Education for a Healthy Planet.


Previously known as our Active Members Meetings, every month IPPNWC hosts a speaker to share their unique expertise experiences and in our speaker series. The purpose of our calls is to learn, inspire and support each other projects. Anyone is welcome attend the speaker series as an Active Member or observer.

Now, as an Active member or Speaker Series Observer, you don’t pay a fee and you don’t have responsibilities except to offer your interest, experience and enthusiasm on our monthly phone calls whenever you can participate. The Speaker Series are on Zoom on the second Wednesday of each month at 5 PM PST.

2024 Speaker Series Schedule:

October Speaker Series: "Nuclear Disarmament and International Law: The status of the NPT and TPNW” " featuring Seth Sheldon from ICAN.

Register for the event here.


November Speaker Series:

Date: November 13th, 2024 at 5PM PT/8PM EST

Speaker: TBD