Members Lounge Threads / Posts Last Post
Members Lounge
(29 Viewing)Forum Actions:
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- Threads: 1,466
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(4 Viewing)Got something you want to sell or trade? Post it here.
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- Threads: 29
- Posts: 129
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Short Stories
(2 Viewing)Post your short stories here
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- Threads: 51
- Posts: 136
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Off Topic
(1 Viewing)This forum has been created for off topic posts. Irrelevant, trivial, funny but above all - keep it clean.
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- Threads: 353
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(4 Viewing)Make us laugh
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- Threads: 577
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BOINC Threads / Posts Last Post
General BOINC Discussion
(6 Viewing)General discussion of BOINC. This section may include new projects too.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 229
- Posts: 2,211
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123Numbers.org : Van Der Waerden Numbers
(1 Viewing)Van Der Waerden Numbers is a research project of 123Numbers.org that uses Internet-connected computers to find better lower bounds for these numbers.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1
- Posts: 93
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(3 Viewing)Try to find abc triples related to the ABC conjecture
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- Threads: 26
- Posts: 284
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(1 Viewing)Albert@Home is a test project ran by the Einstein@Home team. Most of the time it will have no work to run at all, and when it has, the applcations might be unstable, unreliable and may even damage your computer.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 31
- Posts: 45
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(2 Viewing)The project Asteroids@home was started with the aim to significanly enlarge our knowledge of physical properties of asteroids. The BOINC application uses photometric measurements of asteroids observed by professional big all-sky surveys as well as 'backyard' astronomers. The data is processed using the lightcurve inversion method and a 3D shape model of an asteroid together with the rotation period and the direction of the spin axis are derived.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 78
- Posts: 274
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(1 Viewing)ATLAS is a particle physics experiment taking place at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, that searches for new particles and processes using head-on collisions of protons of extraordinary high energy. Petabytes of data were recorded, processed and analyzed during the first three years of data taking, leading to up to 300 publications covering all the aspects of the Standard Model of particle physics, including the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 63
- Posts: 95
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Bitcoin Utopia
(1 Viewing)Bitcoin Utopia is a commercial platform for crowd-donations that uses Internet-connected computers to mine cryptocurrencies for incentive awards and science projects.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 94
- Posts: 174
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(3 Viewing)Big Ugly Rendering Project
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 38
- Posts: 327
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(14 Viewing)The objective of CAS@home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for their research.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 38
- Posts: 73
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Citizen Science Grid
(24 Viewing)The University of North Dakota Citizen Science Grid is run by Travis Desell, an Assistant Professor in UND's Computer Science Department. It is hosted by UND's Computational Research Center and Information Technology Systems and Services. The CSG is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science, which you can read about and visit below.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 136
- Posts: 162
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(1 Viewing)The climate model that volunteers download is made up of mathematical equations that quantitatively describe how atmospheric temperature, air pressure, winds, water vapor, clouds, precipitation and other factors all respond to the Sun's heating of the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Models help predict how the Earth's climate might respond to small changes in Earth's ability to absorb sunlight or radiate energy into space.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 5
- Posts: 24
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Collatz Conjecture
(12 Viewing)Collatz Conjecture is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in mathematics, specifically testing the Collatz Conjecture also known as 3x+1 or HOTPO (half or triple plus one).
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- Threads: 113
- Posts: 296
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(7 Viewing)Constellation is meant to be a platform for all kind of aerospace related simulation. Currently we are working on ... * TrackJack: trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes (subtask for DGLR-Group HyEnD - Hybrid Engine Development) * On The Moon: simulation of Moon's near-surface exosphere * Extreme Machine: analysis of dynamic systems of exploration-rovers
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- Threads: 57
- Posts: 70
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(1 Viewing)Investigating the sequential organization of genomes, i.e. the relations between distant base pairs and regions within sequences, and its connection to the three-dimensional architectural organization of genomes.
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- Threads: 4
- Posts: 12
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(16 Viewing)The goal of Cosmology@Home is to search for the model that best describes our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available astronomical and particle physics data.
