Showing posts with label Moda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moda. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2014


Hand embroidered pillow made from Moda Mochi Linen in Natural and Sew Modern Essentials thread collection by Aurifil.

7 months have past and a lot has happened. So much that I am finding it difficult on how to start this post. This blog, as are many blogs, is a way for me to release my thoughts, experiences, inspirations and my creations. If for nothing else, just to get things off my chest. And just maybe I can help inspire others that have similar interests or going through similar events.

In January, Aurifil released my new thread collection, Sew Modern Essentials. This was very exciting! Modern colors great for any project. More on this collection just might have to be in a separate post. ;)

In February, Hubby and I celebrated our 15th wedding Anniversary. 15 YEARS! I am very fortunate to have found such a wonderful and supportive partner to share my life with.  We also celebrated his 35th Birthday. For all you doing the math... yes, he was 20 when we got married.  I was 18... best decision I have made EVER!

In March, at work we launched our new look of The Moda Cutting Table blog. Fun, colorful and easy to use. Be sure to follow the blog and the Moda Facebook page to stay current with all our updates with Moda and United Notions.

In April, I was featured as Aurifil's Designer of the Month and shared my block inspired by my Great Grandmother. I also celebrated my 34th Birthday... I had my cake and ate it too!

In May, Our oldest daughter turned 9 years old. Where does the time go?? She is getting to be such a big girl and a HUGE help around the house. Very proud of the little lady she is becoming. 

Since the beginning of the year, I have been struggling with what we now know is Multiple Sclerosis (MS). With a positive outlook and starting the treatments, I am beginning to feel like myself again.

I've missed blogging. I am inspired with my new journey and I am anxious to start sharing again.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

STRANDED: Paco and Gnomey Giveaway!

I've been stranded on a Mysterious Island! Click here to find out what items I would take if I was really stranded on a Mysterious Island full of Moda Fabrics, Sewing Machines, Cutting Mats and Rotary Cutters.

PLUS you won't want to miss the giveaway that Paco & Gnomey have in stowaway!

Friday, February 8, 2013

It's Sew Emma featuring Flats!

I just got word that It's Sew Emma Pattern company created a pattern using my new collection, Flats!

Look at how cute those little trains are! Jocelyn Ueng of Fat Quarter Shop designed this pattern and they even have a kit available for purchase at Fat Quarter Shop.

Be sure to click to be notified when this kit is available for purchase!
Great Job Jocelyn! Love to see the Flats fabric being designed with.

Do you have an idea for a project using my new Flats Collection? Download the JPGs here and design away... I would love to see what you come up with.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Moda Fabric Collection: FLATS

You may recall a little tutorial post back in 2009 that made it's debut on the Moda Bake Shop titled Flat Emelie and Matt.

Inspired by my kids, I was determined to find a way for them to play with paper dolls and not have to worry about them getting torn or bent up. Paige loved her paper dolls but was always getting upset with her little brother when he would play too rough with them and a doll would loose its head... literally!

So after mom {that would be me} finally started to get tired of hearing the screams and crying, she decided to do something about it for good! Then the Flats story began...

A few years went by and the Flats lived happily in their new Flat world. Kids played with them, they traveled a bit and even visited a few quilt shows along the way. 

Then one day, their creator decided it was time that they go on a hiatus and take a little time for themselves... you could call it a refresher in some sorts. So, that is exactly what they did. They had a grand time getting new clothes, new shoes... they had a whole new wardrobe!

When they came back they went out and got themselves a new dog, a new cat and even made some new friends!

They even went out and got a new house!

It is the perfect size house for them to sit and chat for a while.

The Flats are so happy in their new Flat land and can't wait to meet all their new Flat friends!


 Be sure to check out the my new Flats fabric collection from Moda Fabrics at your favorite quilt shop coming this May!

You can see all the panels and swatches on my website here...!flats-fabric/c1t7y

Lots of fun new prints so you can coordinate your children's clothing and quilts to their favorite Flat doll!

Friday, November 30, 2012


WOW... has it really been a month since my last post??? Where did November go? Oh, I remember! A lot has gone on this month and I have so much news to share with you, but being that it is still November, I want to share my thanks!

Thanks to my beautiful kids for all you do and share with me. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. I am thankful for the hugs that I get from you even after I get done yelling at you for not picking up your toys. I am thankful for the beautiful pictures you draw for me and sweet notes you write at school. I am thankful for the pitter patter of little toes and hands crawling and walking towards me.

Thanks to my awesome hubby for your loving support. I am so thankful to have you in my life. I am thankful for you telling me the truth when I ask your opinion. You are always there when I need someone to talk to and you support everything I do.

Thanks to my mom for dropping everything to help me out. I am thankful for you watching the kids every week so I can go into the office to work. I am thankful for you teaching me how to sew at a young age. I am very thankful for you not getting mad when I backed up into your vehicle this week. <3

Thanks to Moda Fabrics for creating beautiful fabrics. I am thankful to be able to work for a great company that cares about their employees. I am thankful for the quality of fabrics and the designs that are printed for us to create with. I am also very thankful to be a new fabric Designer for Moda. YES, you read me right! Sneak peeks coming soon!

