Showing posts with label Stacking The Shelves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stacking The Shelves. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Stacking the Shelves &. Sunday Post (70)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This month has been a very difficult one for me.  I've been having a lot of health challenges.  I can't hold down most of my food, have been having horrible acid reflux, heartburn, and GI problems.  I've also been having really bad pain running throughout my whole body.  My doctor ordered a ton of tests, because he is concerned.  He is checking me for a compression of the spine, as well as having me to a endoscopy, and sending me to G.I,  My blood pressure has been significantly up, and I've been struggling.  I decided to start juicing again, so I'm taking vitamins, and just eating raw fruits, vegetables, salads, and smoothies right now hoping to improve my health. 

As far as reading this month, I attempted three books, and struggled with all three of them.  I DNF'd The Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth, and am going to give the other two a little more time, but might end up DNFing those as well.  I began Nightfall by Penelope Douglas, and am hoping it will be the book I need to pull me out of my book slump. I didn't blog this month, but hope to get back in to the swing of things.

My daughter starts school on Wednesday, and we will be doing distant learning.  I'm waiting for her new teacher to contact me to see how it will work, but the paperwork said 8-2 instruction via Zoom.  I'm hoping that I will be able to do independent study, because there is no way my daughter can sit in front of a computer for six hours a day.  

I got some really exciting ARC's this month and can't wait to read them.  Sadly, I was turned down for Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews, one of my most anticipated reads of the year.  

Life feels like "Groundhog Day," with the monotony of the same thing happening day after day.  I find myself losing track of what day of the week it is. Being high risk, we are staying inside for the most part, and when we go out it's just for a drive, walking while socially distancing, or picking up food through the drive-thru.  I live in Southern California, and we are one of the hardest hit states right now. 

On my mother's side, my cousin and his family caught COVID, and his wife was in her last month of pregnancy.  My cousin's wife couldn't breathe, was on oxygen, and they had to give her a c-section.  The hospital kept the baby in an incubator to keep him safe. My cousin also went to the hospital for not being able to breath and they sent him home, because there wasn't enough room in the hospital.  His mother-in-law is now on a ventilator, and his father-in-law, two sisters-in-law, 8 year old stepson, and grandfather-in-law all have COVID.  We lost my 48 year old cousin on my dad's side to an unexpected stroke, and I wonder if it was due to COVID as well.  His wife and son got it.  The wife had mild symptoms, but his son had double pneumonia, lost a lot of weight, and was very sick.  My brother-in-law also lost his uncle.  

This thing is more of a reality to me now, and most definitely here.  Another cousin has had repeated exposures because she works in a bank, and they keep having to shut down the bank to clean everything, and get employees tested.  Thankfully, she's been lucky so far.  My sister and brother-in-law, had an exposure, but were lucky thankfully.  I'm hoping we can stay healthy, but at this point I'm wondering if it's not a matter of if we'll get this virus, but when.  How are you all holding up?  I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Thanks to Berkley Romance, St. Martin's Press, and Entangled Teen

Friday, May 15, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (69)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week has really dragged.  I'm exhausted from lack of rest and sleep, but am really excited to have the weekend to catch up. I didn't get much reading done, but am hoping to get a lot done Friday night and Saturday.  Sunday is my birthday, and we don't have much planned.  We will probably just take a scenic drive, and eat some good food at home.  Next week my husband only works Monday and Tuesday, so I'm counting down the days until Wednesday!

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Thanks to Delacorte Press

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (68)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week went by really quickly.  My daughter only has two weeks left of school, and I'm counting down the days.  My husband had already requested and been approved to be off of work for a few days; for her upcoming sixth grade graduation. I am looking forward to having him home to tag team taking care of our daughter, spending some quality family time together, and getting more reading in.  Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms :)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (67)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This month I didn't get much reading or blogging done. My health is back to normal, but I'm finding I have very little time for myself.  All of my daughter's schooling and therapies are taking up every moment of my time.  I have weekly meetings with her teacher, speech, and occupational therapy. I have a ton of school work to complete with her from her teacher, as well as speech, O.T. and P.E work/activities.  To top it off I'm doing virtual ABA therapy 2 hours a day, and since my daughter has severe Autism, I'm having to do everything hands on with her.  In essence, I've become her therapist and teacher.  She hasn't been sleeping earlier than 2 A.M., so I'm exhausted.  She get's in to everything, so I have to watch her every moment, with very little breaks.  

I only read/listened to 5 books last month, and have a ton of May review/tour books I signed up for before COVID hit.  So I stopped requesting and signing up for books and tours, even though I've been offered books I really want to read.  I really miss reading, blogging, and visiting my favorite book blogs!  Hopefully, things will calm down a bit, and once she's "out" of school, I'll have a little more time to myself.  We'll see...

