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How many people will scroll down to read the text below after seeing this image? It's safe to say that few people who are not already convinced of George Bush's guilt will be inclined to.

The BinLaden Conspiracy Theory does not stand up to scrutiny:

  • 8 of the HijackersPatsies were not even on the planes - 7 are HijackersAliveAndWell; and one died before 9/11. (Curiously, that didn't stop the military pathologists from identifying them as dead.)
  • BinLaden has consistently denied responsibility for the attacks.
  • The BinLadenConfession video was mistranslated by the US: in fact it shows that he had no PriorKnowledge.
  • There are ExperiencedSkeptics outside of the US that are saying publicly that 9/11 looks like the work of intelligence agencies.
Let's not mention that bin Laden did not have the capability to stand down the air defense network, nor cause steel-framed skyscrapers to pulverize themselves.
Why bring up those minor details when we can question the veracity of bin Laden's confession?

In fact, there are strong ties between bin Laden and the US government:

  • The Bin Laden family are close business associates of George W. Bush; see Thompson,Paul's [WWW]Saudi timeline.
  • As recently as 1995, Bin Laden was known to be working in cooperation with the US government, supplying arms to Muslim fighters in Bosnia. The US Senate Republican Policy Committee [WWW]explicitly names the US government as a partner of Osama bin Laden in covert arms sales to Bosnia through Croatia.
  • Bin Laden has maintained a close relationship with the Pakistani Secret Service (See 911Encyclopedia topic [Sept11Wiki]Isi), a subsidiary of the CIA.
  • Many of the hijackers either lived on US Military bases, or had trained at US Military facilities; see HijackersPatsies

Osama bin Asset?

  • For someone alleged to be the mastermind behind the bombings of US embassies in Africa, the US government seemed very uninterested in arresting him. According to Mansur Ijaz, the Muslim American who organized an unofficial communication channel between Sudan and Clinton's administration, Clinton and his aids ignored several opportunities to seize Osama bin Laden. Sudan's president offered the Americans a plan to seize and extradite terrorist number one, as well as the information about the global network, established by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Iranian Hizballah and Palestinian Hamas. "The silence of the Clinton administration in respond to these offers was just stunning," Ijaz [WWW]wrote.
  • According to [WWW]Mike Ruppert, an expert on CIA involvement with the drug trade: "Historically, it is extremely well documented that Osama bin Laden is and was a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1980's when he joined with Mujahedeen Freedom fighters in Afghanistan. He worked with Gulbadin Hekmatyar who was running six heroin factories under CIA protection in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • This may explain why they didn't "catch" him in Afghanistan.

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