November 2003

A collection of pictures sent to us by VICEN� RIBOT RESPECTA from Costa Brava, whose picture has already appeared on these pages. To begin with, his girlfriend PAQUITA ALSINA A�IBARRO, who 'Crossed Over' on 7th January 2001.............
...............and then his good friends Enric Perez Maiquez and his wife Mari Carme Benito, who visited Abbey Road on 8th August 2003 (the two leading the way across)...........
.....followed by close up shots of Carme Barnes Capella....
...and Jaume Garcia Vall-llosera. Thanks for the pictures!
Meanwhile, Russ Tobias and Bobbi Kestler from Santa Rosa, California, were very surprised when their pictures from February 2003 were developed!
Pierre Richard from Beloeil, Qu�bec, Canada writes....Even after almost 20 years, I am still excited when I look at these shots. They were taken on october 84. And I am not surprised at all to see all those people, even younger ones, go there and get their picture taken. It is like being on a picture with the great pyramids of Egypt.
.....Thanks Pierre. I know what you mean. Maybe it is time to come back for another visit?
This is Tom Gouw from the Netherlamds, who Crossed Over on 15th October 2003.
Tom and Wanda Phelps from Fort Mill, South Carolina achieved their ambition to Cross Over on October 11, 2003.
Eric White sent these three pictures and notes re his visit on October 9th 2003.......Just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to show the world how nice it was to finally visit the home studio of my favorite band! Although I did not quite walk the zebra stripe, I assure you it was due to being nervous about the traffic! The other picture is of my wife, Kit and I at the famous sign!
A nervous Eric!
Eric And Kit standing safely by the famous road sign! Thanks Eric.
This has just arrived from Jeffrey Hunt. Unfortunately Jeff gives us no other information about his visit other than that the following picture is of his friend Dave.
Jeff has now sent us the following: After running the Dublin marathon we returned to London for a little R&R. We were surprised to see how close Abbey Road was to our hotel. We were really pleased with our pictures on Abbey Road, and they were the highlight of our trip. Thanks Jeff. Glad you had a great time Crossing Over. After doing the marathon it must have been quite relaxing to simply walk over the crossing!