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Polyboard Custom Cabinet Design to Production Software
Perfect Software for designing & manufacturing: o Kitchens o Built-in Wardrobes  o Entertainment units & interior joinery  o Office furniture and fitouts o Shop fit-outs o Individual furniture pieces o Custom Bathrooms - vanities and shower screens.
Fully Parametric Cabinet Design:
Shaped Panels:
Easily edit the shape of your panels and parts by applying curves to the parts sides and/or corners. Easily add standard shapes like rectangular cut-outs and corner rounds or apply any shape from your library of curves. Add inner cut-outs or routing at a depth (pockets) to parts. Apply inner shapes parametrically so that when the cabinet is resized routing is maintained in the same position on the part. Polyboard imports your own designed curves and shapes to your library for usage via the DXF format. Use the part split function to divide parts into multiple parts to create cabinet rails, multi part doors, split panels: great for large parts..  
Easily create your own custom cabinets, while maintaining parametric rules between parts. Control and resize overall cabinet from properties dialog. Uses the ‘zone’ or ‘cells’ system where you can select any area within the cabinet and access the drop down menu allowing you to easily add cabinet components including:  shelves, dividing panels,  doors and drawers. Add “double back” panels to create double sided cabinets. Add “free divisions” to create panels and selves with slopes at any angle. Easily create “unboxings” in cabinets so that they fit around columns in a few selections or even sloped cabinets by just setting an angle to the top or side parts. Use the predefined regular, corner, L shaped cabinets, or design your own multi sided cabinet, and easily drag and drop to adjust cabinet shape.
Hardware Fittings:
Fully specify all the Boring and grooving machining operations of each hardware fitting that you use. Not limited to any particular brand or hardware type. you specify and control how to machine your cabinets. Easy positioning rules to determine hardware placement. Hardware maintains relations between two parts automatic positioning on cabinet resizing and extra fittings such as hinges and cam can be added automatically on cabinet resize. Hardware fittings can located between to parts as a connector or  parametrically on one part only. Easy hardware setup, and view placement in 3D on  each cabinet.  
Manufacturing Methods:
A very useful feature of Polyboard software is the ability to specify manufacturing methods. These are global rules that define how the cabinet is constructed and allow very easy cabinet creation by just selecting a particular an entire manufacturing method or just a particular sub- method. Sub-methods include a method for overall cabinet construction, including all part joints overlaps and recesses. Other sub-methods cover cabinet attributes such as:  Materials, Edgebanding, Hardware fittings, Dividing panels, as well as properties of drawers and doors. The result is that a user can choose to create a new cabinet based on their cabinet library or they can easily create it from scratch, using the Manufacturing methods libraries.    
Graphics & Project layouts:
Polyboard has the ability to allow you to arrange cabinets in a 3d space representing as room such as a kitchen or an office or bedroom. The user can easily design floors and walls. textures such as tiling or wood grains can be applies to these features. Cabinets can be positioned using simple drag and drop technique with automatic alignment with adjacent walls or cabinets. In addition textures such as wood-grains can be applied to cabinet parts. and a transparency value can be set for materials to allow you to view internal cabinet parts and machining operations in the 3D view. The 3D view can be customised in various ways including wireframe and semitransparent views and the ability to switch between Perspective and orthogonal drawings.     
Printed Reports, Cutlist Export & Detailed Costings
Polyboard can produce a variety of reports and drawings. At the cabinet level 3D drawings can be printed of the cabinet itself as well as detailed part drawings including all dimensions. In addition detailed costings of all materials, including quantities used as well detailed hardware component lists, are all produced automatically. At the Project level detailed reports covering the entire layout is produced including global cut-lists, material and hardware lists with  detailed costings. These reports can customised with the ability to turn on and off report data to be included as required and has the ability to personalise by printing the company name at top of each page and extra custom information on the first page. Cutlists are Dynamically generated and can viewed for verification, printed in a report together with edgebanding information and also exported to optimiser or even an excel spreadsheet. (see next section)      
Export Cutlists & CNC machine connection :
Polyboard can export files in a variety of formats and has a powerful post- processor that creates files redy to be imported into your CAM software. Cutlists are exported seamlessly into our own Opticut Saw optimisation software  and in addition, there is a generic CSV export format for cut-lists, that will connect to most sheet optimisers or even for loading into excel spreadsheets. The Post-processor can create generic DXF part files that are compatible with most generic CAM software. E.G. Enroute, Cadcode, and of course our own Pratiko CAM software. Part files are also produced for manufacturer Specific CAM software Eg: CID3 files, for Biesseworks/ Biessenest,  MPR files for Homag / Weeke Woodwop, XXL files for Xilog Plus - SCM / Morbidelli Machines. Polyboard also connects seamlessly to our own Optinest Nesting Software, for automatic import of parts and automated nested based manufacturing  (NBM) factories.    
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Polyboard Versions:
Polyboard is available in multiple versions so that you can select version that will suit your current needs,  and equipment levels.  It is always possible to upgrade to a higher version at later date, as your needs change. All versions include basic features and requirements such as, 3D rendering,  printed drawings, costings and cultist generation and export. In addition all versions allow you to create your own complex customised cabinets. The higher versions add additional export capability such as machining operations associated with hardware fittings, e.g. drilling and grooving. The highest version givers you the ability to export CNC machine files. Please refer to our online store for further pricing information:    
Feature List:
Full 3D design capability with cutlist export - perfect for small companies Full Design capabilities of standard plus live hardware fittings generation. Full design ability with hardware generation & export to any CNC machine.
Standard: Professional: Professional with CNC:
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Automatic Shop Drawings :
Polyboard Automatically generates shop drawings and elevation views of both individual cabinets and entire projects or rooms. Cabinet dimensioning in these drawings is automatic and elevation view from any side can be generated as well as 3D views from any angle or viewpoint. Extra Dimensions can also be added in using the multifunction measuring tool. Individual cabinets drawings can be generated with multiple views on a single page with particular views including 3d angle views fully configurable by the user.    
Adding in cabinet internals e.g. shelves, uprights, angled parts, doors and drawers.. 
New cabinet window choose from many predefined styles
Free cabinet shape Cabinet design with any number of sides at angles
Free divisions set shelves or uprights at any angle
Define sloping sides & tops at any angle or distance
Easily design to fit around obstacles e.g. columns
Full control of parameters to set part location
Edit part structure menu
Add cut-outs (tooling)
Apply shapes to corners (angles)
Apply shapes to part sides (edges)
Polyboard has the ability to apply any shape to any part in your cabinet.
Easily set-up all hardware fittings configure hinges, drawer runners, brackets, dowels, cams pilot holes e.t.c. →
To eliminate mistakes Polyboard allows you to view all machining operations in 3 dimensions on screen for verification before manufacture
Set Manufacturing methods for quick customised cabinet creation  →
Setting cabinet construction  method allows for maximum flexibility in how the cabinet is made.
Easy point, drag and click setting of room job layouts cabinets snap to walls and adjacent cabinets.→
Polyboard produces nice looking 3D images with wood-grains, textures and wireframe views
Detailed on screen cut-lists
Job costing itemisation
Print detailed part drawings.
Printable cut-lists with edgebanding location
Export into a variety of fully configurable post processor formats
Customisable post- processor options
Cut list export options
Automatically generate 3D shop drawings →
Wall elevation views
Print cabinets with multiple views e.g. top side front, & 3D
Easy visual configure of position cut views
Plan view shop drawings
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Products Polyboard 3D Interior design software