Yay for another "How To" series, this time for my dear readers who have been emailing me to learn tips on how to cover their pimple spots or acne marks.
Thankfully, my dear client was so gracious to let me take a photo of her pre-makeover. She actually has gorgeous glowing skin but because she is going through skin treatment through her dermatologist, she was left with marks (not scars) that is just on the verge of healing. So, as her make up artist that day, I am tasked to make her look like herself, at the same time, cover the spots that hides her lovely face!
I personally have gone through a stage almost like my client, but most of the spots are on my cheeks so I looked like I had natural "blush" from afar. It may sound silly to some but I almost never wanted to go to school! I wished I knew about concealers back then! #hehehe