Thanks to Stash Books for publishing my designs. I am thankful to have my very own book published this year, Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! I am thankful to have been a contributing author in 3 books so far, Sweet Celebrations, Fresh Fabric Treats, and Modern Blocks. I am thankful to be able to work with the Stash and C&T Publishing team again for my second book that is scheduled to be published in 2013.

Thanks to the lady at the Target Starbucks for paying it forward. I was standing in line to get a coffee from Starbucks in Target and a mom with a little girl in front of me flashed her phone at the cashier when he asked me what I wanted. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured she was paying for her coffee. When I received my coffee, I handed my card to the cashier and he said, that the lady infront of me already paid for mine. Oh my goodness, Are you serious? How did I miss that? By then, she was already gone and had no idea where she disappeared to. How nice! What a kind and generous act it was for that mom to do that for another mom. I left there feeling so thankful that we live around such a great area where people still give a hoot.

I am thankful I was able to meet an awesome group of girls at Market. Thanks to Katrina, Heather and Stephanie for being Angels at Quilt Market! I think these three could tell I was in need of some coffee the first day of market. They were so sweet and brought me a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha to the booth for me.  THEY ROCK!  Then we partied at the Moda Appreciation Party where I was able to meet Sarah and rock out a few line dances with all of them. Sarah has some cute pictures and videos of all the fun on her blog.  All three of these girls are awesome!

Thanks to all my family and friends for everything! I am so blessed to have such special people in my life.

AND Thanks to YOU for reading my blog! I love receiving your comments and learning more about each and everyone of you. I am so glad you visited my blog and hope you will stay for a while. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

2 Blog Tours = 2 Winners!

Whew! What a month it has been and it's not even over yet!   It has been a rather busy month, but very exciting!

I also have some new exciting news to share, but not today. That news must wait for another day. Today is an exciting day for many readers in blogland!  Two lucky readers will be winning books from my blog today and many other readers will be winning from other blogs across the globe. Be sure to check all the sites from both the Sweet Celebrations book tour and the Beginner's Guide to Free Motion Quilting book tour to see if you are one of the lucky winners.

I have randomly selected one lucky reader from the Sweet Celebrations Book Tour and one lucky reader from the Beginners Guide to Free Motion Quilting Book Tour.

Sweet Celebrations winner:

She said: "It's 3:03am I can't sleep so I'm blog hopping, I would say it's a BAD hair day so far for me. It can only get better! ;-> Toni Anne "

You are the lucky winner of a copy of the new Sweet Celebrations Book by the Moda Bake Shop Chefs AND a Moda Fabrics Layer Cake!

Beginner's Guide to Free Motion Quilting Winner:

She said: I learned to sew my first year in High School. My mom did not sew, so I took a Home Ec class and that's where I learned the basics. We made garments, but that went by the wayside when I learned to quilt ;-) Much more fun!
You are the lucky winner of a copy of the new Beginner's Guide to Free Motion Quilting by Natalia Bonner from my blog stop.
Winners... please email me with your contact and mailing information so your prizes can be sent off. Thanks to everyone who participated and good luck on all the other blog stops for both tours!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 11 - Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! Blog Tour & GIVEAWAY

Welcome travelers! You have made it to the last stop of the Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! Blog Tour. I hope you enjoyed your {virtual} road trip from California, to Austrailia, then back through the United States and finally here in TEXAS!

For each pit stop, I asked my friends to share a sign that best describes them or a story that has to do with signs or boys. Well... I created a sign of a phrase that I use almost daily... whether it is while I am working, sewing or even in the bathroom. I am constantly telling the kids "REALLY? Can I not have 5 minutes? All you other mothers out there know exactly what I am talking about. Ha!

Anyway... I have really enjoyed reading all the posts and comments from everyone in blogland. It has been an exciting journey and I can't wait to find out who all the lucky winners are that will be receiving a copy of my new published book!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be sharing this book of 12 projects with all of you. It is a book that is, really, for just about ANYONE, but was inspired by my son to make a book of projects that boys of all ages could enjoy.

I especially love carrying around the Do Not Enter Bag. It is functional, original, and sends the message for kids and any other intruders to stay out! Even though, they may not listen... it's still cute. :) It is perfect size for a laptop, books, or simply toy cars.

You can check out some of the other projects in the book by visiting my friends blogs and entering their giveaway's. But you need to hurry! You only have until Friday, August 17 at Midnight to enter!

For my giveaway... 1 lucky winner will be randomly selected to win a copy of Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! and a Red Bella Solid Jelly Roll and a few of my favorite notions that are used in the book. Simply leave me a comment to be entered to win. You can double your chances if you "like" my facebook page or follow me on Twitter!