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- Threads: 70
- Posts: 779
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(4 Viewing)Putra Desktop Grid is UPM implementation of DesktopGrid network, consist of computers at lab and local volunteer. The project is fully supported by the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF).
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- Threads: 3
- Posts: 9
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Distributed Data Mining
(4 Viewing)distributedDataMining (dDM) is a scientific computing project that provides the computational power of internet-connected computers to its scientific partners in order to perform research in the various fields of Simulation, Data Analysis and Machine Learning.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 6
- Posts: 11
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(13 Viewing)The goal of FreeRainbowTables.com is to give the worlds security experts the best tools available for detecting weak hashes. This can help them to force the developers to use more secure methods of password protection.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 32
- Posts: 39
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(3 Viewing)DrugDiscovery@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to model the behavor of lead compounds that could be developed into new medicines. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. DrugDiscovery@Home is in an early alpha phase and does not have a formal relationship with academia or the pharmaceutical industry.
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- Threads: 3
- Posts: 6
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Einstein@Home / Pirates@Home
(6 Viewing)Searches for pulsars (spinning neutron stars) in space.
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- Threads: 151
- Posts: 686
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(16 Viewing)Enigma@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and Stefan Krah's M4 Project. 'The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.'
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 21
- Posts: 123
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EDGeS@Home (Beta)
(10 Viewing)The aim of the EDGeS@Home project is to support the execution of selected and validated scientific applications developed by the EGEE and EDGeS community.
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- Threads: 9
- Posts: 19
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The FightMalaria@Home project is a distributed computation strategy for docking known hit compounds into models of malarial proteins to build a ranked list of novel targets for further investigation.
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- Threads: 37
- Posts: 42
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(9 Viewing)Synthesis of parallel partitions graph-schemes of algorithms for logic control by fast processing of R-expressions (basic parallel-sequential method) and evaluation of its hardware complexity and performance.
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- Threads: 9
- Posts: 80
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(7 Viewing)Monkeys application will check some aspects for infinite monkey theorem: monkeys_v1 - draws word for examine if thats word existing in Polish or English dictiora for now (I wonder about using more dictionaries) monkeys_v2 - draws word until it not exactly like in WU monkeys_v3 - draws whole text and check if it not a fragment for example some Sheakspir works
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 6
- Posts: 67
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(21 Viewing)GPUGRID formerly known as PS3GRID is a volunteer computing project based on BOINC for full-atom molecular dynamics simulations and other scientific applications specially optimized for the nVidia GPU cards and also the Cell processor in the PlayStation3. Your contribution is very important because the Cell processor runs our Cell MD molecular dynamics software over an order of magnitude faster allowing to perform novel computational experiments
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 25
- Posts: 213
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Ibercivis (Zivis)
(2 Viewing)In collaboration with the Institute of Biocomputación and FÃsica de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza and the National Laboratory of Fusion of the CIEMAT, the project ZIVIS has started up, whose objective is the creation of a citizen platform of Super Computation based on the union of computer science equipment of the homes and Institutions you publish, to give service to the investigators of our city.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 15
- Posts: 114
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(3 Viewing)The aim of the project Ideologias@Home is to study how people in a certain region evolve ideologically over time respect to an idea.
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- Threads: 2
- Posts: 22
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(1 Viewing)Our project is focused on the manipulation of proteins to enhance their function, so this is basic research. While we thought more about enhancing vaccines, the same mechanisms could in theory be applied to cancer drugs.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 5
- Posts: 9
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Lattice Project
(9 Viewing)The Lattice Project is an effort by a community of scientists at the University of Maryland to develop and deploy a comprehensive Grid system for scientific analysis.
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- Threads: 13
- Posts: 39
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Join in and help to build a Desktop Computer Grid dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for any scientist or science student!
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- Threads: 25
- Posts: 147
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(2 Viewing)Simulates a Large Hadron Collider.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 114
- Posts: 222
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LHC@home 2.0 (Test4Theory)
(17 Viewing)Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 87
- Posts: 116
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(2 Viewing)The MalariaControl.net project computes stochastic modelling of the clinical epidemiology and history of Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
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- Threads: 29
- Posts: 244
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(12 Viewing)Milkyway@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in modeling and determining the evolution of the Milkyway galaxy.
