Showing posts with label Samsung NXmini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samsung NXmini. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

AMW Reports: Calyxta Beauty 101

I got an intimate invite recently from Calyxta for Calyxta Beauty 101/ Calyxta Loves OFRA event.  It was a first for me to meet the people behind Calyxta and I made sure to prepare for it!

The event was held at The Chambre de Saint Germain, Bizu, One Rockwell and we were asked to come in our casual soft silhouette ensemble and this was my version. 

AMW Wears: Hugs Top, Zalora Shorts and Chloe Edit Shoes
Photo taken using Samsung NX Mini

I know we will be trying out various lip products from partner brand OFRA but I was floored when I saw the event place and how each detail are well thought off!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Kyle Nash Wears: Eazy Fashion Starry Starry Kid Slip On Shoes

Well, we overused it because for the fact that it is a "slip on" shoes making it easy for me or hubby to whenever we're out!  We usually go out as a family without yaya so as much as possible, simple tasks like helping him wear shoes should be easy and quick!  

Fellow mommies out there would understand how toddlers are --- impatient and always in a hurry!  

So yes, the queen of Online Shopping (That's ME!) went ahead and got another pair!  This time it is the Starry Starry Kid Slip On Shoes.  It was size 27 and the shoes came in a bit loose but it's okay!  I like the extra "space" because you know how kids are --- they grow up too fast!

And we tested this pair immediately over weekend... Kyle seems extremely comfortable and there's no need to "break in" his shoes!  It was like his old pairs!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Origins Is Back!

Remember my first and Only Origins Post previously on Origins Modern Friction For the Body?
As much as I would love to ask my brother to help me purchase that product again and again, I stopped myself because I dislike getting addicted to products not available locally!

Thankfully, after leaving the country year 2005, Origins is finally back!  Don't ask me why they went hiatus but I'm surely glad they're back!  Because I would definitely want to get to know more of their products especially now that I know more about their history and brand mission.

Origins Philippines
Top: from Korea, Skirt: Zalora, Shoes: Zalora
 The event was held at Le Jardin, I can't even seem to think a more appropriate place for this launch!  Upon entering, I read the Origins' Purity Promise.    This promise made me fell in love with the brand even more.

Friday, June 19, 2015

AMW Reports: NARS Opens First Boutique in the Country

If you passed by BHS Central a couple of times and saw the huge sign NARS and wonders when it will finally be open for the public...well, wonder no more!  I am here to tell you that it is officially open and the boutique looks amazing!  A huge "enabler" I tell you!

I was actually there during the "ribbon-cutting" event!  Thanks Nars Philippines for inviting me!

As much as I want to just run into to store, I listened to the welcoming remarks from NARS Philippines Team and got really excited because for a brand well-loved by Professionals and amateurs, I am sure this first ever boutique in the country is the PLACE-TO-BE when you want to look and feel beautiful!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Salon Review: Vivere Salon, Robinsons Place Manila

When was the last time I visited a salon?
I can't seem to remember!  My hair length as of the moment is probably the longest I've had for the past 10 years.  Not a choice by the way!  But it is because for the fact that I don't have time to pamper myself!

On weekdays, I'm doing my Consultant job in an Executive Search firm, in between hours I attend events and meet up with clients for meetings.  On a weekend, I'm usually out for a workshop or off prettifying someone.  On Sundays, that's a family day, as much as possible I free it up to visit my family so that (kinda) is the summary of how my life is since I became a mom!

Again, not complaining there!  But my hair probably is!

Vivere Salon recently invited me for an event but I can't seem to pry myself away from my son on that day because no one will look after him!  Thankfully, the Vivere Salon team are nice enough to give me a Saturday Slot at the branch of my choice!  I chose Robinsons Manila because that is nearer to where I live.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Tech reviews: Samsung NXMini

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed the time I got my the much coveted Samsung NXMini, the Ultimate "selfie" cam, according to moi! :)

To be honest?  I have always been an SLR user and also used a couple of point of shoot camera in the past but this one is unique in so many ways.  Let me get straight to the point, this is NOT the PERFECT and BEST cam in the world (there can't be one!), BUT, it has the qualities of a camera that I personally need.  I'll share to you the list why this is such a "happy camera" for me!  I literally bring this everywhere I go!  

A quick look on the exterior, I got a white Samsung NXMini but if you're not a fan anything white as it gets dirty easily, you may choose from brown, black, mint green and pink! 

In a glance, it is very easy to use (even for Camera beginners out there!)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

AMW Reports: A Mystical tale With Pandora

It was a Mystical Night when fellow Blogger friends Angela, Phoebe and I got together for Pandora's 2014 Autumn/Winter Collection launch.

Dress from FJ Fashion

If you haven't heard about Pandora (which I doubt), well, let me indulge you with these photos and tell me honestly, if your heart didn't skip a beat!

I have heard about Pandora many years ago when Mr. AMW told me about these charms that signifies unforgettable moments in one's life!  I remembered browsing through their website mentally shopping for charms that spells "MY LIFE".

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

AMW Reports: Tory Burch Beauty is Here in Manila!

Fashion Blogger, Beauty Blogger, Lifestyle Blogger, Mommy Blogger...
We all came together to a Tory Burch store for one thing....
Can you guess what it is?

