Door Frame 2 x 6 x 6 Freestyle
重量:6.250 公克

  零件顏色 紅

61146114 LEGO Creator 200 + 40 Special Elements20071
54775477 LEGO? Classic House Building20064
73367336 Foundation Set - Red Bucket20062
93039303 Airport Set20021
41174117 Fantastic Flyers and Cool Cars20011
41184118 Buildings, Mansions and Shops20011
41204120 Fun and Cool Transportation20011
41214121 All Kinds of Animals / Lap Table20011
41724172 Tina's House20011
41764176 The Race of the Year20011
41774177 Building Stories w/NaNa Bird20011
93029302 Community Builders Set20012
22292229 Bucketful of Fun19981
38883888 Three '8's19981
42124212 Safari19981
42134213 World on Wheels19982
42164216 Basic Building Set, 3+19981
42174217 Play Garden19981
42444244 XL Bucket Red19982
41354135 3+ Tote with Building Plate19971
92809280 Giant Lego Dacta Basic Set19973
18681868 FreeStyle Box19961
41474147 Freestyle Canister, 4+19961
17191719 Pen Pahrak19951
17661766 Small Freestyle Bucket19951
41314131 Building Set19951
41334133 3+ Bucket19951
41344134 3+ Large Bucket19952
41424142 4+ Tote Pack19951
41434143 Freestyle Building Set, 4+19951
41444144 Freestyle Brick Vac Bus, 4+19951
41464146 X-Large 4+ Bucket19952

  零件顏色 藍

93039303 Airport Set20022
41154115 All That Drives Bucket20011
41164116 Animal Adventures Bucket20011
41184118 Buildings, Mansions and Shops20012
41204120 Fun and Cool Transportation20011
41734173 Max's Pitstop20011
41774177 Building Stories w/NaNa Bird20011
93029302 Community Builders Set20013
30423042 Basic Box 5+19981
42134213 World on Wheels19982
42144214 Classic Bucket19981
42154215 Bonus Building Set19981
41374137 Medium Clearpack19971
41394139 Freestyle Bucket, 3+19971
92809280 Giant Lego Dacta Basic Set19973
41324132 3+ Tote Pack19951
41454145 4+ Build-N-Store Chest19952