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- Threads: 333
- Posts: 575
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(11 Viewing)MindModeling@Home (Beta) is a research project that uses volunteer computing for the advancement of cognitive science. The research focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind. We need your help to improve on the scientific foundations that explain the mechanisms and processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 26
- Posts: 34
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Moo! Wrapper
(17 Viewing)Moo! Wrapper brings together BOINC volunteer computing network resources and the Distributed.net projects. It allows a BOINC Client to participate in the RC5-72 challenge.
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- Threads: 47
- Posts: 116
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(9 Viewing)Neurona@Home is a BOINC-based project with the main aim of simulating the behavior of a large assembly of cellular automata neurons connected in a complex network.
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- Threads: 7
- Posts: 21
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(14 Viewing)NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. NFS@Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are hundreds of digits long. Most recent large factorizations have been done primarily by large clusters at universities. With NFS@Home you can participate in state-of-the-art factorizations simply by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 80
- Posts: 111
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NRG - Najmanovich Research Group
(1 Viewing)Najmanovich Research Group - NRG is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Molecular Recognition and Computational Biology.
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- Threads: 4
- Posts: 6
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(25 Viewing)NumberFields@home searches for fields with special properties. The primary application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the basic building blocks of all mathematics.
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- Threads: 29
- Posts: 68
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(1 Viewing)The main idea of this project is the analysis of algorithms. OProject@Home based at OLib Library. The library is open and available in the code.google.com SVN repository.
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- Threads: 11
- Posts: 18
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(6 Viewing)Many practical problems are reduced to the global optimization problems. At the moment this project runs an application that is aimed at solving molecular conformation problem.
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- Threads: 11
- Posts: 27
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(5 Viewing)The mission of orbit@home is to apply distributed computing to the study of Solar System dynamics. Distributed computing provides an unmatched amount of computational power, enabling qualitatively new research levels in terms of detail and accuracy.
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- Threads: 5
- Posts: 56
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(3 Viewing)The projects goals are in Solid-State Physics, Material Science, Optics and Chemistry. The scientific research in these fields is currently in the experimental stage with a theoretical focus. Research is being conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL [NM,US]), Clarkson University [NY, US], National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute� (NTUU “KPI� Kiev, Ukraine) and elsewhere, due to their great relevance to the world-wide effort in the clean renewable energy arena.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1
- Posts: 6
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(16 Viewing)POEM@HOME is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to research and predict protein structure.
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- Threads: 63
- Posts: 305
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(2 Viewing)PRIMABOINCA is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for a counterexample to some conjectures. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. PRIMABOINCA is based at the AKS-conjecture and Popovych's-conjecture.
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- Threads: 1
- Posts: 5
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(20 Viewing)Prime Numbers are of great interest to mathematicians for a variety of reasons. Primes also play a central role in the cryptographic systems which are used for computer security. Through the study of Prime Numbers it can be shown how much processing is required to crack an encryption code and thus to determine whether current security schemes are sufficiently secure. PrimeGrid is currently running several sub-projects: -Primegen: generating a public sequential prime number database (end phase). -Twin Prime Search: searching for gigantic twin primes of the form k*2n + 1 and k*2n - 1. -Cullen-Woodall Search: searching for mega primes of forms n*2n + 1 and n*2n - 1. -3*2^n-1 Search: searching for mega primes of the form 3*2n - 1. -Prime Sierpinski Project: helping Prime Sierpinski Project solve the Prime Sierpinski Problem. You can choose the projects you would like to run by going to the project preferences page.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 533
- Posts: 1,661
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QCN - Quake-Catcher Network Sensor Monitoring
(1 Viewing)The Quake Catcher Network (QCN) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research, education, and outreach in seismology. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. Currently only certain Mac (OS X) PPC and Intel laptops are supported -- recent ones which have a built-in accelerometer. You can also buy an external USB accelerometer. QCN is based at the Stanford University School of Earth Sciences.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 26
- Posts: 64
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(4 Viewing)A project designed to further develop the Quantum Monte Carlo method for general use in Quantum Chemistry
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- Threads: 14
- Posts: 99