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Thanks to Avon Books

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (66)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week I had my ups and downs with my health, but overall I am feeling much better. On Thursday, I was able to start getting back to my reading and review writing, and am looking forward to doing some of the things I enjoy again. Now it's time for me to play catch-up.

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Thanks to Swoon Reads!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (65)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This was a tough week for me.  I had been doing better with my cough and shortness of breath, but then out of nowhere, I took a turn for the worse.  My doctor doubled my prednisone and prescribed me a corticosteroid inhaler.  He told me to take my oxygen daily with a pulse oximeter, and if I got to the low 90's not to put off going to the E.R. anymore.  

I asked if he thought there was a possibility I had Covid, and he said yes.  However, there are no tests unless you are medical personal or are in critical condition.  He told me to isolate myself and my family, and if I don't improve after this set of steroids runs out, and my breathing continues to get worse, I need to go to the ER.  The tightness in my chest, shortness of breath, and pain in my chest keeps fluctuating.  I was feeling better today, so I decided to put the groceries away.  Next thing I knew, I was out of breath, had to use my inhaler and sit down.  Overall I'm doing a lot better, but I can't walk very far in my one bedroom apartment or take a shower without getting out of breath.  I've been on the steroids for two weeks, and as I start to taper off, I hope I continue to improve and not backslide.

My husband and daughter each have had a cough and low grade fevers.  My husband says he's feeling ok, just really tired.  My daughter is non-verbal and has Autism, so she can't tell me how she feels.  She spent all last week crying and screaming a lot though which scared me, and I could hear a raspy sound.  This week though she's doing better and hasn't been crying as much, so I hope she gets better quickly. 

Needless to say, my reading, blogging, and pretty much everything in my life has taken a hit, as I've been down for the count.

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Thanks to Siobhan Davis & Social Butterfly PR

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (64)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week was really difficult for me.  It started out where I was exhausted, sleeping a lot, and had a light cough.  Next thing I knew, I had a low grade fever, bad headache, was vomiting, extremely short of breath, and my chest was hurting each time I would inhale.  Needless to say, I was really scared, because I have restrictive lung disease, asthma, and my lungs are only operating at 50%. It got so bad that even though I was scared of going to the ER, I thought I might not have a choice if I couldn't breathe.  I was using my inhaler a lot---which got me through the weekend.  

On Monday, I had a video conference doctor appointment, and was so relieved when the doctor diagnosed me with severe bronchitis, possible pneumonia.  I was worried I could have Coronavirus, but he said my symptoms were different since I had a wet cough, and my fever wasn't high.  He gave me steroids to help my lungs, and really strong antibiotics.  He told me not to leave my house, because I'm really sick right now, and it was good I didn't go to the E.R. or urgent care.  The medicine is working, and I'm feeling much better.

Then my daughter was wheezing, crying, and coughing.  I got scared again.  I had my husband take her in to her doctor, and he said she has a really bad sinus infection, and asthma, and gave her an inhaler and flonase.  

Now, every time one of us get's sick I'm filled with fear.  Each time my husband or daughter coughs, I freak out.  I had to stop watching the news and reading about Coronavirus, because it was causing me to have panic attacks.  Ever since I literally died (several times, and the doctors brought me back,) I have PTSD and a fear of not being able to breathe again. I was on a ventilator for a while, and the fear of this virus causing a lack of breath has me panicking.  I just hope we can all get through this, and the doctors find a way to stop it.

Thanks to Inkyard Press & Forever Romance

Friday, March 20, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (63)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

I've been struggling with focusing on my reading or anything else for that matter with what's happening with the Corona Virus.  Has Anyone else?  My daughter is going crazy by being cooped up in the house, and I think she's going to slowly drive me crazy!  LOL How are you all holding up?

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Thanks to Berkley Romance

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post (63)

Hosted by:  Tynga's Reviews
Hosted by:  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

I started The Wallflowers Series by Lisa Kleypas in audio this week.  I prefer the narrator of The Ravenals Series, but am still really enjoying these books as well.  I've pretty much had one audio and one ebook going all week, and have enjoyed switching back and forth.  I've been struggling to find comfortable earphones, and finally decided on a set of comfort fit wireless headphones from Bose, which are so comfortable, and have excellent audio quality. 

As the Coronavirus spreads, it looks like I will be spending more time indoors reading and listening to audio.  I have restrictive lung disease due to multiple pulmonary emboli I got 10 1/2 years ago, so I can't afford anymore problems with my lungs, which are already working at 50% capacity.
Thanks to Entangled Teen, Tor Teen, The FFBC, and HMH Books for Young Readers