original source of the article.
After an article is published as an Axis exclusive, it is immediately released for re-publication on other media. We encourage you to send your published article to other media outlets for republication as reprints. We ask you to request the secondary publisher(s) to prominently include:
- The full name, "Axis of Logic" on the article
- The Axis of Logic copyright*
(© Copyright 2013 by Axis of Logic)
- The URL to the original source of the article on Axis of Logic.
With very rare exceptions, we do not accept articles that are submitted simultaneously to multiple publishers.
We do publish reprints of many articles that have been published in other media. When we publish reprints of articles, we provide the name of the author and publisher and a link to the original source.
- If you submit a previously published article, send us the link to the original (first) publication. This is necessary in order for us to give proper attribution to you, the author, and to the original publisher.
- This is particularly important if you submit news articles (not your own writing) previously published elsewhere.
We do not publish articles that are sent out "shotgun style" unless they have already been published elsewhere. We will not accept articles from elsewhere without knowing the original source. We are sticklers for providing due credit and appropriate attribution.
Line Breaks: Do not use hard line breaks (i.e. hitting ENTER), between lines. Use hard line breaks only to separate paragraphs.
Photos: Submit photos, maps and other graphics as attachments in your email and/or provide a link to the image where it appears on the internet.
If you place a photo in a Word document, we cannot download it for publication with your article. Within the text of your article, indicate (a note) where you want them to appear. Photos in .jpg format work best.
Editing: We reserve the right to edit your article for grammar, spelling and punctuation. If we significantly edit the content, we send the edited copy back to you for your approval before publication.
Titles: We usually use your original title; however, sometimes we re-title an article to attract more readers to your article.
Poetry: We try to adhere to the format and layout of a poem as it is applied by the poet.
Our copyright is applied to protect the Author and Axis of Logic
The Author: The author does not surrender any property rights to articles that bear our copyright. We only ask you, the author, to credit Axis of Logic as the original source of the article with republications.
Secondary publishers: We require secondary publishers to include the following when re-publishing an Axis of Logic article:
- Axis of Logic designation
- Axis of Logic copyright
- The URL to the original source
Note that Axis of Logic never prohibits republication of our articles as long as proper attributions (above) are applied; nor do we require that written permission be obtained for republication. But we appreciate it when those who republish our articles send us a note and link to the republication.
Thank you for submitting your essay, poem or news report to Axis of Logic!
- Axis of Logic Editors