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Phoenix Eye
Credit: Manufacturer Image
The Phoenix Eye bus was designed for sun synchronous orbits and used in the ZY-2 and CBERS earth observation satellites.

AKA: Zi Yuan. Status: Operational 1999. First Launch: 1999-10-14. Last Launch: 2014-12-07. Number: 7 .

The design was split into the following subsystems: structure, attitude and orbit control, thermal control, power supply and TT&C. It was designed to accept a range of remote sensing equipment requiring high attitude control precision, maneuver capability, large data storage and high data transmission rate.

Technical Specifications

Total satellite mass: 1500 - 3000 kg
Dimensions: 1800 mm � 2000 mm � 2200~4600 mm (height adjustable according to payload requirement)
Payload capacity: 500 - 1200 kg
Operation orbit: sun synchronous orbit
Attitude control mode: 3-axis stabilized, earth-pointing
3-axis pointing error: <0.3 deg (3 sigma)
3-axis attitude stability: <5�10-4 deg /s (3 sigma)
3-axis attitude determination error: < 0.03 deg (3 sigma)
Solar array pointing error: 4.5 deg
Solar array output: 1200 - 2300 W (EOL)
Payload power: 700 - 1700 W
Designed lifetime: >4 years
Flight Experience: CBERS 01(1999), 02(2003), 02B(2007) and ZY-2 01(2000),
02(2002), 03(2004)


CBERS 1, 2, 2B / ZY-1 01, 02, 02B Null

ZY Chinese earth land resources satellite. 6 launches, 1999.10.14 (ZY-1) to 2007.09.19 (ZY-2C). From 1985 China and Brazil jointly developed a sun synchronous imaging satellite bus, the Zi Yuan-1 (Resouce-1) based on the Shi Jian 3 design.

ZY-2 01, 02, 03 (JB-3 1, 2, 3) Null

Yaogan 5, 12, 21 (JB-10 1, 2, 3) Null

ZY-1 02C Earth Observation satellite operated by CEODE, China. Launched 2011. Used Phoenix-Eye-2 bus.

ZY-3 01, 02 Earth Observation satellite operated by State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, China. Launched 2012 - 2016. Used Phoenix-Eye-2 bus.

Yaogan 14, 28 (JB-11 1, 2) Null

CBERS 3, 4, 4A / ZY-1 03, 04, 04A Null

Family: Earth, Surveillance. Country: China. Launch Vehicles: Chang Zheng 4B. Launch Sites: Taiyuan LC9, Taiyuan LC1. Bibliography: 12950, 12951, 12952, 12953, 12954.
Photo Gallery

Credit: Manufacturer Image

ZY-1 02CZY-1 02C
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Credit: Manufacturer Image

ZY 3ZY 3
Credit: Manufacturer Image

1999 October 14 - . 03:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. Launch Complex: Taiyuan LC1. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.
2003 October 21 - . 03:16 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. Launch Complex: Taiyuan LC1. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.
2007 September 19 - . 03:26 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.
2011 December 22 - . 03:26 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.
2012 January 9 - . 03:17 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.
2013 December 9 - . 03:26 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan. Launch Pad: xxx. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B. FAILURE: Failed to reach orbit; third stage shut down 11 seconds early..
2014 December 7 - . 03:26 GMT - . Launch Site: Taiyuan LC9. Launch Complex: Taiyuan LC9. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 4B.

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