Click here to purchase the Afterparty Massacre soundtrack, movie and more!
The More Things Change....
As we've started working on an outline for our next (currently untitled) movie, this is how the plans start apparently...
More info on our next release coming soon, but we just wanted to share this random humorous tidbit. :)
What people are saying about the After Party Massacre

Twisted - Brutal and Totally Original! - Aaron Crowell/Horrorhound Magazine
It’s a balls out, bloody/gory, foul-mouthed beast of an indie horror film. - Wes/
Fans of metal and indie horror films are in for a treat - Goretastically insane! -
More fun than a decapitation scene, and ten times as brutal! - Albert Mudrian/Decibel Magazine
This movie succeeds because it has hot chicks, good music, lots of kills and lots of gore. It's a body count film and it doesn't apologize for it. -
A masterpiece, filled with blood, sex, death metal, more blood, sex toys, sex toys used as weapons, sex organs being cut off and gratuitous nudity. - Vampyr/
After Party Massacre is a pulse-pounding - expertly shot film... The filmmakers accomplish in their first film what others take years to pound out. - Kristy Jett/Fright-Rags

Check out our new teaser for the DVD now in stores!
You can order the DVD at! and also get it as a package deal with a movie cover shirt, the Afterparty Massacre Soundtrack, the Incantation/Denial Fiend 7" split bloodsplattered vinyl or any combination of the above!
Check out some of the trailers at the new Decibel Magazine Deciblog! :)
Afterparty Massacre Now Available!

The Afterparty Massacre is now available at!
The DVD includes:
Side Death: The Afterparty Massacre in all its blood and glory with limited live performances - a directors commentary - easter eggs
Side Metal: The Afterparty Massacre in all its blood and glory with full live performances by Incantation and Denial Fiend - Afterparty Massacre Soundtrack song samples HorrorHound's own Aaron Crowell's Necro-besti-philiac short film - video - easter eggs and more!
You can order the DVD now at! and also get it as a package deal with a movie cover shirt, the Afterparty Massacre Soundtrack, the Incantation/Denial Fiend 7" split bloodsplattered vinyl or any combination of the above!
Check out some of the trailers at the new Decibel Magazine Deciblog! :)
Afterparty Massacre Scheduled to hit stores Oct 11!
We FINALLY have a street date for the Afterparty Massacre movie - Oct 11, 2011!
The movie will be available at Best Buy,, FYE and other movie and metal music stores around the country!
Haven't seen anything about the Afterparty Massacre yet? Check out these Youtube Trailers below!

Interview with Kristoff about the Afterparty Massacre on Heavy Metal Buzz!
Win a Denial Fiend custom guitar and some Afterparty Massacre merch!

Click here to enter the contest at!
Afterparty Massacre Soundtrack CD
The Afterparty Massacre soundtrack is full of blood - guts and metal! With 12 exclusive tracks from Incantation - Denial Fiend - Cardiac Arrest (2 tracks) - Fatalist - Estuary - Gravehill - Goreaphobia - Funerus - Soulless - Feral and Lifeless - this soundtrack is a must have for metal fans!
The soundtrack also includes movie samples - a new live Incantation track - live videos and a full color 19 inch tall double sided poster inside!
All CDs ordered on will be sent in a limited edtion red jewel case and also signed by the directors (Kyle Severn of Incantation and Kristoff Bates) of the Afterparty Massacre.
Click here for more info and the track listing
Pick up the limited edition and signed copy at or pick up the regular versions at,
Best Buy or
Afterparty Massacre Incantation/Denial Fiend 7 Inch Split Record

Limited Edition Incantation/Denial Fiend 7 inch record now available at!
Two brand new songs from Incantation (Absolved in Blood) and Denial Fiend (Afterparty Massacre) now available on blood splattered white vinyl (limited to 666) or black fucking metal vinyl!
Cover art depecits one of the imfamous kill scenes within the Afterparty Massacre and comes with a fold out poster of Kyle Severn of Incantation before meeting his demise from the killer of the Afterparty Massacre!
Pick this 7 inch up now at! |
May 2011 - New Teaser Uploaded on Youtube
Check out the new teaser just uploaded to youtube:

