Canadian Stamps
Excise Tax 3 leaf issue
Excise Tax 3 leaf issue
Stamps will be added as they are cataloged. Please be patient.
Other stamps located at |
Three Leaf Excise Tax Stamp Issue of 1934-1948
Each of the 3 leaf excise tax stamps have hidden letters in 2 of the 4 corner ornaments.
3/20c (Hidden letters "E" "J")
3/16c (Hidden letters "D" "A") 1/5c (Hidden letters "I" "N") 9/40c (Hidden letters "H" "Q") 1/4c (Hidden letters "I" "R") 3/10c (Hidden letters "I" "P") 3/8c (Hidden letters "E" "V") 1/2c (Hidden letters "I" "Q") 1c (Hidden letters "I" "V") 2c (Hidden letters "A" "F") |
2&1/4c (Hidden letters "E" "X")
3c (Hidden letters "A" "B") 4c (Hidden letters "L" "U") 5c (Hidden letters "I" "M") 6c (Hidden letters "A" "T") 8c (Hidden letters "L" "Y") 10c (Hidden letters "M" "A") 13c (Hidden letters "J" "B") 14c (Hidden letters "J" "E") 15c (Hidden letters "L" "K") |
20c (Hidden letters "I" "K")
25c (Hidden letters "L" "T") 30c (Hidden letters "L" "W") 50c (Hidden letters "E" "W") $1.00 (Hidden letters "E" "T") $2.00 (Hidden letters "L" "O") $3.00 (Hidden letters "L" "P") $5.00 (Hidden letters "L" "R") $10.00 (Hidden letters "L" "S") $25.00 (Hidden letters "K" "A") $100.00 (Hidden letters "K" "C") |
1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S25 SOLD
1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S23 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S26 SOLD 1934 FX58 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S24 SOLD 1934 FX59 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S27 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S28 SOLD |
1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf uncancelled NG P327S07 $0.33
1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P297S33 SOLD 1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s55 SOLD 1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S16 $0.33 1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S149 SOLD 1934 FX52 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S97 SOLD |
1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) P297S34 both SOLD
1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s56 SOLD 1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P251S03 SOLD 1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S150 SOLD 1934 FX53 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH stains P239S98 SOLD |
1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S151 SOLD
1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S71 SOLD 1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S99 SOLD 1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf P39Pg3S12 SOLD 1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf unused P57Pg02S31 SOLD 1934 FX54 1/5c red Excise Stamp three leaf mint not hinged P62Pg03S14 SOLD |
1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S32 SOLD
1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P348S24 SOLD 1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf uncancelled NG P327S09 $0.25 1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P297S36 SOLD 1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S101 SOLD 1934 FX56 1/4c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P239S152 SOLD |
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf P39Pg3S14 SOLD
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf P39Pg11S016 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf P56S28 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNH P62Pg03S15 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf P64S23 unused? SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf P102S22 SOLD |
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S27 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S17 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P227S127 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P239S102 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P239S153 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNG? P239S68 SOLD |
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) P297S37 both SOLD
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P277S15 $0.13 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s57 $0.13 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used p263S34 SOLD 1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S09 SOLD |
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf uncancelled NG P327S10 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P334S22 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S17 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P348S25 SOLD
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S33 SOLD
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P334S22 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S17 $0.13
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P348S25 SOLD
1934 FX57 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S33 SOLD
1934 FX58 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S103 SOLD
1934 FX58 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S72 SOLD 1934 FX58 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNH gum stain P62Pg03S16 SOLD 1934 FX59 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S104 SOLD 1934 FX59 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf P39Pg3S15 SOLD |
1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S18 SOLD
1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf single P39Pg3S16 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf single P39Pg11S017 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf mint not hinged P62Pg03S17 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf P64S24 unused? SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf uncancelled no gum P66S13 SOLD |
1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S105 SOLD
1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P239S154 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S73 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P212s38 SOLD 1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) P150CbobS22a,b all SOLD |
1934 FX60 1/2c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S34 SOLD
1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf unused? P62Pg03S18 SOLD
1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P102S23 SOLD 1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S106 SOLD 1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S155 SOLD 1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf MNH P239S74 SOLD 1934 FX61 1c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S75 SOLD |
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P39Pg3S01 SOLD
FX64 3c Excise Stamp three leaf BoB P10S15 SOLD 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P47S34 SOLD 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P50S02 SOLD 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P64S25 SOLD 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P62Pg11S14 SOLD |
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf CanMisc1S19 SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P66S14 $0.13 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P74S41 $0.13 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P106S01 $0.13 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P106S02 $0.13 1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P143S22 $0.13 |
