Showing posts with label Ovarian Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ovarian Cancer. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Cause to be Thankful for...

As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, I have found myself reflecting on the past year and realizing that I have so much to be Thankful for.  The past couple of months have been very busy... not to mention the entire year has been a whirlwind of events... but often times I fail to just stop and bask in the moment. Hours and days go by and before I know it a whole month or even two has passed.  I know that everyone is busy these days but somehow we tend to find more ways to keep us from "stopping to smell the roses" and enjoy the path along our journey.

I could give you a whole list of things that I am Thankful for but I am thankful for those things each and every day of my life. I would, however, like to share one event in particular that I am very thankful and blessed to have been a part of.  And if you don't mind, the best way I know to tell this story to start from the beginning...

In Spring 2008, Moda Fabrics came out with their very first Collections for a Cause fabric line called Heritage 1846 by Howard Marcus. The proceeds from this collection were donated by Moda to the Gilda's Club supporting the cause of Ovarian Cancer.

I loved this collection when it came out... the colors, the purpose, the cause... I just had to have the fabrics. I had no idea what I was going to make with it at the time, I just knew if I didn't get it now it wouldn't be available when I was ready to use it.

4 years later, in September 2012 our small town community learned that dear friend, to us all, was diagnosed with advanced stages of Ovarian Cancer. We knew that with Faith, Love and Prayer, Kris would overcome this obstacle that invaded her body so quickly. What do you do to help?

Kris has touched so many lives, not only to my family, but to our entire community. So, one morning, God presented me with an idea... to make a quilt. But not just any quilt. This quilt would be made by our entire community to provide comfort and encouragement during and after her Chemo therapy.

And so it began...

From the blocks that were signed by individuals and families down to the last stitch that was sewn into the quilt, members of our community and her church willingly volunteered their time to help put this quilt together. Even people that had only heard about Kris and had not yet met her, came to help with the cutting and sewing of the Community Quilt.

In April 2013, we presented the Community Quilt to Kris and her family. This quilt was made as a token of our appreciation and love for everything she and her family did and still does for everyone in our town. Words of wisdom, encouragement, and beautiful drawings graced upon the blocks in the quilt. Each block is unique and special in its own right. Quilts, like people, have a story to tell.  There are stories told within each of these blocks and together they tell a much bigger story.

In July 2013, Kris received a clean scan from her doctor visit and in August 2013 she received her last scheduled Chemo session. I am so amazed by the patience and positive attitude she continued to have all throughout these trying times. She is such an inspiration and is now using her experience as a Cancer Survivor to help other women fight the same struggle she so shortly underwent in the past year.

Watch her story on the Next Chapter from Medical City..

I am thankful to work for such a wonderful company that supports causes and produces beautiful fabrics that makes such an impact on people that provokes so much emotion and memories.

I am thankful to the Doctors at Medical City for providing the care Kris needed to fight her battle with Cancer. This one hits me at a personal level as our daughter was also cared for at Medical City back in 2006 and one Doctor in particular helped save her life in her battle with Asthma.

I am thankful to have met Kris and her family before her encounter with Ovarian Cancer and to be able to help provide comfort through a quilt.  Oh, did I mention she is also a quilter herself?

I am especially thankful that she lives to serve God and continues her story to help others.

What's your story?
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