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Habermann, Helmut
German engineer. Member of German Rocket Team in France after WW2.

Born: 1917-03-09. Died: 2009-12-30.

German rocket engineer. On 17 May 1946 a location in the forest on the plateau of Vernon was chosen as the site for the Laboratory for Ballistic and Aerodynamic Research (LRBA). Here German specialists would be brought to assist France in development of a ballistic missile. Herbert Weiss had worked at Cuxhaven, and returned to Emmendingen thereafter. He talked to other German engineers about French rocket plans, including Jauernick and Habermann. It was agreed to send Doctor Graf to Paris in May 1946 to negotiate contracts between the scientists and the French government. By 15 May 1946 35 Peenemuende veterans at Cuxhaven had signed contracts with the French. Until the facility at Vernon could be completed, the French organized the German engineers in two groups. The Emmendingen Research Office was organized with Jauernick as Head of the Engine Group, and Otto Mueller in charge of the Guidance Group. Another 12 engineers were organized at Puteaux outside Paris. Between March and May 1947 all of these engineers, by then around 90 in number, were moved to the new LRBA facilities at Vernon. The group had already been completing preliminary design work on a 40 metric ton thrust hypergolic engine for the Super V-2. Habermann continued to work in France at LRBA in the measured value shaping group in the automated control loop department 1947-1952.

Wikipedia Article: Helmut Habermann born in Brno (Czechia) and was one of the pioneers of the magnetic bearing. He was the son of Wilhelm Habermann and Maria Hafenrichter. Habermann studied electrical engineering in Czechia at the end of the 1930s. He worked in Wernher von Braun's team in Peenemuende from 1943 to 1945 He was taken from Peenem�nde to Vernon in 1946. He married in Unterlenningen (Germany) on 6 September 1946 with Alfriede Melion. He was one of the first engineers of the Laboratory of Ballistic and Aerodynamic Research (LRBA) of Vernon (Eure), where he worked in the field of the development of the guidance, Schubert, then from the European Propulsion Society (SEP).

He obtained French nationality bon December 20, 1963. He worked on the French rockets V�ronique and Diamant at LRBA from 1946 to 1971. Then he moved to SEP, the rocket engine company, from 1971 to 1976. In 1976 SKF and SEP set up a magnetic mechanics company (SKF Magnetic Mechatronics), a pioneer in industrial active magnetic bearings. Habermann was its technical director until 1982, then technical adviser to 1993. He died in Vernon at age 93.

Country: France, Germany. Bibliography: 394.

1917 March 9 - .
2009 December 30 - .

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