Call for Papers - SNAM Journal Track

ASONAM 2024 Journal Track

Call for submissions: ASONAM 2024 - Deadline 31 May 2024

We invite submissions for the journal track of the 16th International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining -ASONAM-2024. The journal track of the conference is implemented in partnership with the Social Network Analysis and Mining Journal (SNAM).

Subject Coverage

We invite the submission of high-quality manuscripts reporting relevant research studies on all topics related to scope of ASONAM 2024 as per the website of ASONAM 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Given the special nature of the journal track, submitted papers have to adhere to the following eligibility criteria:

Papers have to satisfy the high-quality criteria of journal papers as per SNAM standard, and at the same time lend themselves to conference talks. Journal versions of previously published conference papers and survey papers will not be considered for this journal track. A paper rejected by SNAM journal may be submitted to this journal track only in case accompanied by a detailed explanation how the feedback from the previous reviewers were handled. This should be part of the paper and should form the front pages of the submission. Papers that do not fall into the eligible category may be rejected without formal reviews; a paper rejected based on scope may be later recommended by Springer team as regular papers to other Springer journals which may fit the scope better.

Authors are encouraged to adhere to the best practices of Reproducible Research (RR) by making available data and software tools for reproducing the results reported in their papers. For the sake of persistence and proper authorship attribution, we require the use of standard repository hosting services such as dataverse, mldata, openml, etc. for data sets, and mloss, bitbucket, github, etc. for source code.

Submission Guidelines:

The journal track allows continuous submissions until 31 May 2024. Papers will be processed and sent out for review soon after they pass the regular check for eligibility. The review process will be completed by end of July 2024, or shortly after that in case we encounter delay from some committed reviewers.

We require authors to submit their paper to the Springer Editorial Manager SNAPP. Specifically, authors should make a journal submission to SNAM journal using the link:, and select ASONAM 2024 journal track.

The papers should follow the submission guidelines of SNAM journal; and it is recommended that submitted papers do not exceed 25 pages, including references; appendices may be added to the end of the paper, in case needed. Further, papers should be prepared in English and structured in accordance with the Springer journal requirements, refer to the author instructions and style files available at SNAM journal website. Do not forget to specify 3 to 6 keywords describing the main research activity presented in the manuscript.

Include in your submission a cover letter which contains a short summary of the main contribution and suggest up to four candidate reviewers not related to any of the authors and cited in the manuscript, including a brief motivation for each suggestion.

Authors should also declare any conflict of interest by reporting the email domains of all institutions with which the authors have an institutional conflict of interest. Authors have an institutional conflict of interest if they are currently employed or have been employed at this institution in the past three years, or if the authors have extensively collaborated with this institution within the past three years. Authors are also required to identify all members of the organizing team of ASONAM 2024 with whom the authors have a conflict of interest. Examples of conflicts of interest include co-authorship in the last five years, a colleague in the same institution within the last five years, and advisor/student relationships.


The author list as submitted with the paper is considered final. No changes to this list may be made after paper submission, either during the review period or in case of acceptance, at the final publication stage.

Paper presentation at ASONAM 2024 in Italy

Authors submitting their work to the Journal Track of ASONAM commit themselves to present their paper at ASONAM 2024 in Italy, if accepted. At least one of the authors must register and attend the conference to present the paper.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal Track that will receive the final acceptance decision by mid-July 2024, will be presented at ASONAM 2024 in Italy. Papers receiving the acceptance decision after the middle of July will be presented at ASONAM 2025; commitment from the authors will be sought accordingly.


  • ASONAM 2024 Program


  • Steering Chair
  • Reda AlhajjUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Honorary Chairs
  • Frans N. StokmanUniversity of Groningen, Netherlands
  • General Chairs
  • Andrea TagarelliUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Roberto InterdonatoCIRAD, UMR Tetis, France
  • Jon RokneUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Program Committee Chairs
  • Luca M. AielloIT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Tanmoy ChakrabortyIIT Delhi, India
  • Sabrina GaitoUniversity of Milan, Italy
  • Industry-Track Chairs
  • Francesco GulloUniversity of L'Aquila, Italy
  • Gianmarco De Francisci MoralesCENTAI, Italy
  • Workshops Chairs
  • I-Hsien TingNational University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Rajesh SharmaUniversity of Tartu, Estonia
  • Lucio La CavaUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Multidisciplinary Track Chairs
  • Ester ZumpanoUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Shirin NilizadehUniversity of Texas at Arlington, USA
  • Carmela ComitoICAR-CNR, Italy
  • PhD Forum and Posters Track Chairs
  • Huzefa RangwalaGeorge Mason University, USA
  • Alessia AntelmiUniversity of Turin, Italy
  • Domenico MandaglioUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Demos and Exhibitions Chairs
  • Elio MasciariUniversity of Naples, Italy
  • Tansel OzyerAnkara Medipol University, Turkey
  • Tutorial Chairs
  • Pasquale De MeoUniversity of Messina, Italy
  • Shady ShehataYOURIKA Labs, Canada
  • Davide VegaUniversity of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Publicity Chairs
  • Shang GaoJilin University, China
  • Buket KayaFirat University, Turkey
  • Kashfia SailunazUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Publication Chairs
  • Min-Yuh DayNational Taipei University, Taiwan
  • Panagiotis KarampelasHellenic Airforce Academy, Greece
  • Registration Chairs
  • Jalal KawashUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Mehmet KayaFirat University, Turkey
  • Web Chair
  • Deniz BestepeIstanbul Medipol University, Turkey