Spread this trailer around!
Webpage to share:
Youtube Link to share:
You can also download these files to your computer/phone and upload them on other sites as well!
Video file to upload to other sites:
Video made for web enabled celphones:
More to come shortly! :)
Apr 2011 - Afterparty Massacre Screenings In May-June
Come out and see a screening of the Afterparty Massacre at these following Horror Conventions! Be sure to drop by the booth for details and let us know what you think! :)
May 13-15: Full Moon Horror and Tattoo Festival - Nashville, TN -
May 20-22: Cult Fiction Drive-In - Jacksonville, FL -
May 27-29: Spooky Empire - Orlando, FL -
Jun 03-05: Monster Mania - Hunt Valley, MD -
Jun 24-26: Contamination - St. Louis, MO -
Jul 01-03: Days of the Dead - Indianapolis, IN -
Feb 2011 - Afterparty Massacre Premiere at Horrorhound Weekend
We will be premiering the Afterparty Massacre Mar 25th at Horrorhound Weekend at 830PM!
Click here for more information about Horrorhound Weekend to see all of the guests and other films playing that weekend! :)
Also be sure to check out to drop by the booth for some freebies and some awesome new merch from Army of Darkness, Phantasm, Re-Animator, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and more!
Feb 2011 - Updates?
For those checking back on us, we're almost finished with editing the movie and soon to go into audio mastering to finish up the Afterparty Massacre. We will be starting into the extra features (Behind the Scenes, Music Videos, Interviews and other fun stuff) and packaging shortly - so stay tuned for some teaser pics, video samples and other stuff soon! :)
Dec 2010 - Finally into Post-Production?
Well it's been 10 months of shooting, editing, scheduling mishaps and way too much fun - but now the Afterparty Massacre is finally into post-production and we are currently editing it now! We are still planning on a Mar/Apr 2011 release date - so join the mailing list to keep updated on our movie status! :)
Oct 2010 - New Afterparty Massacre Trailer!
We've added a new trailer for the fall horror convention season!
Check out the new bloody Afterparty Massacre trailer showing in 1080 HD on YouTube!

Click here to check out the trailer!
The Afterparty Massacre starts at a death metal show with the bands Incantation and Soulless playing at Peabodys in Cleveland, Ohio. During the show a female fan gets attacked and in return she lashes out as her attacker soon finds out what happens when you push an already damaged mind too far. The killer then snaps and starts killing everyone in her way - friend, fan, band and foe alike - until only a pile of bodies is left at the end of this bloody massacre. With the killer being as patient and calculating as she is torturous and demented, her killing spree is a precise and bloody massacre to witness.
To compliment the Afterparty Massacre storyline, over 25 death/grind/industrial/noise bands (16volt, Asphyx, Cardiac Arrest, Cyanotic, Defcon, Denial Fiend [members of DRI, Accused, Six Feet Under, Obituary, etc], Divine Eve, Everything Goes Cold, Fatalist, Funerus, Goreaphobia, Gravehill, Left Spine Down, Master, Pentacle, Ventana and many more) are included within the movie soundtrack and a few have also written new and exclusive tracks for a CD soundtrack coming out as well!
Projected release date for the Afterparty Massacre is Spring 2011 with already confirmed distribution into Best Buy/FYE stores upon its release for the movie and the CD soundtrack as well. Along with the release of the movie, we are currently working on a late spring/summer tour as well to take the movie (and some of the bands) on the road to put on a show just as intense as the movie is, so as time allows in the coming months we will be offering more details for that as well! :)
But feel free to check out in the mean time for other stills and bonus stuffs, and we'll have our second trailer premiering this weekend at Cinema Wasteland and online as of Monday for everyone else to check out!
Thanks for the support and definitely check out the new trailer this weekend at Cinema Wasteland or this monday online at!
- Kristoff / Kyle + the APM crew! -
Click here for older news updates
Featuring live performances by:
Plus songs by:
Plus suspension performances and artwork by:

On Set FX work and props from: