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Gsat 2
Gsat 2
Credit: Manufacturer Image
Indian 2000-kg class satellite bus for use in geostationary or planetary missions. Dimensions 1.65 m � 1.53 m � 3.0 m, dry mass 600 kg, payload 200 kg, power system 2800 watts, design life 12 years.

AKA: Hylas;Insat. Status: Operational 2001. First Launch: 2001-04-18. Last Launch: 2015-08-27. Number: 11 .

More at: I-2K.


GSat 1 Experimental Communication satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2001. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 2 Experimental Communication satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2003. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 3 (EduSat) Null

Insat 4C, 4CR Communication satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2006 - 2007. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 4 (HealthSat) Null

HYLAS 1 Communication satellite built by EADS Astrium (payload), ANTRIX/ISRO (bus) for Avanti Communications Group plc, UK. Launched 2010. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 5P Communication satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2010. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 7, 7A (Insat 4F, Rukmini) Null

GSat 14 Communication satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2014. Used the I-2K (I-2000) Bus bus.

GSat 6, 6A / Insat 4E Null

Insat 3DR, 3DS Meteorology satellite built by ISRO for Insat, India. Launched 2016. Used the I-2K Bus bus.

GSat 9 (South Asian Satellite) Null

GSat 5 (Insat 4D) Null

Family: Communications. Country: India. Launch Vehicles: PSLV, Ariane 5, GSLV, Ariane 5ECA, GSLV Mk II. Launch Sites: Sriharikota PSLV, Kourou ELA3, Sriharikota SLP. Bibliography: 6579, 12628, 12629, 12630, 12631, 12632, 12633, 12634, 12635.
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Gsat 1Gsat 1
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Gsat 14Gsat 14
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Credit: Manufacturer Image

Gsat 5PGsat 5P
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Hylas 1Hylas 1
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Insat 4CInsat 4C
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Gsat 7Gsat 7
Credit: Manufacturer Image

2001 April 18 - . 10:13 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota PSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV.
2003 May 8 - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota PSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV.
2004 September 20 - . 10:31 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota PSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV.
2006 July 10 - . 12:08 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. Launch Vehicle: GSLV. FAILURE: One of the liquid-fueled strap-on motors failed to develop thrust. By 40 seconds after launch the GSLV had veered outside of the launch corridor and the destruct signal was sent.. Failed Stage: 0.
2007 September 2 - . 12:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. Launch Vehicle: GSLV.
2010 April 15 - . 10:57 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. LV Family: GSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV Mk II. FAILURE: Third stage failure..
2010 November 26 - . 18:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.
2010 December 25 - . 10:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. Launch Vehicle: GSLV. FAILURE: Destroyed at T+60 seconds after guidance commands from on-board computer to steering system of strapon boosters were cut off.. Failed Stage: 0.
2013 August 29 - . 20:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Kourou. Launch Complex: Kourou ELA3. LV Family: Ariane 5. Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5ECA.
2014 January 5 - . 10:48 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. LV Family: GSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV Mk II.
2015 August 27 - . 11:22 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. LV Family: GSLV. Launch Vehicle: GSLV Mk II.

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