I need to blog Sydney's birthday and her birthday party, but before I do that, here are some random things that happened in August!
➹ Poppy had been promising the girls some fish for quite awhile, so one Friday, he surprised them with them! ➹
➹ We celebrated Reese's second birthday with a fun party at Peter Piper Pizza! ➹
➹ We celebrated Brooklyn's 6th birthday at Skateland! I was SO proud of both of these girls. It is not easy learning to skate and these girls were so tough. At one point, I was helping Zach because he didn't have a little roller to help him, and so Sydney went on by herself. When I asked her if she wanted help, she said, "I'm not a baby, and I'm going to PROVE it!" She didn't take any help the whole time! We celebrated with a trip to Sweetie's! ➹
➹ Liv lost a tooth while eating an ice cream cone at Basha's! It was the EASIEST tooth removal to date! She has another loose one now and is milking it for all she can! ➹
➹ The girls said goodbye {for now} to one of their favorite dance teacher's. She had her baby boy on Labor Day! ➹
➹ Dress up is our FAVORITE!➹
➹ PHEW, we made it! Thanks for sticking with us! ➹