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(12 Viewing)Radioactive@Home is a polish science project using distributed computing capabilities of BOINC platform. The main goal of the project is to create free and constantly updated map of radiation available for all people, by gathering information about gamma radiation using using sensors connected to computers of volunteers willing to participate in the project.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 19
- Posts: 43
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(1 Viewing)Fractal Flame rendering project
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- Threads: 18
- Posts: 24
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(1 Viewing)The riojascience@home project is oriented to the study of chemical reactions theoretically. So, theories as quantum and classical mechanics are applied to study how reactions are produced. As there are no few chemical reactions, the efforts of the project are focused on two kinds of processes: gas phase and enzymatic reactions.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 26
- Posts: 32
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RNA World
(25 Viewing)RNA World (beta) is a distributed supercomputer that uses Internet-connected computers to advance RNA-related research.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 21
- Posts: 47
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Rosetta@home and Ralph
(7 Viewing)Protein folding, design and docking, Sub-forum also includes Ralph or Rosetta Alpha Project discussion
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 138
- Posts: 473
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(5 Viewing)PDSAT is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc) that can be effectively reduced to SAT. Currently in the project problems of inversion of some cryptographic functions used in keystream generators are being solved. All cryptographic algorithms under investigation are publicly available. Corresponding tasks are randomly generated and do not contain any confidential information. We also plan to publish obtained results. In the nearest future we are going to launch an experiment for solving Quadratic Assignment problem (hard optimization problem) within the project.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 54
- Posts: 72
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(9 Viewing)Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 207
- Posts: 415
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SETI@home/AstroPulse Beta
(2 Viewing)Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 45
- Posts: 76
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(2 Viewing)SIMAP - SImilarity MAtrix of Proteins - is a database of protein similarities that are computed using the FASTA algorithm which provides optimal speed and sensitivity.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 78
- Posts: 433
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(1 Viewing)SLinCA (Scaling Laws in Cluster Aggregation) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in field of materails science.
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- Threads: 2
- Posts: 25
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(1 Viewing)Support the research of nano-magnetic molecules. In the future these molecules will be used in local tumor chemotherapy and to develop tiny memory-modules
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 11
- Posts: 96
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(3 Viewing)SRBase is a mathematical research project that uses Internet-connected computers trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 6
- Posts: 46
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(2 Viewing)Superlink@Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 2
- Posts: 20
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(4 Viewing)SZTAKI Desktop Grid currently searches for generalized binary number systems. The aim of the project is to find all the generalized binary number systems up to dimension 11.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 22
- Posts: 140
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theSkyNet POGS - the PS1 Optical Galaxy Survey
(2 Viewing)theSkyNet POGS is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in astronomy. We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 66
- Posts: 121
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(4 Viewing)TN-Grid is based at the Research Area of Trento of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and currently hosted by the University of Trento (UNITN). The first project we host is: gene@home, in collaboration with Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) and the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of UNITN.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 7
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(1 Viewing)μFluids project is a massively distributed computer simulation of two-phase fluid behavior in microgravity and microfluidics problems.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 15
- Posts: 159
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(17 Viewing)This is a cryptographic application. Information security couldn't be underestimated in today's world and will become more and more critical in the days ahead. Cryptography is one of the key technologies in achieving it. Constantly growing computational capabilities are imposing more and more strict requirements on cryptography standards, which are the objects constant study and analysis. The current application is solving DES Challenge problem.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 16
- Posts: 50
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Virtual Prairie
(1 Viewing)Note: - The project comes across long periods of inactivity (no workunits available). During these periods, we are extensively studying the outcome of the previous workunits and reflecting these results on the application and the coming workunits.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 0
- Posts: 0
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Never -
(4 Viewing)Volpex@UH is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in creating effective parallel computing on multiple volatile nodes. Note: - this BOINC project runs differently to most others.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 3
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World Community Grid
(7 Viewing)A Distributed effort in several areas. 1. Fight AIDS at Home 2. Human Proteome project 3. Muscular Dystrophy 4. Genome Comparison 5. Help Defeat Cancer
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- Threads: 517
