Showing posts with label Building. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Building. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Tourist Information

Richy felt totally lost.

The signboards did not help.

She could not understand the local language.

Richy could not blame anyone.

The decision to visit this foreign city was entirely hers.

She thought she would see and learn new things.

But, this was such a challenging exercise...

Photo Prompt- Lori Wilson

And then she remembered!

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Brick Trick

The home was finally completed after a lot of work.

The result was there for all to see and admire.

It seemed like it had been built brick by brick.

The bricks looked special with calligraphy carved on them.


The visitors were enjoying at the house-warming party.

Image: Lisa Fox

The historian did not eat a morsel.

He was keenly observing the bricks.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

The Home That Was

She had a home where she felt at home.

She had invested her lifetime's savings.

She had spent time and effort to set it up.

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson

She sure felt settled.

Her fairytale did not last long...

Those powerful people wanted the land where her home was built.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Strange Construction

The spherical orange building shone.

She was surprised to see it in their backyard.

She was sure it was not there the day before. 

She had not seen or heard people working.

Photo Prompt - Dale Rogerson

Every morning, she crossed that way.

Was the religious morning-walker so lost in her thoughts that she had never noticed it? 

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