Window 1 x 4 x 2 Plane, Single Hole Top and Bottom for Glass
重量:1.280 公克

  零件顏色 白

6036860368 Arctic Research Ship20236
8004680046 Monkie Kid's Cloud Airship20231
1029410294 Titanic202134
7694276942 Baryonyx Dinosaur Boat Escape20212
3110731107 Space Rover20203
4142941429 Heartlake City Airplane20209
6026160261 Central Airport20206
6026260262 Passenger Aeroplane20209
6026660266 Marine Research Vessel20202
7042370423 Bus20192
7082870828 Pop-Up Party Bus20192
7084070840 Welcome to Apocalypseburg!20191
7593575935 Baryonyx Face-Off: The Treasure Hunt20192
6014060140 Bank Robbery with Bulldozer20172
6016560165 4 x 4 Response Unit 20172
6016660166 Heavy-duty Rescue Helicopter20172
6016760167 Coast Guard Head Quarters20172
6010260102 Airport VIP Service20166
6011660116 Ambulance Plane20162
6011960119 Ferry20162
4110041100 Heartlake Private Jet20156
4110941109 Heartlake City Airport201512
6006760067 Police Helicopter20152
6009560095 Deep Sea Exploration Vessel20152
4019540195 Shell Station20144
4103441034 Summer Caravan20142
6004660046 Helicopter Surveillance20142
6006260062 Arctic Icebreaker20142
1066310663 Creative Chest20134
6001360013 Coast Guard Helicopter20132
44294429 Helicopter Rescue20122
36583658 Police Helicopter20114
46454645 Harbour20113
72857285 Police Dog Unit20112
76967696 Commuter Jet20113
31813181 Passenger Plane201010
31823182 Airport201013
59835983 Undercover Cruiser20104
93149314 Rescue Services Set20102
49974997 Transport Ferry20084
77237723 Police Water Plane20084
77397739 Coastguard Patrol Boat & Tower20082
3181-23181-2 Gears196510

  零件顏色 黃

6032960329 School Day20224
77327732 Air Mail20082

  零件顏色 橘

6019560195 Arctic Mobile Exploration Base20184
6019660196 Arctic Supply Aircraft 20182
6003560035 Arctic Outpost20145
6003660036 Arctic Base Camp20149
6006260062 Arctic Icebreaker20145
6006460064 Arctic Supply Plane20142

  零件顏色 紅

4321243212 Disney Celebration Train20231
6028160281 Fire Rescue Helicopter20212
6001060010 Fire Helicopter20132
42094209 Fire Plane20124
59335933 Airport Building Set20112
72067206 Fire Helicopter20104
75977597 Western Train Chase20101
80758075 Neptune Carrier20102

  零件顏色 藍

1049710497 Galaxy Explorer20222
6031760317 Police Chase at the Bank20222
6032160321 Fire Brigade20221
6024360243 Police Helicopter Chase20202
6017360173 Mountain Arrest20184
44394439 Police Heavy Lift Copter20126
44414441 Police Dog Van20122
32223222 Helicopter and Limousine20104

  零件顏色 黑

1027810278 Police Station20211
4046940469 Tuk Tuk20211
7531375313 AT-AT20211
8002280022 Spider Queen's Arachnoid Base20212
4317943179 Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse202020
7137471374 Nintendo Entertainment System20201

  零件顏色 萊姆

6012460124 Volcano Exploration Base20165
6012560125 Volcano Heavy-Lift Helicopter20162

  零件顏色 深藍

6034860348 Lunar Roving Vehicle20222
6026660266 Marine Research Vessel20204
7592875928 Blue’s Helicopter Pursuit20182
4132141321 Snow Resort Off-Roader20172
6006860068 Robber Swamp Hideout20152

  零件顏色 淺藍灰

6009360093 Deep Sea Helicopter20154
6009660096 Deep Sea Operations Base20152
1021910219 Maersk container train20113

  零件顏色 Bright Light Orange

6016060160 Jungle Mobile Lab20172
6016260162 Jungle Air Drop Helicopter20172