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P226S08 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P231S08 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S108 SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S121 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S156 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (5 copies) used P239S76 all SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used G1B3S372 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S19 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P260S13 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used p263S35 both SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S10 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s60 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P277S17 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S40 both SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P334S23 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S29 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S18 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S36 $0.25
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P231S08 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S108 SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S121 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S156 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (5 copies) used P239S76 all SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used G1B3S372 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S19 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P260S13 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used p263S35 both SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S10 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s60 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P277S17 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S40 both SOLD
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P334S23 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S29 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S18 $0.13
1934 FX64 3c blue Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P374S36 $0.25
1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S20 SOLD
1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S109 SOLD 1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S122 SOLD 1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S157 $0.20 1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf single P62Pg03S21 SOLD 1934 FX66 5c blue Excise Stamp three leaf uncancelled no gum P66S15 SOLD |
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P226S09 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) P212s40 both SOLD 1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf single P39Pg3S02 SOLD 1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf single P62Pg03S22 SOLD 1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf VanDam#FX67 P143S23 SOLD |
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S110 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S123 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used G1B3S373 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S21 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P260S14 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used p263S36 both SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S12 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S41 both SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P327S15 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S30 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S20 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S123 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used G1B3S373 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S21 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P260S14 SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used p263S36 both SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S12 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S41 both SOLD
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P327S15 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S30 $0.13
1934 FX67 6c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P346S20 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf single P39Pg3S03 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c Excise Stamp three leaf BoB P10S16 $0.13 1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf single P47S35 SOLD 1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf single P47S36 $0.13 1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf single P62Pg03S23 SOLD 1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf single P66S16 $0.13 |
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P231S09 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S111 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S124 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S77 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S11 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s61 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S42 both SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P329S25 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S31 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S111 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S124 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S77 SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used p264S11 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s61 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) used P297S42 both SOLD
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P329S25 $0.13
1934 FX68 6c purple Excise Stamp three leaf used P338S31 $0.13
1934 FX69 8c blue Excise stamp three leaf (cigarette overprint) used (cig ovpt) P341S06 $0.75
1934 FX69 8c blue Excise stamp three leaf used (cig ovpt) p263S37 $0.75 1934 FX69 8c blue Excise stamp three leaf used P239S112 SOLD 1934 FX69 8c blue Excise stamp three leaf (cigarette overprint) used (cig ovpt) P239S213 SOLD 1934 FX69 8c blue Excise three leaf cigarette ovpt upsidedown P39Pg3S04 SOLD 1934 FX69 8c blue Excise three leaf cigarette ovpt upsidedown P108S06 SOLD |
1934 FX71 10c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S113 SOLD
1934 FX71 10c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S78 SOLD 1934 FX71 10c blue Excise Stamp three leaf "Cancelled" precancel P239S79 SOLD 1934 FX71 10c blue Excise "Cancelled" unused full gum P39Pg3S05 SOLD 1934 FX71 10c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P62Pg03S24 SOLD 1934 FX71 10c blue Excise Stamp three leaf P150CbobS26 SOLD |
1934 FX75 15c blue Excise three leaf used P341S08 $12.50
1934 FX75 15c blue Excise three leaf precancell "Cancelled" P341S09 $12.50 1934 FX75 15c blue Excise three leaf precancell "Cancelled" P170S02 SOLD 1934 FX75 15c blue Excise three leaf precancell "Cancelled" P170S03 SOLD 1934 FX75 15c blue Excise three leaf precancell "Cancelled" P170S04 SOLD |
