I'm getting all geeked about the genus Erodium. Previously, I'd never really thought much about them, I'd sort of mentally
classified them as being basically like Pelargonium, and assumed they
wouldn't survive the winter.
How much I had to learn.
First I noticed this incredible flower
E. cheilanthifolium and fell a little bit in love.
Then I saw this massive patch of
Erodium chrysanthum's gorgeous silver, ferny foliage in one of the
rock gardens here at Arrowhead and realized, wait... at least some of
these things are hardy!
And with that, a new love affair had
begun. I'm still a novice Erodio-phile, so please chime in if you
know more about any of these, or know other species that I should be
Firstly, since you just saw the
foliage, these are the flowers of E. chrysanthum. Yum. The palest, palest possible
yellow. It gives a sprinkling of flowers in the spring, and follows
it up with another one now-and-again throughout the summer. Though
frankly, with that foliage, who needs flowers? Totally hardy at
Almost all the erodiums, like this wee little baby E. glandulosum I just planted in the Arrowhead trial garden, have a distinctive growth habit, with a tidy little mass of
leaves at the base, and then then flowers dancing gracefully at the
end of long stems well above the leaves. I absolutely love the look, especially since the
flowers move gracefully with the slightest breeze. It is, however, devilishly hard to photograph. So I resorted to pulling bits off the
plants and laying them on the ground.
Here's E. glandulosum (left) and E.
cheilanthifolium (right) I love both of them very very much.
Chelianthifolium's coloring is a bit more dramatic, but is reportedly
only hardy to zone 6, while E. glandulosum is supposed to be hardy
all the way to zone 4. I'm really hoping that zone 6 is an
underestimate. I've planted some outside, and we'll see if I can
prove them to be hardy here in zone 5. Both of these are good
bloomers, with a heavy flush in the spring, and periodic flowering
throughout the summer.
This is the hot pink trio I am having
trouble telling apart. From left to right, E. maniscovii, E.
circutarium, and E. carvifolium. Though each species has slightly
different flowers and foliage, the over-all effect is the same. Ferny
leaves topped with a constant supply of vivid magenta flowers. E.
maniscovii and E. carvifolium are both reported as only hardy to zone
6, though the big plants of E. maniscovii in the garden here at
Arrowhead tells another at-least-zone-5-hardy story. E. circutarium is
supposed to be an annual... which makes me think that what we have as
that at Arrowhead must be something else altogether, because out
plants are certainly several years old. I appreciate the steady
flowering of these species, but I don't love them... a bit coarse and
ill-bred. And magenta. Not my favorite color.
So how about a big dose of cuteness? E.
chamaedryoides 'Charm' is perhaps the more adorable little plant in
the history of the universe.
Little teeny-tiny baby pink flowers
dancing just above a perfect tight little mound of dense green
The double form, 'Flora Plena' is nice too, but nice quite
as graceful. The plants in these photos are from the production
greenhouses at Arrowhead, and you could literally walk in any day
since March and see plants looking exactly like that. Hot, dry, cold, wet, nothing seems to phase them, they just keep on blooming.The bad news? They're not quite as hardy as the rest. Not
reliable here in zone 5 Michigan, though they'll come through a mild
winter or in a nice sheltered, well-drained spot. I think I'm going to try to
overwinter some inside on the windowsill this year as well. They are
so tiny and easy going it shouldn't be hard, and it is hard to
imagine a houseplant that could lift the winter doldrums more than
these little nuggets.
So. That's everything I know about my
latest plant crush. What do you think? Any favorites you love that I'm missing?