- Posts: 1,513
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(13 Viewing)It appears to be another Math project for Mersenneplustwo Factorizations and it requires either Linux or MacOS at the moment.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 159
- Posts: 195
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(15 Viewing)WUProp@home is a non-intensive project that uses Internet-connected computers to collect workunits properties of BOINC projets such as computation time, memory requirements, checkpointing interval or report limit.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 17
- Posts: 51
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(15 Viewing)YAFU is a alpha project, which main goal is it to test the latest Boinc server code for bugs. Please report any error which you find in the webpages in the forum. In parallel to this it factorize numbers of 80-110 digit length which needs to be factored. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 47
- Posts: 77
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(18 Viewing)yoyo@home is a wrapper of the distributed.net client and runs OGR work units.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 151
- Posts: 325
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Bio Science Threads / Posts Last Post
(4 Viewing)Analysis of protein folding and conformational change in the tertiary structure of proteins.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 62
- Posts: 829
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Chemistry Threads / Posts Last Post
(3 Viewing)Calculating chemical reactions at the atomic level
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 48
- Posts: 551
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Encryption Threads / Posts Last Post
(3 Viewing)RC5-72 and OGR25
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 76
- Posts: 1,027
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Math Threads / Posts Last Post
Prime Sierpinski Project
(5 Viewing)The Prime Sierpinski project (PSP) is a mathematical project involved in the search of large prime numbers of a special class called proth numbers. They have the general formula k*2^n+1. We further specialize by searching for numbers where k is prime in k*2^n+1. Further more it has been proven that there exists an infinite number of prime k’s such that k*2^n+1 can never be prime. These k’s are called prime sierpinski numbers.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 22
- Posts: 218
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Riesel Base 5
(4 Viewing)To solve the Sierpinski and Riesel problem for base 5.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1
- Posts: 12
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Seventeen Or Bust
(1 Viewing)Attacking the Sierpinski problem
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 96
- Posts: 1,538
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Sierpinski Base 5
(4 Viewing)To solve the Sierpinski and Riesel problem for base 5.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 28
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(12 Viewing)Wieferich@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for next Wieferich and Near-Wieferich primes.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 11
- Posts: 252
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Misc Threads / Posts Last Post
Deimos Project
(8 Viewing)A keyboard, mouse, and bandwidth counter.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 20
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DIMES is a distributed scientific research project, aimed to study the structure and topology of the Internet.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 49
- Posts: 554
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(6 Viewing)Korea@Home is a Distributed Computing platform led by the Supercomputing Center of KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) that serves as platform for many projects ranging from the field of human sciences, climate prediction, maths, and others.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 10
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(1 Viewing)Majestic-12 is primarily concerned with creation of the Distributed Search Engine (DSearch)
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 39
- Posts: 605
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Marmot Project
(1 Viewing)Key and mouse-click counter
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 14
- Posts: 82
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(8 Viewing)SuperDonate's mission is to help humanity through innovative technology. We have created an application that can earn money for charity by efficiently using the idle time of your computer.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 6
- Posts: 48
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(2 Viewing)our computer is bored. It has spare computing power nearly all the time that could be used to do something cool. So why not let it? By connecting 100s and 1000s of computers together through the Internet, it's possible to simulate a single machine capable of doing some pretty amazing stuff. That's what theSkyNet is all about - using your spare computing power to process radio astronomy data.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3
- Posts: 11
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(7 Viewing)Key and mouse-click counter
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 22
- Posts: 136
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Phys Science Threads / Posts Last Post
(2 Viewing)Simulates a particle accelerator.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 15
- Posts: 208
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Computer Related Discussions Threads / Posts Last Post
(16 Viewing)Talk about what's new, what you have, etc.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 701
- Posts: 5,955
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(4 Viewing)Discuss applications issues in here
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 90
- Posts: 886
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Enter here at your own risk!! Results can be amazing OR amazingly expensive!!!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 37
- Posts: 444
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Retired Projects Threads / Posts Last Post
(9 Viewing)3x+1@home is a distributed non-profit project trying to find high 3x+1 conjecture stopping times.