11 STOPS and 11 Giveaways! WHEW! That means if you comment on every pit stop of this blog tour, you will have 11 chances for winning!  SO... be sure to check all the stops and comment at all of them to increase your chances of scoring my new release! Winners will be announced on Monday, August 20th on each blog.

Day 1 (Monday, August 6): Stash Books (California)

Pit Stops…

Day 2 (Tuesday, August 7): Sarah Fielke (Australia)

Day 3 (Wednesday, August 8): Blue Nickel Studios (Washington)

Day 4 (Thursday, August 9): Natalia Bonner (Utah)

Day 5 (Friday, August 10): Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobsen (Arizona)

Day 6 (Saturday, August 11): John Adams (North Carolina)

Day 7 (Sunday, August 12): Vanessa Christenson (Iowa)

Day 8 (Monday, August 13): Rachel Griffith (Ohio)

Day 9 (Tuesday, August 14): Pat Sloan (Virginia)

Day 10 (Wednesday, August 15): Lissa Alexander (Texas)


YOU ARE HERE! Day 11 (Thursday, August 16): Angela Yosten (Texas)

Day 12 (Friday, August 17): ALL Giveaways end at midnight.

Day 15 (Monday, August 20): Winners will be announced on each blog.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ten Little Things Quiet Book

One of the most exciting benefits of working for Moda Fabrics is being able to see all the brand new collections before they are sampled out to our customers. When I first saw the Ten Little Things collection by Jenn Ski... I was ecstatic! 

Finally... a collection that can be used for young kids {not just baby}. Not only is it a great choice for the girls... it is perfect for BOYS! LOVE IT!

So, my creative juices started working. I am very excited to be able to share a free pattern I designed especially for Moda. 

Read more about this free pattern and fabric designer on Moda... the Cutting Table blog.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Ruffled Knit Shirt Tutorial

Go check out my latest tutorial posted on the Janome website!  Featuring Moda knit fabrics by Oliver + S and a fun and quick way to use your Janome Serger and CoverPro machines. Add the ruffles and tie to a long sleeved shirt or turtleneck for the upcoming winter months!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tutorial: Retro Pot Holder & Towel Set

1 Hand Towel {featured: Family Recipe Towels by Moda Home}
1 Pot Holder {featured: Family Recipe Pot Holder by Moda Home}
1 Medium size button {The button you select will need to be able to fit in the loop of the pot holder.}
Fabric pen or pencil {I like to use the Sewline Fabric Pen}
Coordinating Thread
Ruler or Measuring Tape


1. Fold your  hand towel in half, short ends together to find the center. Make a crease or draw a line down the center using a straight edge and fabric pen.

2. Using a basting stitch on your sewing machine, stitch down the creased or drawn line in the center of your towel.  Back-stitch at only one end.

3.  From the end that you did not back-stitch, pull the top thread to create a gathered effect. The gathered length should measure the same width as your pot holder width when folded.  See step 4 to find the appropriate size for your pot holder width.  Tie off the thread to hold the gather in place.

4.  Your pot holder should have one corner that has a loop built in to hang from. Fold your pot holder in half so that your loop becomes the top of the pot holder. Measure the folded edge of the pot holder so you know how much to gather your towel in step 3.

5. Pin your pot holder in place at the top corner. Then pin each folded edge to the gathered ends of your towel.

6. Take the pin out from the top corner and open your pot holder so that it lays flat on top of your towel. Pin the center of the pot holder along the gathered center of the towel.

7. Stitch your pot holder to the towel along the center fold of the pot holder.

8. Attach a decorative button to the top corner of the pot holder, that does not have the loop.

9. Fold the pot holder in half and use the loop as the closure around the attached button.

 Hang and enjoy the multi-purpose pot holder and hand towel in your kitchen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Moda Towel Pack Apron Tutorial

For those of you that have ever purchased a towel pack produced by Moda Home, you will know that they come packaged in this adorable little fabric envelope.  Well, I have been saving my little envelopes from my towels for whatever reason... because they were so darn cute!

I came up with an idea on using these cute little fabric envelopes {besides sitting in your drawer}... A cute little apron!

What you will need:
Moda towel pack with fabric envelope {I used the Flour Sack Towel envelope 961-12}
2 yards of coordinating ribbon
Coordinating thread
Marking Pencil


Be sure your fabric envelope is pressed nice and flat.

Using a ruler and marking pencil, draw a line 5" from each side.  Your middle pocket will be the largest.

Stitch down your envelope on the lines drawn creating 3 pockets.

With your 2 yards of ribbon, fold the ribbon in half to find the center, place the center of the ribbon on the center of your envelope just above the pockets.

Pin the center in place.

Pin down the rest of the ribbon along the top of the pockets.  Be sure not to overlap your pockets so you do not stitch closed the opening.

Stitch your ribbon down along both sides of your ribbon from one end of the envelope to the other.  Be sure to backstitch at each end to reinforce your stitch.

That is it!  Tie it around your waist and you now have a cute little apron to hold craft supplies, money, and more!

All Moda towel packs with envelopes can be purchased from Home a la mode
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