Waterkloof - Pre-primary & aftercare

About us

Waterkloof Pre-primary & aftercare is conveniently located right opposite Waterkloof Primary school, as well as close to the Brooklyn Mall, the Brooklyn Business Centre, SARS Offices and other good schools in this area. Find us here!

We are a feeder pre-school for Waterkloof Primary School.

We also offer an aftercare facility on the premises for primary school children - separate from the little ones. We collect primary school children after school and transport them to extra-mural activities. We also supervise their homework in our classrooms. Please contact us for more information.


Age groups

A qualified and dedicated team at Waterkloof Pre-primary welcomes children aged 1 to 6 years old.


School term: 07:00am – 17:30pm
School holidays: 07:00am – 17:00pm

We are open throughout the year, except for December holidays.
We close on the same date as primary schools and reopen the second week of January.

We offer classes for:

  • Toddlers (1-3 years)

    Our Toddler class is small to ensure individual attention. All aspects of learning are incorporated in a themed approach: life skills, mathematics and language. Themes also include arts and crafts, music, dance and drama. Toddlers learn to recognise colours, shapes, patterns and basic numbers. They learn how to hold crayons and paint brushes, as well as how to handle a pair of scissors. Their language skills are developed by their listening and speaking interaction. During outside play, their physical skills and balance are developed.

  • Grade 000 (3-4 years)

    and Grade 00 (4-5 years)

    During these years we focus on the further development of skills as stipulated in the Gauteng Department of Education Foundation Phase curriculum. Twice a year, in your child’s report card, the relevant aspects are assessed so that parents are kept informed of their child’s development. At pre-school attention is given to the physical, perceptual and language development, as well as numeracy and life skills development.

  • Grade R (5-6 years)

    Grade R prepares a child for primary school. It is very important that children are ready for Grade 1 at the end of their Grade R year. We have a well-structured daily program that ensures that necessary skills are practised daily to prepare your child for school. Assessments are done twice a year to test literacy, numeracy, life orientation, arts and culture and reflection, which includes drama and music. The progress report is usually shared with the child’s Grade 1 teacher.


All extra-mural activities are presented by private instructors. Parents have to arrange enrolment and payment with each of these.
The following activities are offered:

  • Swimming
  • Soccer
  • Dancing
  • Ballet
  • Mikimath
  • Computer Training


Aftercare for Grade R from other schools

Waterkloof Pre-primary & aftercare centre also offers Aftercare for Grade R children from other schools. Most formal primary schools do not supervise Grade R children after normal school hours. These children will then be accommodated with our Pre-primary Grade R children who stay for the afternoon. Aftercare children will also be given a cooked lunch and tea time snacks. We assist them with school tasks if necessary.

Aftercare for Primary school children

Please note that we offer a separate service, Waterkloof aftercare, in the afternoons for primary school children (Grades 1-7). We fetch children from their primary schools and provide lunch and tea time snacks. This service is separate from our Pre-primary School and the children are kept apart. The primary school children do homework under supervision of teaching assistants in classrooms.


Our Premises

View our school grounds.


Look at what we do during class time.

Our Artwork

Peek into our art gallery.

Our staff

Meet the staff at our school.


Waterkloof Kids at Play.

Events & Activities

Images from our school events.

WEC at Work

Play and learn.


To register please complete the application form and send it back to

Contact Us

317 Milner Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria, South-Africa | GPS co-ordinates: 25°46’40.4”S, 28°14’26.5”E |

T: +27 (0) 12 460 5818 |

Contact us by completing the form below, and we’ll be in touch.