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(5 Viewing)APS@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research into the effects of atmospheric dispersion as it relates to the accuracy of measurements used in climate prediction.
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(4 Viewing)D-Wave's AQUA (Adiabatic QUantum Algorithms) is a research project whose goal is to predict the performance of superconducting adiabatic quantum computers on a variety of hard problems arising in fields ranging from materials science to machine learning.
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- Threads: 6
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(2 Viewing)The idea of an own BOINC project comes up from time to time in our discussions, no doubt under the influence of that delicious blond or brown liquid: Belgian beer. There have been some valid ideas, but the talks always went silent after a short while since nobody in the team actually knows what it involves to set up and run a BOINC project.
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- Threads: 2
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Biochemical Library
(1 Viewing)BCL is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in BCL.
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Boitho - distributed crawler
(1 Viewing)A distributed crawler, where everybody can donate there superfluous computer resources and spare bandwidth, to help us create a bigger and better search engine.
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(1 Viewing)BRaTS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do various calculations in Gravitational Ray Tracing. BRaTS stands for BRaTS Ray Trace Simulator.
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(5 Viewing)Cels@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in cell adhesion. One of the many applications of this is in cancer research, as the point at which cancerous cells quit staying in place, and instead break free to move throughout the body, is a critical event that makes the disease much harder to treat.
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- Threads: 2
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Chess960 is an innovative chess variant.
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- Threads: 9
- Posts: 92
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- Threads: 26
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Cuboid Simulation
(4 Viewing)The program will automatically perform thousands of simulations of a tossed cuboid and upload the results on our project server.
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(1 Viewing)Searches for cures for human diseases like Malaria, Anthrax, SARS, Smallpox and Ebola using the Sengent software
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(4 Viewing)Currently only the few big search engines can give access to the basic data needed to do intensive studies of the web. But they don't give access to their raw data and therefore results based on their data have been looked at very carefully. DepSpid on the contrary is supposed to give researchers in this area free access to its raw data for doing their studies.
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- Threads: 3
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DHEP - Distributed Hardware Evolution Project
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- Threads: 10
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Distributed Rainbow Table Generator
(4 Viewing)Description Needed!
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(7 Viewing)DNETC@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and distributed.net.
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(1 Viewing)Dynamically Adaptive Protein-Ligand Docking System
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(3 Viewing)Donate at home is a fund raising initiative. Donate@Home allows participants to donate towards funding by using their GPU to ‘mine for BitCoins’. This novel way of generating funding involves contributing within the bitcoin experiment. Crunchers don’t gain bitcoins in this project, the project convert these into standard currencies to raise enough funds through the collective contribution to give fellowships to research students for the Gpugrid project.
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- Threads: 13
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(2 Viewing)DynaPing uses Internet-connected computers to test if websites (from our database) are online or not. Currently a simple ping is sent to these websites and the result is stored.
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(13 Viewing)FreeHAL@home is based at FreeHAL, an artificial intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech databases, and part of speech taggers, in order to imitate a very close human behavior within conversations.
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GMDHGrid is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore inductive GMDH algorithms forecasting time series. Inductive GMDH algorithms give possibility to finds the best solution by sorting-out of possible variants.
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Goldbach's Conjecture Project
(3 Viewing)he Goldbach's weak conjecture states that every odd number greater than 7 can be expressed as the sum of three odd primes. Liu Ming-Chit and Wang Tian-Ze proved that for numbers greater than 2·101346 Goldbach's weak conjencture is true, so checking every number under this figure is perfect for using Distributing Computing architecture like BOINC. And this would make the weak Goldbach conjecture effectively proved.
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We intend to clarify the nature of the vulnerabilities in applications of MD5 that have been opened up by the collision finding methods of Wang et al.
