it seems like forever! I have been so busy these past weeks doing all sorts except creating. But somebody else has been busy at it ... Mother Nature. I found these huge mushrooms in my backyard a few mornings ago close to an old tree stump. I was taken in by their beauty so out came the camera so I could share them with you.
I didn't think of putting my foot into the picture to show you how big this is ~ it is almost a big as a dinner plate!!
I can't believe it but the biggest one has even a frill ~ how neat!!
Do you think little fairies might gather here after dark?
Unfortunately the mushrooms don't last very long after two days they turn brown and fade away.
We also have a new outdoor critter.
This is our newest little friend ~ a chipmunk!
He or she runs back and forth in front of my dining room window gathering food for the hard winter months here in Ontario. What a cute little creature. Our cat Iris really loves this wee one. She sits for hours at the window waiting so she can try and pounce on the chipmunk when it appears. I am only too happy that there is a large piece of glass there to stop her.
And last but not least ...
... update on our outdoor project.
What once looked like this ...
... now looks like this!!!
What a mess!! ... but I was told it would only get better from here. Unfortunately we had something go wrong ~ our underground sprinkler system was ripped out (hubby wasn't too happy about that) but were are hoping we can repair it ourselves.
One thing is certain for sure, there is always beauty where ever you look.
This pretty butterfly decided to have a little rest in the deepest part of our "hole" and I was lucky enough to be able to catch this picture of it.
I hope I will find some time to create over the weekend! Did it happen ~ find out in my next post.
I wonder what all of you lovely bloggers have been up to this weekend? I can't wait until Monday to read all about it. (I am sorry for posting this so late but again I was very busy)
I hope you are all well.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B.