1934 FX78 25c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s63 $0.38
1934 FX78 25c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S23 SOLD 1934 FX78 25c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S115 SOLD 1934 FX78 25c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P212s42 SOLD 1934 FX78 25c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P62Pg03S25 SOLD |
1934 FX80 50c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P341S12 SOLD
1934 FX80 50c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P327S17 SOLD 1934 FX80 50c blue Excise Stamp three leaf MH P306S10 $10.00 1934 FX80 50c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P297S45 SOLD 1934 FX80 50c blue Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s64 SOLD |
1934 FX83 $1.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P212s43 SOLD
1934 FX83 $1.00 green Excise three leaf precancel w gum NH P62Pg03S27 SOLD 1934 FX83 $1.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S118 SOLD 1934 FX83 $1.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S159 SOLD 1934 FX83 $1.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S83 SOLD |
1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf (strip 3) used P341S17 $3.00
1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P235S10 SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S161 SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf (2 copies) P239S87 both SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf blue roller P62Pg03S29 SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P297S46 SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P253S25 SOLD 1934 FX91 $10.00 green Excise Stamp three leaf used P271s68 SOLD |
Perf 11 Coil Three Leaf Excise Tax
Imperforate Three Leaf Excise Tax
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P51S01 SOLD
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P39Pg3S07 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf P57Pg02S30 $0.40 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S77 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S79 SOLD |
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S80 SOLD
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S81 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S82 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P62Pg03S30 SOLD |
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf overprint used cig ovpt P290S01 $0.38
1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P70s08 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P70s09 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P70s10 SOLD 1934 FX98 2c blue Excise three leaf imperf red cigarette ovpt P108S07 SOLD |
1934 FX99 5c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P39Pg3S08 SOLD
1934 FX99 5c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S76 SOLD 1934 FX99 5c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P55S78 SOLD 1934 FX99 5c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P62Pg03S31 SOLD 1934 FX99 5c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette ovpt P108S08 SOLD |
1934 FX100 6c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P290S02 $4.50
1934 FX100 6c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P62Pg03S32 SOLD 1934 FX100 6c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P66S17 SOLD 1934 FX100 6c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P102S34 SOLD 1934 FX100 6c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P108S09 SOLD |
1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P62Pg03S33 SOLD
1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P102S35 SOLD 1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf faint red cancel P108S10 SOLD 1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P108S11 SOLD 1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf MNG(as issued) M P199S17 SOLD 1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf cigarette overprint P290S03 SOLD 1934 FX101 8c blue Excise three leaf imperf used p263S38 SOLD |
Overprints on 3 leaf Excise Tax Stamps
1934 FX105 3/10c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P62Pg3S17 SOLD
1934 FX107 1/2c on 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S18 SOLD 1934 FX108 1/2c on 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S19 SOLD 1934 FX109 1/2c on 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S20 SOLD 1934 FX110 1/2c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S21 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S22 $SOLD Set of 6 Mint 3 leaf overprint Excise Stamps FX105~FX111 listed above and shown at left SOLD |
1934 FX105 3/10c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MLH P228S01 SOLD
1934 FX107 1/2c on 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf MLH P228S02 SOLD 1934 FX110 1/2c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf (' mark near top of "/") MLH P228S03 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf (' mark near top of "/") P151S01 SOLD |
1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MH P387S10 $2.38
1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf unused P51S04 SOLD 1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MNH P62Pg03S34 SOLD 1934 FX105 3/10c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNH P62Pg03S35 SOLD 1934 FX108 1/2c on 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf Mint P39Pg3S09 SOLD 1934 FX110 1/2c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P39Pg3S10 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P39Pg3S11 SOLD |
1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S01 SOLD
1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf used P239S90 SOLD 1934 FX104 1/5c on 1/4c green Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S91 SOLD 1934 FX105 3/10c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MNG P239S02 SOLD 1934 FX105 3/10c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S92 SOLD |
1934 FX107 1/2c on 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf (black splatters from ovpt) MH P239S03 SOLD
1934 FX107 1/2c on 3/20c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S93 SOLD 1934 FX108 1/2c on 3/16c red Excise Stamp three leaf (shilling mark) MH P239S04 SOLD 1934 FX109 1/2c on 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S06 SOLD 1934 FX109 1/2c on 3/10c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S94 SOLD |
1934 FX110 1/2c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S05 SOLD
1934 FX110 1/2c on 9/40c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S95 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf used P297S48 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf (2 black marks) MH P239S07 SOLD 1934 FX111 1/2c on 3/8c red Excise Stamp three leaf MH P239S96 SOLD |
1934 FX119d 14c on 70c blue Excise Stamp three leaf (shifted diagonal overprint) (red stained) uncancelled P290S08 $55.00
1934 FX121 14c on $2 green 3 leaf Excise Tax Stamp P151S03 SOLD 1934 FX121 14c on $2 green 3 leaf Excise Tax (red overprint) M P235S11 SOLD 1934 FX122 14c on $3 green 3 leaf Excise Tax (blue overprint) M P235S12 SOLD |
Overprints on imperf 3 leaf Excise Tax Stamps