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(13 Viewing)Hydrogen@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Hydrogen Production.
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- Threads: 7
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(1 Viewing)Magnetism@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to explore the equlibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns (first and foremost in nano-scale magnetic elements and their arrays, but later other systems may be considered).
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(2 Viewing)Watch the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
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(2 Viewing)Simulate large-scale nanotech systems
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(1 Viewing)http://neuron.mine.nu/neuron/
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(2 Viewing)Searching for factors for large numbers like Cunningham Most Wanted Numbers
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(1 Viewing)This project it's an attempt to find the results of the NQueen problem using a BOINC framework for board sizes starting from N=19.
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Optimal Solution Finder
(3 Viewing)The project sifts through possible solutions, using the decompiled physics algorithms from each game. Possible solutions that are not solved after 1,000 frames are rejected. The goal of this project is to create walkthroughs with the games' optimal solutions. A solution is optimal if it uses the least number of objects required to win the level.
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Pi Segment
(2 Viewing)Challenge the world record of calculating Pi
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(3 Viewing)Analysis of protein folding and conformational change in the tertiary structure of proteins.
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(3 Viewing)Be part of a large-scale protein structure prediction project and help to advance an important area of science.
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(3 Viewing)Searching for the 23rd largest prime.
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QuantumFIRE alpha is a research project that invites the public to donate computing power for scientific research in Quantum Foundations and Solid State Physics.
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Red Library DLV
(1 Viewing)Red Library Distributed Link Verifier is Ready Response's search engine with a difference - every single link in the database is hand picked (at present 7000+ links) and categorized.
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Riesel Sieve (Boinc)
(2 Viewing)The Riesel Sieve @ Home Project is sieving for factors as part of the PerlBOINC platform.
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(19 Viewing)Mersenne@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to find Mersenne prime numbers.
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- Threads: 18
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Riesel Sieve Project (Non-Boinc)
(2 Viewing)A distributed effort to prove the Riesel conjecture.
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TKC - Tiny Key Counter
(1 Viewing)Counts your keystrokes, mouse clicks & scrolls
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(5 Viewing)Scientific Literature Indexing on Networked Computers
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SHA 1 Collision Search
(3 Viewing)SHA 1 Collision Search is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX.
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(4 Viewing)Sheti is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve the 131-bit Certicom ECC Challenge. The challenge is about solving an elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
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(1 Viewing)Simulation One, or SimOne@home (or even more easily SimOne), is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in@the fields of science. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. SimOne is completely created and managed by volunteers who believe in distributed computing.
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sudoku@vtaiwan is one of V-Taiwan projects that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in sudoku. You can participate as a volunteer by downloading and running programs on your computer. In this project, we develop new techniques and use them to modify the program Checker (written by Gary McGuire). We successfully reduced the total expected computation time from 300,000 years per core to 2,417 years per core. This makes it more feasible and reasonable to use BOINC to solve Sudoku. Some of these new techniques are described in a paper in the IWCG Workshop of TAAI 2010 conference.
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(2 Viewing)Protein folding project from the Tokyo University of Science
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(3 Viewing)Searches for a cure for children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, a genetic disorder that leads to benign tumors in multiple organs
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- Threads: 40
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Rectilinear Crossing Number
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Tug's Uptime Project
(2 Viewing)The purpose of TUP is to keep an history of biggest "Uptime". Uptime is time during a machine, a computer stays without restarting. In brief, time which a machine give a functionnality, whatever, continuously
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RSA Lattice Siever (2.0)
(1 Viewing)Rsa Lattice Siever is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to help others factoring project such as mersenneforum or XYYXf achieve their academic goals.
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(2 Viewing)XtremLab studies the BOINC grid technology itself. We study actual performances and try to combine various grid technologies in order to find how to improve performances of all others projects.
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Zebra RSA Bruteforce
(5 Viewing)We are trying to break the RSA-key for the checksum by Brute-forcing.
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(5 Viewing)Surveill@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to conduct end-to-end fine-grained monitoring of web sites.
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03-19-2025, 01:00 PM in PrimeGrid