Automotive Ethernet


Diagnostics Over IP

AUTOSAR DoIP stack. Available in C, Java and Python. Portable embedded AUTOSAR implementation in C. Java and Python ideal for testing automation and DUT

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Full System Simulation

Simulate full system vehicle architecture including Ethernet networks as well as simulated CAN, LIN and FlexRay networks
One host simulation or distributed environment


AUTOSAR SomeIP stack. Available in C, Java and Python. Portable embedded AUTOSAR implementation in C. Java and Python ideal for testing automation and DUT

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Take control over messages

Ethernet traffic analyzer. CAN, LIN and FlexRay traffic analyzer of simulated networks.
Stress the different networks and full system with traffic generators and automatic scenario generators

About us

Automotive engineers with decades of working experience in OEM and Tier1. Experts in communications and Ethernet

Our mission

Make Ethernet protocol the XXI century standard in vehicle communications. Get rid of the limitations from previous vehicle comms channels to achieve the modern cars we want on the road with ADAS and safer mechanisms

Our offer

  • AUTOSAR Ethernet complete stack
  • Integration services of Tier2 AUTOSAR stacks
  • AUTOMOTIVE Ethernet mentoring

©Automotive Ethernet Gurus AUTOSAR

Automotive Ethernet