L-R Tricia, Jackie, Me and Angela

The Tory Burch Lip Color Collection is finally here in the Philippines!
Priced at Php1,650.00 each

As we all know, aside from fashion, Tory Burch also loves color, that's why she created 12 distinctive shades each designed to flatter a variety of skin tones.  Included in the collection is the original signature lip color, Pas du Tout, a tomboyish neutral shade...the collection also includes pinks and a bit of brights that we lipstick lovers love!

Monday, September 1, 2014

AMW Reviews: Macadamia Natural Oil Flawless Cleansing Conditioner

When I visited Piandre Salon at FORT for a Macadamia Muse Party, I saw Drea, owner of Piandre Salon whom I met years ago when I had my Keratin treatment at Straight and Smooth salon.

She took one look at my hair and told me I have a "unique" hair texture, she's probably just being nice!  My hair was in bad shape!  So she handed me a Macadamia Natural Oil Flawless Cleansing Conditioner in 3oz 90ml to try!  She told me this product is unique and a bit tricky to use!  I told her I take the challenge and I'll try this product!

True enough, it took me weeks, almost a  months to finally get the hang of using this product!  

Did I get your attention on why this product is so unique?  I'll share to you after the jump!

Friday, August 29, 2014

AMW Reports: This is what you call a Benefit BeauTEA Party!

Happy Friday!
I had a tough week!  Well, for the first time, our house was flooded when it rained last Monday, our househelp left because she has to take care her husband who got into an accident so it was just me, Keith and Kyle when the water was starting to rush in our first floor!  Thank God for "Jumperoo", I had to put Kyle at a Jumperoo and help Keith save all his toys and play mat!!!  

And mid-week, Kyle got sick, his temperature shot to 39+ and he was shivering during sleep!  We rushed him to his Pedia and found nothing so he is on medication and we're making sure he's taking a lot of rest!

Yeah, I'm glad it's Friday, though being a mommy, we technically do not have weekends but it is nice to know we survived the whole week with a happy disposition still.

And speaking about weekends, I kinda missed my Benefit Workshops so it was an opportunity for me to take a "Grou-fie" with these gorgeous Benebabes during an intimate Blogger meet up at TWG, BGC Central Square.

Photo taken from Samsung NXmini

What's the buzz on Benefit's BeaTEA party?


New products to look forward to!  Let me tell you, some of them could be small but the effect is HUMONGOUS!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Salon Report: Hairshaft Salon, Podium

First things first, Happy Belated Birthday to my dearest blogger friend Lush Angel and to Mr. Fred Penales of Hairshaft Salon!

2 years ago, I had a hair treatment that took me hours (story HERE) and good friend Angela visited me as she lives close by and a quick chat turned into hours of fun memories! (with Mr. AMW sleeping at the background).  From then on, we knew we are best salon buddies!  And I got pregnant, gave birth and the rest was history!

Because Angela enjoyed my company so much!  *laughs*  (This is my blog, walang hihirit hahaha)  She invited me to have another "salon date" with her at Hairshaft salon (her favorite salon) at Podium.  Because of the location, the long-overdue salon date didn't happen until that fateful day when we both attended Burt's Bees 30th Birthday event and both of our cars are coding and we'd rather spend hours pampering inside a salon! 

Let's talk about Hairshaft Salon, I heard about Hairshaft way back when I used to work at Ortigas area.  My colleague always have good hair day and when asked about where she usually have her hair cut, the answer is always Hairshaft Salon, Podium!  So can you imagine the excitement of me finally meeting the "GODFATHER" Fred?  Owner of Hairshaft Salon?

With all the gorgeous "after" photos of Angela with her gorgeous locks, I knew I had to pry myself away from Baby AMW and finally have my much-needed haircut!  Sorry baby, you may appreciate a nice-looking mommy when you go to school in the future! :P

A group shot prior to our hair-makeover!

"groufie c/o Samsung NX Mini"
Now let's talk about the salon itself!  Upon entering the salon, on a weekday, you would be surprised to see the salon almost full!  Angela told me this is the first time she saw the salon not that crowded.  I mean seriously?  On a weekday?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Join Benefit's Style, Selfie & Share Promo and win a Samsung NX Mini!

If you passed by certain Benefit branches (Greenbelt, Trinoma, SM MOA), you probably saw this poster of a beautiful girl going on a mall tour!  *laughs*

Jokes aside, it was actually the mall tour of none other than my favorite liner of all time --- the Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner!

I was one of the lucky few who first tested this product when this was launched in San Francisco last March!  I have to admit, this product may be a bit tricky to use at first few tries but once you get the hang of its' unique AccuFlex tip, you'll never look back!

And to celebrate this unique invention, Benefit Cosmetics Philippines invited me to do a series of workshops to help consumers understand how to use the liner to create different liner looks that suits each individuals' eye shapes.

Who can say no to that?  Thank you Benefit Cosmetics Philippines for the trust!

Okay, there are 9 workshops scheduled and I have done 8! Yes!  8 workshops and I enjoyed meeting a lot of Benebabes!  Thank you so much for taking the time off to learn makeup tricks from me!

BGC Central Square schedule will be moved to a later date, around September!  Please follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates!