Showing posts with label interesting news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interesting news. Show all posts


New Iphone Add-On Finds Cancer

SCIENTISTS have come up with a new gadget that lets the iPhone detect CANCER.

Good call ... mobile phone gadget Handyscope can detect skin cancer

The Handyscope, which launches today, plugs into the Apple phone and converts it into a dermatoscope, which doctors use to find skin cancer.

It uses a polarising light to detect whether a mole is abnormal, before taking a picture of it and sending it off to a doctor to check.

Target ... device spots skin cancer

The image can then even be posted off to a second opinion service where world-renowned specialists can weigh in with their view.
Now experts have come out to say it could be very helpful in battling the disease.

Dr David Pye, a researcher based at Salford University, said:
"This is a powerful piece of kit which could be very useful for people in the profession assessing whether a mole is cancerous.

"Sending images around the world for expert diagnosis could be incredibly helpful and this is the first time I've ever seen anything like this before.

"During a mole examination you're looking for things like irregular edges and unusual colouration, which the device would be very good at picking up.

"However, I don't think it will be Joe Bloggs performing examinations at home - this is likely to be for doctors who could do with a second opinion."

Handyscope is made by German-based firm FotoFinder and any data is encrypted and can be password protected to keep it confidential.

At £995 for the gadget and £6.99 for the app needed to use it, the technology is not cheap.

But the firm behind it said the device had the potential to save lives.

Marketing manager Valeska Heinrich said:
"The Handyscope combines the latest communication technology with a sophisticated tool for skin cancer screening, opening up a new era for cancer diagnosis.

"This is a very exciting innovation and the first of its kind in the world. The Handyscope makes skin examinations much more convenient by allowing them to be carried out anywhere.

"The brilliant dermatoscopic photos on-screen show important details at a glance, so a decision can quickly be made on whether a mole is suspicious."


Top 10 Scariest Science Experiements Ever

While science has the power to improve our lives and cure disease, it can also be used to torture, murder, and brainwash. Here are 10 most scary experiments that destroyed lives, or have the potential to unleash doomsday.

1. Pit of Despair : Psychologist Harry Harlow induced clinical depression in monkeys by taking young macaques that had bonded with their mother, and placing them in complete isolation, in a darkened cage, for up to ten weeks. Within a few days they became psychotic, and most could not be treated.

Source : American Journal of Psychiatry

2. Russians Re-Attaching Dog Heads : This infamous propaganda film from 1940 shows Soviet Dr Sergei S. Bryukhonenko removing the head of dogs, and keeping them alive on a heart-lung machine. While possibly a Soviet fake, it produced a major stir in the west.

Source : Time Magazine

3. A human brain - trapped in a mouse! : Researchers at the Salk Institute in La Jolla discovered how to grow human brain cells by injecting embryonic stem cells into fetal mice. This combines the twin horrors of stem cells and transgenic research to give us either supersmart squirmy mice babies, or people with rodent brains.

4. Stanford Prisoner Experiment : Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prisoner experiment took place in the 1970s. The psychiatrist took 24 undergraduates and assigned them roles as either prisoners or guards, in a mock prison on campus. After just a few days, 1/3 of the guards exhibited sadistic tendencies, two prisoners had to be removed early due to emotional trauma, and the whole experiment only lasted six of the planned 14 days. It showed just how easily normal individuals can become abusive, in situations where it is encouraged.

5. Implantable Identity Code : The first RFID implant in a human was in 1998, and since then it's been an easy option for people wanting to be a little bit cyborg. Now companies, prisons, and hospitals have FDA approval to implant them into individuals, in order to track where people are going. A Mexican attorney general got 18 of his staff members chipped to control who had access to documents. The prospect of a business forcing its employees to receive an implant of any type is creepy and totalitarian.

Source : SpyChips

6. Stimocever : José Delgado, a Professor at Yale, invented the Stimocever, a radio implanted in the brain to control behavior. Most dramatically, he demonstrated its effectiveness by stopping a charging bull with the implant. Except this thing could control peoples actions. In one case, the implant caused erotic stimulation for a woman, who stopped looking after herself and lost some motor functions after using the stimulator. She even developed an ulcer on her finger from constantly adjusting the amplitude dial.

Source : Pain journal

7. The Demon Core : During experiments with a sphere of plutonium nicknamed the "demon core" at Los Alamos laboratory, scientist Louis Slotin died when a screwdriver slipped and the sphere went supercritical. After the room grew hot and was suffused in a 'blue glow,' he saved the lives of seven other people, but died from severe radiation exposure.

8. Evolving Robots : Take a bunch of cute, round robots, give them a generation lifespan two minutes, and after a few hundred generations, they evolve to cooperate, find food, and avoid pitfalls. These robots can evolve communication and intelligence, to some degree. Incredibly short lived, with the ability to evolve greater intellect. Just wait till they break out of the lab.

9. Time Machine : Physicist Ronald Mallett's work is based on using a ring laser to create closed timelike curves, which may allow time travel. Possibly you would only be able to travel back in time to the point when the device was turned on. What could go wrong?

10. Large Hadron Collider : The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in an underground facility in Switzerland, is the world's largest particle accelerator, designed to ram protons or lead nuclei into each other at ludicrous speeds. The LHC has suffered a series of delays, and is meant to be back online in November 2009. Physicists admit there is an infinitesimal chance that it will generate a black hole that could destroy the Earth - or possibly another kind of anomaly that would eat the universe. Two scientists have even put forth the theory that the LHC is sabotaging itself from the future, to prevent us unearthing the elusive Higgs Boson particle; others have sued in the hope that they can shut down the LHC before it destroys the world.

Leave us your feedbacks .. Hope you like the list ..

12 Meter Human Skeleton Found Near West India ?!

The giant skeleton was excavated in the little-known part of the desert in India.

The Giants appear in the legends of Australia, Belgium, Chad, Chile, China, Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Laos, Morocco leather, the Netherlands, Nova Scotia, Pakistan, Patagonia, the Philippines, Poland, Rwanda, Russia , Scotland, Sicily, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales, Zanzibar.

The first message appeared on the Internet, reporting that the skeleton was found somewhere in the deserts of western India.

The Indian government raided the area of the Indian Army and did not allow anyone except a special National Geographic excavation team.

Indian mythology tells of giants, namely: Rakshasas ( Monster ), who reigned over the forests.

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Dragon Boy Gets Cured !

A LITTLE lad nicknamed Dragon Boy has finally been cured of a chronic skin condition which left his face covered in bumpy shell-like growths.
Muhammad Yunusov's eyes, nose and mouth and half of his scalp were previously invisible underneath the thick "horns".

For six years doctors in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan failed to find the cause of the alarming condition known as chronic granulomatous candidiasis.

'Dragon Boy'... lad was covered in horn-like growths

His parents were forced to hide him away, and placed a mask over his face, after he was taunted with names such as "dragon", "freak" and "Zorro".
Eventually, the youngster's desperate uncle took the boy to see the country's top skin specialist Professor Mir Ali Baltabaeva.

And incredibly Prof Baltabaeva took just 17 days to completely cure Muhammad.

It is understood the medic used a combination of medication and ointments to cure the condition — rather than surgery.

He said: "I learned about this unique young boy from his uncle, who came to the clinic with photographs of the child and complained that none of the doctors could diagnose him. He asked: 'Can you help my nephew?'

"The child was a terrible sight, so I ordered a separate ward for him."

Muhammad's mother burst into tears of joy when she saw he had been cured, he added.

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